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Moved by: DemonicJ
Tue Aug 19, 2008 12:40 pm
Human awarness Test
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Hardcore Gamer

Age: 40
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Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:26 am   

this is absolutely awesome! thank you everyone!!! ill be sending it to my new mebers who have no idea....
michaela, respect

Age: 42
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Posts: 4
Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:47 pm   HAT System in Romanian

Toate imaginile mentionate in text sunt in atasamente.

Va salut.

Scriu acest text cu gandul ca poate exista si gameri romani ce nu cunosc limba engleza si le trebuie explicata sectiunea CARE SYSTEM. Trebuie sa mentionez ca acest topic, threat este copiat pe cat posibil dupa cel facut in limba ngleza de catre Lurchman din dinastia REAL MINI VILLAGE deoarece e cel care explica cel mai bine acest sistem.

Ideea de baza este ca la anumite linkuri personale nu trebuie sa mai dai click sau sa scrii ceva pe undeva caci votul tau este numarat automat iar altele, pentru va a fi inregistrat clickul mai trebuie scris un mesaj intr-un chenar si dai submit, sau click pe un buton. Acest sistem, CARE, este pentru acei tip de gameri pentru care doar sa-i accesezi pagina nu este de ajuns.

Asa, ca sa incepem cu inceputul:

Ce tipuri de linkuri exista la Yarold?

Sunt doua tipuri de linkuri ce se pot inregistra pe Yarold: cele pe care adresa web numara direct, exemple: Myminicity, miniville,Outwar, Valenth, Monzoo, World Battle Ground, Outcraft, Convierte un animal, My 3D city si cele care se numesc "action links" acestea din urma nu actioneaza direct pentru beneficiar. A le "clickui" inseamna ca mai trebuie sa adaugi ceva pentru beneficiar. Exemple: Weedwar (imaginea nr.1), Fowar or Warcity (imaginea nr.2) or Warcity (imaginea nr.3), Dark Throne , Criminals, MafiaNeagra, Dinomon, Familia Mafiei, eSkey, Future RP, Dragon Cave, Povestea Noastra (imaginea nr.4) si altele.

Yarold iti transmite numarul paginii dupa cateva secunde, ceea ce poti sa observi in josul imaginii nr.3 dar pentru propietar este nefolositor daca nu dai click (exemplu imaginea nr.3 cu Doorgaan.

In timp ce tehnologia ne-a adus snaplinks, flashblock, closetab si speedclicking si inchiderea tuturor paginilor deschise - si in special cu noua limita de 100 de linkuri in pagina, propietarii unor astfel de linkuri ( linkuri unde mai trebuie sa mai "clickuiesti" ceva pe pagina pentru ca sa ti se monitorizeze votul) s-a observat ca din ce in ce mai putini utilizatori iau fiecare pagina la rand ca sa dea un extra click pe pagina ceea ce, pentru utilizatorii cu aceste "action link", Yarold link exchange este din ce in ce mai putin folositor.

In momentul de fata, Yarold a venit cu ideea de a face anumite teste, acele numite teste numite HAT, Human Awarness Test. Pentru ca nu exista o solutie tehnica si pentru a ii ajuta pe cei cu pagini ce contin 'action links" Yarold a creat o pagina ce arata exact ca un joc browser based in care trebuie sa te lupti cu niste roboti. Trebuie sa scrii ceva (nu conteaza ce) in interiorul chenarului si sa apesi butonul de submit. Acesta pagina trebuie sa-ti apara intr-un anumit timp. Daca actionezi in consecinta, factorul CARE pe care il ai la profil va creste. Daca nu il faci in timp, sau nu il faci deloc ( poate inchizand pagina cu Human Awarness test), factul CARE va scadea.

Care sunt efectele asupra factorului Care:

Unul foarte mare daca doresti pentru un scor mare de clickuri si scor in dinastia din care faci parte in Yarold.
Daca factorul CARE este sub 25% nu toate linkurile sunt vizibile. Linkurile dispar in numar din ce in ce mai mare in concordanta cu scaderea factorului Care. Aceasta inseamna ca niciodata nu vei atinge cota de mare "clickuitor" in dinastia din care faci parte.
Deci, daca observi ca anumiti colegi de ai tai ajung la 600 sau chiar 700 de clickuri pe zi, poti fi sigur ca acei colegi au factorul care de peste 25%.

