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Closed by: DemonicJ
Thu Apr 30, 2009 7:07 am
ninitoons76 banned, flauremarine too!!!
Author Message

Joined: 14 Feb 2009
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:04 am   ninitoons76 banned, flauremarine too!!!

I suppose that we are banned because I helped a friend. It is forbidden to help the friends?
flauremarine, only gave me her password for I put some extra links on her account.

you are right Demonicj, it wasn't the first time I went on flauremarine's profile, but it was only to put her links visible or not, as she asked me!

I have sent you all flauremarine's mails and mine! so you know I haven't multi account. I have given you all I could explain.
so I'm still banned..and if I'm sorry it's only for all my friends!
never wait for some "please" or "excuse me" from me! (it sould be easier for me to say in french what I think..)
Gamer Legend

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Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:02 pm   

sorry for my bad english!!
thi is all menssage vie yarolds into demonicj and me.

Sender [V]idem32
Recipient [A]DemonicJ
Subject banned to ninitoons76 and flaure
Sent 09/04/28 08:29:42
good morning dear demonicj,i talking with ninitoons76 (coco) and she tell me that flaure not understand how to put the links out in hh and for this ninitoons76 enter in the account of flauremarine for help to she to put this links with the hour!
ninitoons76 and flaure no know that this can be banned.
I have in my possession the mail that they sent.
please demonicj unbanned the account of they.
i says to they that all this is prohibited enter in the account of other person till for help with something.
please.....sorry by my bad english. I am alone since last night,jassej is broked pc.
please you help me,they learn the lesson!!!
They do not return has...please....

Chelo.Kampaku of MMC UBC.

Sender [A]DemonicJ
Recipient [V]idem32
Subject RE: RE: banned to ninitoons76 and flaure
Sent 09/04/28 09:44:07
9th Febuary, ninitoons76 had a multi banned. you would think they would learn?? ninitoons sent this to me today "I know you don't believe me, but I only wanted to help flauremarine. she didn't know how to put extra links, so I did it for her yesterday, but I didn't do anything else on her account." Fact is ninitoons has been in flaure's account on more than one occasion over a period of a few days.

Rules are 1 account per person, its a simple rule. Having someone access an account to add or remove links makes it a multi

Sender [V]idem32
Recipient [A]DemonicJ
Subject RE: banned to ninitoons76 and flaure
Sent 09/04/28 09:21:43
i write to you days before about a person that have 2 account here in yarolds you remember?
and you and yarolds no make nothing for banned and for help if banned,i no understand....sorry...

Sender [A]DemonicJ
Recipient [V]idem32
Subject RE: RE: banned to ninitoons76 and flaure
Sent 09/04/28 10:34:24
Flaure is banned till the 7th May
Ninitoons is banned till 21st May

If I see them access any accounts during that time they will be permanently banned.
Sender [V]idem32
Recipient [A]DemonicJ
Subject RE: RE: RE: banned to ninitoons76 and flaure
Sent 09/04/28 10:53:41
i tell you please,no banned so time to they flauremarine till 7 and about ninitoons76 till 21? is much time only for help always....see this....mail into they...sorry is in french...

Sender [V][Banned]ninitoons76
Recipient [V]idem32
Subject mails with flauremarine
Sent 09/04/28 07:51:27
Sender [V][Banned]ninitoons76
Recipient [V][Banned]flauremarine
Subject coucou
Sent 09/04/27 19:57:54
coucou Yolande,
il va falloir que l'on fasse quelque chose pour la dynastie, et que l'on te crée 1 liste d'extra liens.
il y a quelques empereurs qui trouvent que notre dynastie est plutôt radine!!!
gros bisous

Sender [V][Banned]flauremarine
Recipient [V][Banned]ninitoons76
Subject RE: coucou
Sent 09/04/27 19:59:01
ok coco

Sender [V][Banned]flauremarine
Recipient [V][Banned]ninitoons76
Subject RE: coucou
Sent 09/04/27 20:39:54
pour moi il y a papacité, hermicity, parisville4,reimoiville,jaidinon,isamouff,stanfastown

d'une manière générale nous avons les mêmes amies dans les minivilles, tu peux me mettre des villes dont tu connais bien.
Il faut que tu me dises comment il faut que je fasse pour les faire apparaître à 20h.

