I would like to stress once more the topic H.A.T, the human awarness test due to the fact that I have seen and heard that some of you have not yet figured out the effect of this new setting inside the profil.
So to start from beginning.
Which kind of links are available at Yarold?
We have 2 kind of links to click at Yarold, links which count directly for the owner. Examples:
Myminicity, miniville,Outwar, Valenth, Monzoo, World Battle Ground, Outcraft, Convierte un animal, My 3D city
The other links are called "action links". Those links do not count directly for the owner. Clicking those links means you need to do something on the page opened in order to give the owner the value of the link. Examples:
Weedwar (image no.1), Fowar or Warcity (image no.2) or Warcity (image no.3), Dark Throne , Criminals, mafianeagra, Dinomon, Familia Mafiei, eSkey, Future RP, Dragon Cave and others.
Yarold is giving you the count for the link after some seconds (which you can see on the bottom of image no. 3), but for the owner of the link it is useless unless you click (taking the example in image no.3) on Doorgaan.
In the times of snaplinks, flashblock, closetab and speedclicking and closing all tabs clicked - specialy with the new limit of 100 links per page, owners of such "action links" (links where you have to click on something on the page in order to get the value for the owner) noticed that less and less people have clicked on the action and that means for them that Yarold link exchange is less and less useless for them.
Now Yarold came out with an idea to do a random test, the so called HAT, the Human Awarness Test. As there is not technical solution to check if we are doing the follow up action within those "action link" sites, Yarold has developed a page which looks like a little game to fight agains robots. You have to write something (no matter what) inside the text field and click the button. This has to happend within a certain time. If you do so, your Care factor inside your profile will raise. If you do not fill out in time, or if you do not fill out at all (perhaps closing the tab with the Human Awarness Test) than your Care factor goes down.
What is the effect of the Care factor?
A very big one if you aim for high clicks and average in the Dynasty part of Yarold.
If your Care factor is below 25% not all links are visible. The action links disapear more and more the lower your care factor is. That means you will never reach a high clicking average in the Dynasty.
So if you wonder why some of your Dynasty colleagues are reaching 600 or even 700 than you can be sure that those member have the Care factor above 25%
What can I do to increase the Care factor and to get all links shown in order to click them?
You need simply to execute the Human Awarness Test untill you have reached 25% and more. So if you click a page with as example 100 links you need to invest the time to follow the pages, and than once reaching the Human Awareness test, to do the test.
If you are not willed to execute this test and follow the action links or if you do not need all links, you can simple switch the HAT setting in your profile to NO. Than only non "actions links" will be presented to you.
How often does the Human Awarness Test show up?
Completly random, I have had cases in which I had non a day, other times one a day and on other days up to 3 a day.
How does the Human Awarness Test look alike?
Please look the images with no.5 below in the attachments.
How can I bring the Care Factor percentage again over 25% ?
Keep looking for Humans Awarness Test Pages and run the test right away. Be patient it will take some tests to make action pages again visible.
So keep in mind: Only H.A.T. pages are responsible for bringing the Care factor percentag up or down. Care Factor below 25% = not all links are displayed = low average and no high click amount in Dynasty.
If you have follow up questions please send me a mail I will answer every request.
4 - HAT setting in profil.jpg
166083 Time(s) 8.7 KB
5 - HAT - how is it looking.jpg
683 Time(s) 53.54 KB
5 - HAT - write inside hat.jpg
522 Time(s) 21.05 KB
5 - HAT - finished.jpg
524 Time(s) 64.43 KB
1 - links which count directly.jpg
607 Time(s) 98.84 KB
2 - links which count after another action of you - Foxwar.jpg
584 Time(s) 101.76 KB
2 - links which count after another action of you - Weedwar.jpg
469 Time(s) 22.51 KB
3 - links which count after another action of you - Warcity.jpg
The ONLY SINGLE ONE I avoided was HAT probably because it is so negative. Whatever you write, the information is "You have successfully increased number of turrets victims." You can hardly treat it as a reward. Nobody likes being killed. Well, I don't.
I decided to leave this part so that Fujiko still has something to laugh at. Otherwise I would have deleted it all.