Ce pot face ca sa-mi cresc factorul Care ca sa pot vedea si celelalte linkuri ascunse pana acum pentru a le "clickui"?

Trebuie sa fii atent si sa completezi testele HAT (Human Awarness Test) pana ajungi la 25% sau mai mult. Deci, daca deschizi 100 de linkuri in acelasi timp, trebuie sa-ti faci timp sa gasesti testele si sa le faci in timp.

Daca nu doresti sa t-i se faca aceste teste, te poti duce la profil si sa schimbi la HAT settings pe NO. Din acel moment iti vor aparea numai pagini ce nu contin "action links".

Cat de des apar aceste teste HAT?

Cand nu astepti, sunt cazuri in care nu apar zilnic si sunt cazuri in care apar si 3 pe zi.

Cum arata aceste teste HAT?

Priveste imaginea cu numarul 5 sub atasamente.

Cum imi aduc factorul CARE peste 25%?

Continua sa cauti teste HAT si fa-le in acel moment. Trebuie sa ai rabdare, caci iti trebuie cateva ca sa ajungi peste 25%

RETINE: Numai testele HAT sunt responsabile sa-ti aduca procentajul pentru ca factorul Care sa-ti creasca sau sa coboare. Factorul care sub 25% inseamna ca nu toate linkurile iti sunt aratate ceea ce inseamna ca vei avea average mic in Dinastie.

Daca totusi mai aveti intrebari intrati pe chat-ul de pe main page yarold: http://swle.yarold.eu/chat_alt.php
Oamenii de aici sunt bucurosi sa va ajute. Daca nu stiti engleza dati-mi mie un mail, voi fi fericit sa va ajut.

Asa se vede factorul Care in profilul tau.
38021 Time(s) 8.7 KB

38021 Time(s) 8.13 KB

Scrie ceva, orice In casuta.
278 Time(s) 17.59 KB

Sus scrie "A Human Awarness Test" ca sa va anunte ca Yarold tocmai va testeaza.
279 Time(s) 13.23 KB

Dai click pe buton si o sa-ti apara in stanga jos "Your click has been counted"
270 Time(s) 12.84 KB

273 Time(s) 25.07 KB

261 Time(s) 26.29 KB

257 Time(s) 13.31 KB

259 Time(s) 31.31 KB

Last edited by Alba on Sat May 14, 2011 1:20 pm; edited 2 times in total  
Gamer God
Dark Side Empress

Age: 55
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Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:50 pm   

Thanks for your great job!
I am proud of have you here! welcome, new mobster!

I can't move it, but i hope that DemonicJ do it. :wink:


Age: 42
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Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 8:02 pm   

Will be fine, i just hope that will be used.
Gamer God

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Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:40 am   

Romanian Translation added. (Translation by m41c41 from MOB Dynasty)
Yatsu Chikushou 
Hardcore Gamer

Age: 41
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Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:15 pm   

Me not like this care thing. I do not remember having to do this years ago.
Gamer God

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Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:37 pm   

You have right, it is new from august 2008.
But there was a good reason Mr Yarold made this ''Human test''
Read the topics and you know why he made it.
Love me just the way I am
Yatsu Chikushou 
Hardcore Gamer

Age: 41
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Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:42 pm   

Nope I aint seen it till now. I was away since it was brought in. Now my time is going to be used even more!. when all I seen was <care> n no links to click alba showed me this I have read. Still not happy with this.

Joined: 23 Jul 2010
Posts: 2
Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:52 am   

Polish translate :)

Moi mili,

Chcia艂abym jeszcze raz wspomnie膰 o temacie HAT - The Human Awarness Tes (testowanie ludzkiej 艣wiadomo艣ci) ze wzgl臋du na fakt, 偶e niekt贸rzy z Was nie odkryli jeszcze efektu tej nowej opcji w profilu.

Tak wi臋c zacznijmy od pocz膮tku.

Jakie rodzaje link贸w s膮 dost臋pne na Yarold?

Mamy 2 rodzaje link贸w do klikania na Yarold, linki kt贸re bezpo艣rednio daj膮 korzy艣膰 w艂a艣cicielowi (wystarczy poprostu otworzy膰 link). Przyk艂ady: Myminicity, miniville, Outwar, Valenth, Monzoo, World Battle Ground, Outcraft, Convierte un animal, My 3D city.