Je t'ai mis quelques villes que tu ne connais pas et qui sont des ami(e)s de miniville.

bonne soirée coco et bisous


Sender [V][Banned]ninitoons76
Recipient [V][Banned]flauremarine
Subject RE: RE: coucou
Sent 09/04/27 20:43:01
je te mettrai quelques liens, mais pas ceux que nous avons en commun, ce n'est pas possible...
ensuite je te ferai 1 mail pour que tu puisses faire apparaitre tes liens demain
merci et gros bisous

Sender [V][Banned]flauremarine
Recipient [V][Banned]ninitoons76
Subject RE: RE: RE: coucou
Sent 09/04/27 20:45:48
d'accord, je te laisse faire la liste, ceux que je t'ai donné sont des minivilles

Merci et bisous

Sender [V][Banned]ninitoons76
Recipient [V][Banned]flauremarine
Subject c'est fait!!!
Sent 09/04/27 21:23:46
re coucou
j'ai seulement pu te mettre 4 des liens que tu m'as donné (les autres sont déjà utilisés par d'autres membres)
demain tu devrais pouvoir les rendre visibles à 20h.
il te suffira d'aller dans ton profil, "links" et dans "visibility" cocher "dynasty" pour chaque ville.et ensuite cliquer sur "update" tu verras c'est hyper facile!!!

Sender [V][Banned]flauremarine
Recipient [V][Banned]ninitoons76
Subject flauremarine
Sent 09/04/27 22:16:38
Merci, j'ai compris ce qu'il fallait faire pour demain soir, par contre combien de temps je laisse les cases cochées dans dynastie, est ce qu'il faut que je les décoche au bout d'un certain temps ou bien cela se fait automatiquement?

Je te donnerai d'autres liens demain, il y a des petites villes que je mets sur beni, personne ne doit les mettre il y a une personne qui passe sur mon BM presque tous les jours et je lui mets ses deux villes sur bahut ou beni car elle n'utilise aucun site d'échange, je ne sais pas pourquoi; il s'agit de garnouchette et son autre ville est elie-1 il faut que je regarde si c'est ainsi que s'écrit cette 2ème ville.
J'espère que cela va fonctionner, tous les jours j'avais honte de ne pas mettre de extra link et j'allais t'en parler.
bonne soirée et merci pour tout coco, j'ai lu ton message chez Maggy, tu es très gentille.

Sender [A]DemonicJ
Recipient [V]idem32
Subject RE: RE: RE: RE: banned to ninitoons76 and flaure
Sent 09/04/28 10:55:59
I think you missed my point, ninitoons has had multi accounts banned before, she should consider herself lucky it isnt a permanent ban. Flaure gets a week for sharing account login information. The rule is 1 account per person, stands to reason that means only one login information per person

Sender [V]idem32
Recipient [A]DemonicJ
Subject RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: banned to ninitoons76 and flau
Sent 09/04/28 11:35:55
sorry but,i no see just that the rules be for a person and for other no!
i see all it´s this days.....
no is just,sorry.
please,if you want can banned me to changer of they!!!!
i know that MMC UBC need me,but more need me the persons.....
maybe all this is because you not want that MMC UBC continue to be number 1º???!!!!!!
is for this reason?!!!!!
Here we are people, we are not numbers,this is a game and you get this game very seriously..i think and see..
if we are the number 1 is that we are one big family and with effort, we have won!!
please banned me to changer of they 2 and thus fail to be number 1!!!!!!