Last edited by dorville on Thu Aug 07, 2008 6:01 am; edited 1 time in total
The ONLY SINGLE ONE I avoided was HAT probably because it is so negative. Whatever you write, the information is "You have successfully increased number of turrets victims." You can hardly treat it as a reward. Nobody likes being killed. Well, I don't.
Joined: 11 Jul 2008 Posts: 778 Location: on your roof
Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:35 pm
Thanks, that's a great description.
I'd like to add 1 little thing - you used the example Dragon Cave for the links which count directly.
For the Dragon breeders it would be great, if you click on view for an egg or a hatchling...
_________________ Greetings Spexarcity
Empress of the International MMC alliance, founded May 2008
Helped: 2 times Age: 49 Joined: 06 May 2008 Posts: 407
Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:17 pm
Deutsche Ãœbersetzung durch Leanjra Alle Bilder sieht man im Originalposting von Lurchman
Liebe User,
Da einige von euch noch nicht herausgefunden haben, was es mit dem Thema H.A.T., dem human awareness test (Aufmerksamkeitstest) und dem Punkt CARE im Profil auf sich hat, soll dies noch einmal ausführlich erklärt werden.
Also, mal ganz von Anfang an:
Welche Linktypen gibt es bei Yarold?
Es gibt zwei Arten von Links, die man anklicken kann. Die eine Sorte ist praktisch, man erhält seinen Creditpunkt und der Linkbesitzer den gewünschten Profit. Beispiele: Myminicity, miniville, Outwar, Valenth, Monzoo, World Battle Ground, Outcraft, Zooreka.
Der andere Typ erfordert ein bisschen mehr Einsatz. Diese Links bringen dem Besitzer nicht sofort Gewinn, sobald man sie anklickt, man muss als Besucher noch etwas tun. Beispiele:
Weedwar (Bild 1), Fowar oder Warcity (Bild 2) or Warcity (Bild 3), Dark Throne, Criminals, mafianeagra, Dinomon, Familia Mafiei, eSkey, Future RP, Dragon Cave und so weiter.
Yarold zählt den Klick nach ein paar Sekunden (wie unten am Rand von Bild Nr. 3 sichtbar), aber für den Besitzer des Links ist dies wertlos, außer man klickt, wie auf dem Beispiel von Bild 3, auf Doorgaan.
In den Zeiten von Snaplinks, Flashblockern, Closetabs und Speedclicking und der Möglichkeit, alle angeklickten Tabs sofort zu schließen - stehen die Besitzer solcher pflegeintensiven Links, eben Aktionslinks, die zusätzlichen Aufwand erfordern, schlecht da. Immer weniger Leute machen sich die Mühe, ihnen das zu geben, was sie für ihr Spiel brauchen, und das bedeutet, dass für diese User das Yarold Konzept immer weniger Nutzen bringt.
Aus diesem Grund ist Yarold auf die Idee gekommen, einen Zufallstest einzuführen, den sogenannten HAT, den Human awareness test. Da es keine technische Lösung gibt zu überprüfen, ob wir auch alle brav den erforderlichen Zusatzaufwand auf den pflegeintensiveren Seiten betreiben, hat Yarold eine Seite entwickelt, die so aussieht wie ein normales Spiel, in dem man gegen Roboter kämpfen soll. Man muss etwas (absolut egal was) in das Textfeld auf dieser Seite schreiben und auf den Button daneben klicken. Dies muss innerhalb einer bestimmten Zeit geschehen! Wer dies befolgt, steigert den CARE-Faktor in seinem Yaroldprofil. Wer nicht rechtzeitig etwas schreibt, oder überhaupt nichts in das Feld einträgt (vielleicht sogar den human awareness test einfach schließt), dessen CARE-Faktor sinkt.
Welchen Effekt hat der CARE Faktor?
Einen sehr großen, wenn einem daran liegt viel zu klicken und einen hohen Durchschnitt in den Yarold Dynastien zu erreichen.
Sobald der CARE-Faktor unter 25% fällt, sind nicht mehr alle Links sichtbar. Die Aktionslinks verschwinden immer mehr und mehr, je niedriger der CARE-Faktor ist. Das bedeutet, dass man dann keinen hohen Klickdurchschnitt in der Dynastie erreichen kann.