Inne linki nazywane s膮 "linkami akcji". Te linki bezpo艣rednio nie daj膮 nic w艂a艣cicielowi. Oznacza to, 偶e po otwarciu strony trzeba co艣 klikn膮膰 aby w艂a艣ciciel mia艂 korzy艣膰. Przyk艂ady: Weedwar(obrazek nr1), Fowar albo Warcity (obrazek nr2) albo Warcity (obrazek nr3), Dark Throne, Criminals, mafianeagra, Dinomon, Familia Mafiei, eSky, Future RP. Dragon cave i inne.

Yarold zalicza Ci klikni臋cie po kilku sekundach (mo偶na to zobaczy膰 na dole obrazka nr3), ale w艂a艣ciciela linku jest to niewa偶ne dop贸ki nie klikniesz (przyk艂ad w obrazku nr3) na Doorgaan.

Teraz kiedy wszyscy u偶ywaj膮 snaplinks, flashblock, closetab i speedclicking i zamykaj膮 wszystkie okna naraz - zw艂aszcza 偶e jest nowy limit 100 link贸w na jedn膮 stron臋, w艂a艣ciciele "link贸w akcji" (linki, gdzie musisz co艣 klikn膮膰 aby w艂a艣ciciel mia艂 korzy艣膰) zauwa偶y艂o, 偶e coraz mniej ludzi klika w ich linkach a to oznacza, 偶e dla nich Yarold jest coraz mniej przydatny.

Teraz Yarold wyszed艂 z pomys艂em aby przeprowadzi膰 test nazwany HAT - the Human Awarness Test (testowanie ludzkiej 艣wiadomo艣ci). Poniewa偶 nie ma technicznego rozwi膮zania aby sprawdzi膰 czy klikamy przyciski na stronach "link贸w akcji", Yarold wymy艣li艂 stron臋 przypominaj膮c膮 ma艂膮 gr臋,l w kt贸rej walczymy z robotami. Nale偶y napisa膰 co艣 (cokolwiek) w ramce tekstowej i klikn膮膰 przycisk. Taka strona b臋dzie si臋 pojawia膰 co jaki艣 czas po艣r贸d otwartych przez Ciebie link贸w. Je艣li zauwa偶ysz t膮 stron臋 i wype艂nisz polecenie, czynnik Care w Twoim profilu wzro艣nie. Je艣li nie zauwa偶ysz strony HAT i zamkniesz j膮, wtedy czynnik Care spadnie.

Jaki jest efekt czynnika Care?

Jest bardzo du偶y je艣li d膮偶ysz do du偶ej ilo艣ci klik贸w (kredyt贸w) i 艣redni w cz臋艣ci Dynasty na Yarold.
Je艣li tw贸j czynnik Care jest poni偶ej 25%, nie widzisz wszystkich link贸w. "Link贸w akcji" znika coraz wi臋cej im mniejszy masz czynnik Care. Oznacza to, 偶e nigdy nie osi膮gniesz du偶ej ilo艣ci klik贸w w Dynasty.

Wi臋c je艣li zastanawiasz si臋 dlaczego kto艣 z twojej Dynastii osi膮ga 600 czy 700 kredyt贸w wi臋cej to mo偶esz by膰 pewny, 偶e ten u偶ytkownik ma czynnik Care powy偶ej 25%.

Co mog臋 zrobi膰 aby zwi臋kszy膰 czynnik Care i aby widzie膰 wszystkie linki?

Musisz poprostu wykonywa膰 HAT-y dop贸ki nie osi膮gniesz 25% i wi臋cej. Wi臋c je艣li klikniesz stron臋, na kt贸rej jest np. 100 link贸w, musisz po艣wi臋ci膰 troch臋 czasu aby przejrze膰 te strony i kiedy znajdziesz HAT, wykona膰 test.

Je艣li nie chcesz wykonywa膰 HAT-贸w i przeszukiwa膰 "link贸w akcji" lub je艣li nie potrzebujesz tych link贸w, mo偶esz prze艂膮czy膰 opcj臋 HAT w profilu na "No". Wtedy b臋dziesz widzie膰 tylko linki, kt贸re nie s膮 linkami akcji.

Jak cz臋sto pojawia si臋 the Human Awarness Test?
Totalnie losowo. Mo偶e by膰 raz dziennie, 3 razy dziennie a mo偶e by膰, 偶e wog贸le nie trafi si臋 w ci膮gu dnia.