Sender [A]DemonicJ
Recipient [V]idem32
Subject RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: banned to ninitoons76 and
Sent 09/04/28 11:38:58
I ban all that cheat regardless if they are in UBC or not. to suggest otherwise is offensive


[ Added: Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:20 pm ]

Sender [V][Banned]flauremarine
Recipient [V]idem32
Subject flauremarine
Sent 09/04/28 13:07:24
je ne comprend pas bien pourquoi j'ai été banni, avant de partir de la dynastie, je vous donne tous mes crédits, j'espère que c'est possible
je suis désolée de ce qui est arrivé car je cliquai tant que je pouvais mais je ne connais pas les règles du jeu.

vous distribuerai mes crédits si c'est possible, en priorité à coco si elle reste car elle m'a beaucoup aidé à comprendre et à m'avertir de ce qu'il fallait faire.
Je vais regarder comment je peux faire pour vous donner mes crédits.
Je vous remercie de votre gentillesse et de votre accueil.
Always look forward, never backwards.

The mistake of a man,is to think that women are weak. :P

Site Admin
The Mob Emperor

Age: 52
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Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:56 pm   

Since you would like to share mails between us I thought I would add this one that you seem to have missed.

Sender [V]idem32
Recipient [A]DemonicJ
Subject RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: banned to ninitoons76 and flau
Sent 09/04/28 11:35:55
sorry but,i no see just that the rules be for a person and for other no!
i see all it´s this days.....
no is just,sorry.
please,if you want can banned me to changer of they!!!!
i know that MMC UBC need me,but more need me the persons.....
maybe all this is because you not want that MMC UBC continue to be number 1º???!!!!!!
is for this reason?!!!!!
Here we are people, we are not numbers,this is a game and you get this game very seriously..i think and see..
if we are the number 1 is that we are one big family and with effort, we have won!!
please banned me to changer of they 2 and thus fail to be number 1!!!!!!

While im at it, I would like to also add that while flauremarine was in another dynasty, she was warned about exactly the same thing. She has had her chances & is only off till the 7th of May.

Your point about another member running two accounts, did you actually look into whether the accounts were banned before posting this on the forum? No didnt think so.
Do it Legit. You break the rules, don't expect a pleasant outcome

“You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.”

Proudly the Emperor of The MOB. The oldest surviving & most successful large dynasty
Gamer God

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Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:05 pm   

OMG, a moderator will never ban people because that dynasty is number 1, how on earth you can say that.
The moderators on yarold are honest people.
if demonicj ban people because the dynasty is 1, than i am sure another admin will jump in.
Mr Yarold(stan) would never allow such things from his moderators!!
I would say, you ought to be ashamed of yourself...
Love me just the way I am
Gamer Legend

Joined: 16 Mar 2008
Posts: 181
Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:38 pm   

maybe all this is because you not want that MMC UBC continue to be number 1º???!!!!!!
is for this reason?!!!!!

I can't believe people continue to accuse the moderators of doing their job of enforcing the rules because they think they want to play a game.

Last time DemonicJ took action against a dynasty the MMC Mob lost 4 allies in a day because people were mad at him.

Admin taking action only makes people like us less and makes it harder for our dynasty.

Do you really think he would try to mess with people to help us get better? No. He is doing his job.

Follow the rules if you want to be #1 fairly. Being #1 by cheating and breaking the rules and code of conduct is like winning sports race while using steroids. Not fair. Not fun.
Hardcore Gamer

Age: 41
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Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:54 pm   

I think that, a disclaimer clause must added to rule #1 in the CoC.

"For any reason, never, ever, forever access other users accounts or login to your account on computers where other other people access the Yarold's site also.
Gamer Deity

Age: 54
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Posts: 60
Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:00 pm   

maybe all this is because you not want that MMC UBC continue to be number 1º???!!!!!!
is for this reason?!!!!!

Gamer God
Dark Side Empress

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Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:15 pm   

maybe all this is because you not want that MMC UBC continue to be number 1º???!!!!!!
is for this reason?!!!!!

After reading this post over and over, I can't help but be amazed by these accuasations.
Im sure that when Yarold made DemonicJ a moderator he did it with complete and total confidence.

I find your words towards DemonicJ to be injust ad baseless. If rules have been broken, then they have been broken.
Flaure knows perfectly well that no-one can enter her acount. I myself have explained this to her along with the consequences that this prohibided behavior would bring(ban). You can ask her if you'd like as far as that is concerned.