Wer sich also wundert, warum die Dynastiekollegen 600 oder sogar 700 Klicks erreichen kann, der kann sich sicher sein: Diese Mitglieder haben einen CARE-Faktor von über 25%.
Wie kann ich meinen CARE-Faktor steigern und alle Links sichtbar werden lassen?
Man muss einfach nur den Human awareness test ausführen, bis man 25% und mehr erreicht hat. Investiere die Zeit, um die Anweisungen der Aktionslinks zu befolgen, und wann immer einem ein HAT-Test begegnet, führt man ihn aus.
Wer dazu keine Lust hat und sich nicht um die pflegeintensiveren Links kümmern will oder einfach nicht so viele Links braucht, kann im Profil das HAT-Setting auf "No" setzen. Dann werden nur noch die "einfachen" Links angezeigt.
Wie oft erscheint der Human Awareness Test?
Völlig nach Zufallsprinzip, manchmal kommt er einen ganzen Tag lang nicht, dann einmal täglich, manchmal auch dreimal pro Tag.
Wie sieht der Human Awareness Test aus?
Wie kann ich den CARE-Faktor über 25% bringen?
Halte Ausschau nach Human awareness Test-Seiten und führe den Test sofort aus. Es heißt, Geduld zu bewahren, man muss einige Tests ausführen bis die Aktionslinks wieder sichtbar werden.
Immer daran denken: Nur die HAT-Seiten entscheiden darüber, ob der CARE-Faktor steigt oder sinkt. Care-Faktor unter 25% = nicht alle Links werden angezeigt = niedriger Durchschnitt und weniger Links auf der Dynastieseite.
Sollten noch Fragen offen sein, bitte zögert nicht, sie zu stellen, sie werden zügig beantwortet werden.
Last edited by Alba on Sat May 14, 2011 1:11 pm; edited 10 times in total
Si votre facteur CARE est en dessous de 25% cela signifie que tout les liens ne seront pas visibles alors que si vous avez au dessus de 25% vous aurez de plus en plus de clics disponibles . Cela signifie que vous n'atteindrez jamais une haute moyenne de clic dans la Dynastie.
Ainsi si vous vous demandez pourquoi certains de vos collègues de Dynastie atteignent 600 ou même 700 alors vous pouvez être sûrs que ce membre a le facteur CARE au-dessus de 25 %.
Helped: 2 times Age: 57 Joined: 10 Mar 2007 Posts: 1937 Location: Netherlands
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:34 am
Nederlandse vertaling door Ferrari (origineel is van lurchman)
Voor alle afbeeldingen, zie de originele topic van lurchman
Hallo Nederlanders,
Wij willen jullie hier nogmaals wijzen op het onderwerp HAT, The Human Awareness (de menselijke bewustzijn test}. Gezien het feit dat wij hebben gezien en gehoord dat een aantal van jullie nog niet hebben begrepen wat het effect van deze nieuwe instelling is binnen het profiel.
Dus om maar te beginnen bij het begin.
Wat voor linken zijn er te vinden op Yarold?
We hebben 2 soort linken te klikken op Yarold, linken die tellen direct voor de eigenaar. Voorbeelden:
Myminicity, miniville, Outwar, Valenth, Monzoo, World Battle Ground, Outcraft, Convierte un animal, Mijn 3D-city
De andere linken worden "actie linken" genoemd. Deze linken tellen niet direct voor de eigenaar. Deze linken open je , je ziet dan een actie knop waarop je moet klikken, voorbeelden zijn :Weedwar (afbeelding nr.1), Foxwar (afbeelding no.2) of Warcity (afbeelding nr. 3), Dark Troon, Criminelen, mafianeagra, Dinomon, Familia Mafiei, eSkey, Future RP, Dragon Cave en anderen.
Yarold geeft een telling voor die linken, (die je kunt zien aan de onderkant van het beeld .(afbeelding nr.3), maar voor de eigenaar van de linken is die telling nutteloos, tenzij je klikt op doorgaan.(zie het voorbeeld in (afbeelding nr. 3)
Omdat veel mensen gebruik maken van snaplinks, Flashblock, sluit tabbladen enz,word er steeds minder op de actie linken geklikt. Vooral met de nieuwe grens van 100 links per pagina. De eigenaren van dergelijke "actie linken" (linken waar je op moet klikken om iets te activeren op de pagina, zodat de eigenaar van de link er baat bij heeft) hebben gemerkt dat er steeds minder mensen hebben geklikt op de actie en dat betekent voor hen dat het linken uitwisselen op yarold , minder bruikbaar is geworden voor hun.