Jak wygl膮da the Human Awarness Test?
Wystarczy spojrze膰 na obrazki z numerem 5

Jak mog臋 podwy偶szy膰 procent czynnika Care ponownie do ponad 25%?
Szukaj HAT-贸w i wykonuj test w odpowiedni spos贸b. B膮d藕 cierpliwy, mo偶e by膰 potrzebne wype艂nienie kilku HAT-贸w aby "linki akcji" by艂y zn贸w widoczne.

Tak wi臋c zapami臋taj: tylko strony HAT pozwalaj膮 zmieni膰 czynnik Care. Czynnik Care poni偶ej 25% = nie widzisz wszystkich link贸w = niska 艣rednia i niska ilo艣膰 klik贸w w Dynasty.

W razie jakichkolwiek pyta艅 prosz臋 o wysy艂anie PM a napewno odpowiem.

Pozdrawiam :)

4 - Opcja HAT w profilu

5 - HAT - jak to wygl膮da

5 - HAT - napisz w ramce tekstowej

5 - HAT - zako艅czony

1 - linki zaliczane bezpo艣rednio

2 - linki zaliczane po klikni臋ciu przycisku - Foxwar

2 - linki zaliczane po klikni臋ciu przycisku - Weedwar

3 - linki zaliczane po klikni臋ciu przycisku - Warcity
Last edited by Alba on Sat May 14, 2011 1:19 pm; edited 1 time in total  
Gamer God
Dark Side Empress

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Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 1:24 pm   

Thanks kagome19, it is great ;)

Gamer God

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Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:17 am   

Polish added in starting post at:
Gamer God
Dark Side Empress

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Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:28 pm   

ey Roman! nice see you around!
I hope that everything is ok with you ;)


Joined: 29 Aug 2010
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Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:51 am   

Use English only

Rules forum
Last edited by Alba on Sun Aug 29, 2010 3:26 am; edited 2 times in total  

Joined: 03 Aug 2011
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Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:39 pm   

Can someone, translate it to bulgarian, cuz my english *******?

Joined: 04 Sep 2011
Posts: 8
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:00 am   Re: Human awarness Test - Tutorial

Roman wrote:
Hello all from the Yarolds Forum!

(Thanxs Lurchman from RMV Dynasty for this great Tutorial! Also thanxs for allowing us to translate it into other languages!)


English (by Lurchman): http://yarold.eu/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3987
German (Translation by Leanjra): http://yarold.eu/phpBB2/v...p?p=25330#25330
French (Translation by Dilyjily): http://yarold.eu/phpBB2/v...p?p=25331#25331
Dutch (Translation by Ferrari): http://yarold.eu/phpBB2/v...p?p=25400#25400
Russian (Translation by DrChes & Sosnoviy-Bor): http://myminicity.my1.ru/forum/11-54-1
Italian (Translation by vecchioirr): http://yarold.eu/phpBB2/v...p?p=30641#30641
Spanish (Translation by Sasyville): http://yarold.eu/phpBB2/v...p?p=30683#30683
Romanian (Translation by m41c41): http://yarold.eu/phpBB2/v...p?p=46739#46739
Polish (Translation by kagome19): http://yarold.eu/phpBB2/v...p?p=48886#48886

The Translations of Lurchmans Tutorial can be found below!

Would be nice if those of us wanting the English translation didn't have to register for yet another forum to use once and never again just to read it.

It's a tutorial. This is a help thread in a public forum. Why is the English translation hidden in a register only page?

Age: 40
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Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:38 pm   

-Firestar- wrote:
Would be nice if those of us wanting the English translation didn't have to register for yet another forum to use once and never again just to read it.

It's a tutorial. This is a help thread in a public forum. Why is the English translation hidden in a register only page?

Agreed. =\ That's rather annoying and counterproductive. >,<

I have a question, also. Do these ever reset or roll off? I somehow missed one or two and now my percentage is not 100%. That bothers me. I want to be able to fix it, and it would make sense to me that a link I didn't fill in the blank for 3 months ago should not be counting against me now. I'm betting that there is no system to flush old CARE links from our average, but I'm hoping against hope that some measure of logic is in place here and they do indeed expire. >,< *crosses fingers*
The Mobs Mod
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Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:19 pm   

A done hat will expire 80 days from your hat history and care % after you have seen it
Last edited by Dustydragon on Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:37 pm; edited 1 time in total  

Age: 40
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Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:10 am   

Oh thank goodness. *.* I'm not OCD or anything, really. XD *daydreams of having the perfect 100% again...* LOL
Hardcore Gamer

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Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:45 pm   Brazilian Portugues Translation (Human Awarness Test)


Agrade莽o ao 贸timo t贸pico do lurchman da qual utilizei como base para este tutorial.