A couple of days ago 2 members from Twilight Clickers were banned on the same day. Did DemonicJ ban them because we were #7?? No! He banned them because they broke the rules, plain and simple.
We ourselves should be the first ones to be glad that most people follow the rules because the rules are the same for you and me.
OMG .this seems incredible to me!!

I only hope that these are your personal opinions and not representative of those in your dynasty.
It consoles me to think that your ideas are not the same as those of your emperor.



Last edited by Alba on Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:19 pm; edited 1 time in total  
Gamer God

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Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:18 pm   

gamamew wrote:
I think that, a disclaimer clause must added to rule #1 in the CoC.

"For any reason, never, ever, forever access other users accounts or login to your account on computers where other other people access the Yarold's site also.

good idea. maybe its best make it a written rule that you never can share your login info with other members.

as for the far-fetched accusation done above, i don't think yarolds((the site owner, that is)) would make people that abuse their mod powers mods at all. to even suggests so, for whatever reason, is very wrong.

if it had been any other mod, would you have said the same?

note: i also would think the mails from yarolds would be something to not post all in the open? at least not unless the other party agrees with it. if i, for example would mail someone, i would not always like to see the other person post it without my permission.
Emperor of lonesome hen and eggs.

No rules, although for our allies i ask to please show a link in dynasty.
Gamer God

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Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:20 pm   

This trade is becoming a joke
in the beginning we whose talking just about a temporary ban but know withe some "stupid" accusations I suppose that we should talk about serious mejores to end this kind of discussions
I suppose that a decision of a administrator or a moderator are roles, and in this section the users could just came to ask for a short explanation or to apology for the miss disrespect of the rule
The Mobs Mod
WolfPack Leader

Age: 36
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Posts: 131
Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:56 pm   

Oh zip it why don't you. Your friends multied and they paid the price. Besides if she didn't know how to put links on, she could always ask one of the mods for help in putting a link in. I dont buy the crap she didn't know how to put her own link in. You can always ask for help. The staff are easily accessible.

Age: 49
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Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:43 pm   

Ferrari wrote:
OMG, a moderator will never ban people because that dynasty is number 1, how on earth you can say that.
The moderators on yarold are honest people.
if demonicj ban people because the dynasty is 1, than i am sure another admin will jump in.
Mr Yarold(stan) would never allow such things from his moderators!!
I would say, you ought to be ashamed of yourself...

Both have my shogun rule violated and must be banned.
BUT 7 days is more than enough.
And can you still know Marga if Jeanne was Emperor of The Moblets? And later Kampaku? And while she was with a second account "Shaila" best MMC Mob shogun. Do you still? DemonicJ has known and has not banned Jeanne!
Several Emperor is my opinion, banned yes but this is too long time. Perhaps just to MMC UBC to harm?
If this is so then it is very sad ...
Jassej, MMC UBC Founder
Gamer God

Joined: 28 Sep 2008
Posts: 284
Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:51 pm   

jassej wrote:
Ferrari wrote:
OMG, a moderator will never ban people because that dynasty is number 1, how on earth you can say that.
The moderators on yarold are honest people.
if demonicj ban people because the dynasty is 1, than i am sure another admin will jump in.
Mr Yarold(stan) would never allow such things from his moderators!!
I would say, you ought to be ashamed of yourself...

Both have my shogun rule violated and must be banned.
BUT 7 days is more than enough.
And can you still know Marga if Jeanne was Emperor of The Moblets? And later Kampaku? And while she was with a second account "Shaila" best MMC Mob shogun. Do you still? DemonicJ has known and has not banned Jeanne!
Several Emperor is my opinion, banned yes but this is too long time. Perhaps just to MMC UBC to harm?
If this is so then it is very sad ...


1. I think the admins knows best, and I can promise that they would be completly honest and fair to everyone, anyway.
2. Respect the admins decisions, or else it can get consequences for you to. Leave it
Last edited by nhhk on Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:23 am; edited 1 time in total  

Age: 49
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Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:06 pm   

nhhk wrote:
jassej wrote:
Ferrari wrote:
OMG, a moderator will never ban people because that dynasty is number 1, how on earth you can say that.
The moderators on yarold are honest people.
if demonicj ban people because the dynasty is 1, than i am sure another admin will jump in.
Mr Yarold(stan) would never allow such things from his moderators!!
I would say, you ought to be ashamed of yourself...