Nu is Yarold met een idee gekomen om een random (onverwacht) test, de zogenaamde HAT, de Human Awareness Test in te gaan voeren. Aangezien er geen technische oplossing was om te controleren wat jullie doen met de actie linken. Yarold heeft een pagina (die lijkt op een game) ingezet om de strijd tegen het automatisch wegklikken tegen te gaan. Je moet in het kader iets schrijven (maakt niet uit wat) en klikt daarna op de knop. Dit moet binnen 30 minuten gebeuren. Als je dat doet, word je Care factor binnen je profiel verhoogd . Als je het niet invult binnen die tijd, of als je niets invult en eventueel alle tabbladen sluit (dus ook het tabblad van de Human Awareness Test) dan gaat je Care factor omlaag.
Wat is het effect van de Care factor?
Het effect is zeer groot,tenminste als je het doel hebt om veel te klikken en het gemiddelde van de dynastie omhoog te halen.
Als je Care factor namelijk minder is dan 25% dan zijn niet alle links zichtbaar. De actie linken verdwijnen meer en meer hoe lager je care factor is. Dat betekent dat je nooit een hoog gemiddelde kan klikken in de dynastie.
Dus als jij je afvraagt waarom sommige van je mede dynasty leden in je dynastie een ave (gemiddelde) kunnen bereiken van 600 of zelfs 700 dan kan je er zeker van zijn dat deze member een Care factor heeft boven 25%
Wat kan ik doen om de Care factor boven de 25% te houden, en wat kan ik doen om alle linken te blijven zien?
Je moet gewoon doorgaan met het uitvoeren van de human Awareness Test tot je 25% hebt bereikt of meer. Dus als je op een pagina komt met als voorbeeld 100 linken dan moet je wat tijd nemen om netjes alle linken te controleren op een actie kader, je komt dan vanzelf de Human Awareness test tegen.
Als je nu niet gediend bent van deze test en je wilt niet de actie linken klikken, of als je denkt niet alle linken nodig te hebben ,kun je eenvoudig overschakelen met de HAT instelling in je profiel op NO. Dan zullen alleen de niet actie linken getoond worden.
Hoe vaak word de human Awareness Test weergegeven?
Dit is volledig willekeurig, soms 3 keer op 1 dag en soms helemaal niet.
Hoe zien de human Awareness Test pagina�s eruit?
zo zien ze eruit
Hoe kan ik het Care Factor percentage weer terug brengen naar meer dan 25%?
Blijf op zoek naar human Awareness test pagina's en start de test meteen.
Dus onthoud: Alleen H.A.T. pagina's zijn verantwoordelijk voor het omhoog of omlaag brengen van je Care factor percentage.
Care Factor van minder dan 25% betekent, niet alle linken worden getoond en geeft een laag gemiddelde en geen hoge bijdrage met je kliks in de Dynasty.
Als je na deze uitgebreide uitleg toch nog vragen hebt stuur dan een yarold mail of forum pm naar Ferrari.
♥ Ferrari ♥
_________________ LovemejustthewayIam
Last edited by Alba on Sat May 14, 2011 1:13 pm; edited 7 times in total
Helped: 1 Joined: 14 Oct 2003 Posts: 28 Location: Australia
Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 6:56 am
Oops, have just come back off holidays and thought that when this happened it was a redirected link so did nothing but deleted it.
Now I know what to do with them!