Tipos de links no Yarold's

Links que contam o acesso assim que voc锚 clica no link. Ex:
Myminicity, miniville,Outwar, Valenth, Monzoo, World Battle Ground, Outcraft, Convierte un animal, My 3D city

Outros que s茫o chamados "links de a莽茫o". Estes links n茫o contam diretamente para o seu dono. Clicando no link significa que h谩 alguma a莽茫o adicional de forma que o dono possa receber a contagem corretamente. Ex:
Weedwar (image no.1), Fowar or Warcity (image no.2) or Warcity (image no.3), Dark Throne , Criminals, mafianeagra, Dinomon, Familia Mafiei, eSkey, Future RP, Dragon Cave and others.

Yarold estar谩 lhe pontuando o link somente ap贸s alguns segundos (que voc锚 pode ver no rodap茅 da p谩gina), mas para o dono do link 茅 in煤til se voc锚 n茫o fazer a a莽茫o adicional.

Com o aparecimento dos complementos/extens玫es dos navegadores e o limite de 100 links por p谩gina, os donos desses tipos de links notaram a diminui莽茫o do n煤mero de usu谩rios que acessavam seus links; fazendo que o site (Yarold) fosse in煤til para deles.

Para dar a volta por cima, Yarold trouxe a id茅ia de fazer um teste rand么mino, chamado de HAT, o Teste de Aten莽茫o Humano. Esta 茅 uma solu莽茫o n茫o t茅cnica para checar se voc锚 est谩 tomando as a莽玫es para os "links de a莽茫o". Ele desenvolveu a p谩gina que se assemelha a um pequeno jogo para luta contra robos (imagem 1). Voc岷 deve escrever algo (n茫o importa o que) no campo de texto e clicar no bot茫o. Isso deve ser feito em um certo tempo. Se voc锚 faz锚-lo, o seu fator CARE ir谩 aumentar. Se o tempo se esgotar ou se voc锚 n茫o o preench锚-lo, seu CARE ir谩 diminuir.

Qual 茅 o efeito do fator CARE?

Se o seu fator de CARE 茅 inferior a 25%, todos os links n茫o ir茫o aparecer na sua conta. Os links que requerem a莽茫o ir茫o desaparecer mais e mais vezes de acordo com a diminui莽茫o do CARE. Isso significa que voc锚 nunca alcan莽ar谩 uma alta m茅dia de cliques para a Dinastia.

Se voc锚 se pergunta porque alguns membros da dinastia alcan莽am 600 ou 700, ent茫o voc锚 saber谩 que eles est茫o com CARE abaixo dos 25%.

Como incrementar o fator CARE?

Voc锚 deve obter HAT (CARE) at茅 alcan莽ar 25% ou mais. Se voc岷 clicar numa p谩gina contendo 100 links, precisar谩 investir tempo para seguir as p谩ginas e quando encontrar a p谩gina de testes, faz锚-lo.

Se voc锚 n茫o deseja executar o teste e seguir os "links de a莽茫o" ou se voc锚 n茫o precisa de todos os links, voc锚 pode simplesmente desativar o HAT no seu profile para NO (N茫o). Ent茫o apenas links comuns ser茫o vis铆veis para voc锚.

Qual 茅 a frequencia que os testes acontecem?

Completamente rand么micos, voc锚 pode ter um ao dia, mas em outros casos mais de 3 num mesmo dia. up to 3 a day.

Apar锚ncia das p谩ginas de HAT

Como manter a porcentagem do fator CARE acima de 25%?

Preste aten莽茫o 脿s p谩ginas de testes e execute o teste imediatamente.

Tenha em mente: Apenas as p谩ginas H.A.T. ser茫o respons谩veis por alterar a porcentagem do fator CARE para cima ou baixo. Fator Care abaixo de 25% = alguns links n茫o ser茫o vis铆veis e n茫o haver谩 alta quantidade de cliques na Dinastia.
The Mob Dynasty
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Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:24 am   

Thanks Chora
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