Both have my shogun rule violated and must be banned.
BUT 7 days is more than enough.
And can you still know Marga if Jeanne was Emperor of The Moblets? And later Kampaku? And while she was with a second account "Shaila" best MMC Mob shogun. Do you still? DemonicJ has known and has not banned Jeanne!
Several Emperor is my opinion, banned yes but this is too long time. Perhaps just to MMC UBC to harm?
If this is so then it is very sad ...


1. Marga has nothing to do with that Jeanne was using 2 accounts
2. I think the admins knows best, and I can promise that they would be completly honest and fair to everyone, anyway.
3. Respect the admins decisions, or else it can get consequences for you to. Leave it

With all respect to you but with your 13 or 14 years you're still too innocent and too naive to understand how some people may be wrong.
And I'm sure the Marga can speak for themselves.
Yes, the best is all MMC UBC members to banned, then can others be first ...
Jassej, MMC UBC Founder
Hardcore Gamer

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Posts: 22
Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:22 pm   

ninitoons76 and flaumarine not violated the rules. Account ninitons76 and flaumarine there for a long time and is not multies acc, admin know.Rules so should apply to all, admin not know.
Gamer God

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Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:04 pm   

why does what is a simple ban with a normal reason, is turning into a row of accusations?

i would think that any dynsty rather be nr one fair, then by things like banning members, or other means of cheating. maybe you are being a bit too devensive in this, jassej. i have nothing against you, and i do not mind which dynasy is nr one. just as long as they got the place fair. so why do all those accusations? is it really needed to doubt every decision the mnds and admins make? and would you do this accusation too, if it had been another mod, from another dynasty then mmc mob?
Emperor of lonesome hen and eggs.

No rules, although for our allies i ask to please show a link in dynasty.

Age: 49
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Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:13 pm   

engelina wrote:
why does what is a simple ban with a normal reason, is turning into a row of accusations?

i would think that any dynsty rather be nr one fair, then by things like banning members, or other means of cheating. maybe you are being a bit too devensive in this, jassej. i have nothing against you, and i do not mind which dynasy is nr one. just as long as they got the place fair. so why do all those accusations? is it really needed to doubt every decision the mnds and admins make? and would you do this accusation too, if it had been another mod, from another dynasty then mmc mob?

engelina, ninitoons76 is wrong for too long a time banned.
If it is up to 7 days then I say nothing.
But until 21.05.2009 is simply too long a time, that's not fair. Because basically they have not done bad.
I am not against admin or mod or MMC Mob but rules should be the same for everyone or do you mean it not so?
Jassej, MMC UBC Founder
Gamer God

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Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:23 pm   

engelina wrote:

I am not against admin or mod or MMC Mob but rules should be the same for everyone or do you mean it not so?

OK but shell we do a constructive discussion in Suggestions ?
training to arrive at on solution all together?
Mini Ming Dynasty mod

Age: 47
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Posts: 64
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:55 am   

gamamew wrote:
I think that, a disclaimer clause must added to rule #1 in the CoC.

"For any reason, never, ever, forever access other users accounts or login to your account on computers where other other people access the Yarold's site also.

But how am I expected to know it? For example if I will go visit my dad to another town - I think he is not using Yarold, but there are three, maybe four another people using the computer from times to times - dad´s wife, my female cousin, my male cousin...how can I know if they use Yarold too? Ask them and until then just don´t log into yarold from this computer, because there is a risk someone logged into yarold before or will log after? Of shall I just log and hope and if I will be banned, try to ask for unban because some of my relatives used yarold from the same computer as me? Just asking :)
Gamer Deity

Joined: 13 Apr 2008
Posts: 61
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:46 am   

Our Dynasty members broke a rule that a 7 year old would understand and in my opinion the correct punishment was given to them and i ask my fellow Dynasty members to drop it please.HunkyDory,aka MartialLaw

[ Added: Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:47 am ]
P.S. no offense to 7 year olds is intentional or deliberate.
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