Okay I have a few questions... How do I know what my care % is and what do I do about links that are supposed to have the doorgaan and instead it posts up something else? I'm assuming either says site's down for maintence or hit max number of clicks per day but since don't read french or german...(big reasons I'm avoiding la brute atm) Also Valenth is techncally action link but a lot of people rigged it as direct link
Age: 44 Joined: 25 Apr 2008 Posts: 112 Location: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 3:31 am
Ladywizard wrote:
Okay I have a few questions... How do I know what my care % is and what do I do about links that are supposed to have the doorgaan and instead it posts up something else? I'm assuming either says site's down for maintence or hit max number of clicks per day but since don't read french or german...(big reasons I'm avoiding la brute atm) Also Valenth is techncally action link but a lot of people rigged it as direct link
You can read again the 4th item of the first post, which said that CARE% will show in your profile, right after you click "Profile", also image for your reference. When the site require to do next action like: doorgaan, or choose one of three things to feed the animal in Valenth, or type the code for Foxwar, virtulle, click the word that appear twice as in Future RP, view all the hatchling or eggs one in Dragon cave, just do like it required. Pay more attention on the link and you will know what to do with it. If the site is down, nothing you can do then.
Okay I have a few questions... How do I know what my care % is and what do I do about links that are supposed to have the doorgaan and instead it posts up something else? I'm assuming either says site's down for maintence or hit max number of clicks per day but since don't read french or german...(big reasons I'm avoiding la brute atm) Also Valenth is techncally action link but a lot of people rigged it as direct link
You can read again the 4th item of the first post, which said that CARE% will show in your profile, right after you click "Profile", also image for your reference. When the site require to do next action like: doorgaan, or choose one of three things to feed the animal in Valenth, or type the code for Foxwar, virtulle, click the word that appear twice as in Future RP, view all the hatchling or eggs one in Dragon cave, just do like it required. Pay more attention on the link and you will know what to do with it. If the site is down, nothing you can do then.
I've been looking for a post that addressed this too, for the same reason. I do not have a CARE % in my profile. I pay attention to what I click, I let sites fully load before closing them, and do some extra clicking when extra action is required. I've only gotten the sentry guns once, (They killed me!) and I have no idea what my CARE percentage is supposed to be.
_________________ "No one gives advice with more enthusiasm and less knowledge than an ignorant person and too often, an educated person is someone who knows how to be ignorant 'intelligently'."--John Rayoa
Helped: 2 times Age: 57 Joined: 10 Mar 2007 Posts: 1937 Location: Netherlands
Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 7:54 am
Lurkily wrote:
minh-phuoc wrote:
Ladywizard wrote:
Okay I have a few questions... How do I know what my care % is and what do I do about links that are supposed to have the doorgaan and instead it posts up something else? I'm assuming either says site's down for maintence or hit max number of clicks per day but since don't read french or german...(big reasons I'm avoiding la brute atm) Also Valenth is techncally action link but a lot of people rigged it as direct link
You can read again the 4th item of the first post, which said that CARE% will show in your profile, right after you click "Profile", also image for your reference. When the site require to do next action like: doorgaan, or choose one of three things to feed the animal in Valenth, or type the code for Foxwar, virtulle, click the word that appear twice as in Future RP, view all the hatchling or eggs one in Dragon cave, just do like it required. Pay more attention on the link and you will know what to do with it. If the site is down, nothing you can do then.
I've been looking for a post that addressed this too, for the same reason. I do not have a CARE % in my profile. I pay attention to what I click, I let sites fully load before closing them, and do some extra clicking when extra action is required. I've only gotten the sentry guns once, (They killed me!) and I have no idea what my CARE percentage is supposed to be.
[ Added: Thu Aug 21, 2008 9:25 am ]
After some searching i found the part of jennielynn to, it was in her own forum, read this
http://yarold.eu/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3978 I think that one is better to understand for someone who is english, i just translate
[ Added: Thu Aug 21, 2008 9:25 am ]
After some searching i found the part of jennielynn to, it was in her own forum, read this
http://yarold.eu/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3978 I think that one is better to understand for someone who is english, i just translate
♥ Ferrari ♥
Thank you. That was much more helpful than people telling those asking for help that answers to their question (which didn't answer their question) were already posted, and that they should pay more attention.
I know that it's usually user error, but those trying to help - if they aren't simply looking for a sandbag - should consider the possibility that the user may not be a moron, until the user evidences otherwise.
_________________ "No one gives advice with more enthusiasm and less knowledge than an ignorant person and too often, an educated person is someone who knows how to be ignorant 'intelligently'."--John Rayoa
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