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Closed by: Metalteo
Thu Jul 17, 2008 2:32 pm
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Site Admin

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Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 1:51 am   Dynasties

{hope Bella wont get very angry}

Over the past few months it has been really good to see the creation and rise of a lot of new dynasties. There are a lot more users and the site has become a lot more fluid.
However with current dynasty ally system it is near impossible for any new dynasties to even have a chance of getting anywhere.
The new one is based on members that allied dynasty have. Instead of allying with 4 dynasties you can now create allies with total of 300 members(, atm limit is set to 400 to give you some time before puting it in effect somewhere around sunday reset).
With that change I also decided to lower dynasty members limit to 60.

Suggestions welcome
Edit: numbers may freely change.

Edit: skip reading to http://yarold.eu/phpBB2/v...p?p=22253#22253
Last edited by Yarold on Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:11 pm; edited 2 times in total  
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  Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:20 am   


Emperor in Exile and Founding member of the REAL MINI VILLAGE Dynasty

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:23 am   

Going from 100 -> 60 in one fell swoop seems pretty extreme.
Gamers Alliance mod

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Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:26 am   

LOL I'm not angry.

Hmmm so with dynasties having a maximum of 60 members, 300 means each dynasty can now have a minimum of 5 allies (assuming each of those has the full 60 members) or more if they are smaller dynasties.

I'll wait to see how this works, but I'm not really sure it is going to solve the problem. Might make things more interesting though. :smile:

Thanks for looking into it.
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Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:27 am   

Hmm, based on your reasoning, if you can call it that, I presume that membership is falling on the site so that is why you foresee that all the small dynasties are doomed?

My thoughts are to leave the dynasty system alone. There are problems within some of the failing dynasties that have nothing to do with numbers.
Gamers Alliance mod

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Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:32 am   

Presume all you like. I have concerns about the way the site is headed, which are shared by the other admins.

We'll trial this new system and see if things improve. We are always open to suggestions as to how we can make the site better.

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Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:38 am   

New changes to the site....
Faster.... so far the only thing I have seen that has been better.
I haven't played lotto since it was changed.... Was easy to play w/o hurting my city before.

So let me get this straight... You're gonna drop the membership now in Dynasties???

Who gets booted?

Seems to me in 2 words... this *******.

Yes this is my 1st post.... I never felt like it was important to before...
<img src="http://WWW.donneker.de/MyMiniCity/mycitystats.php?c=OSHAVILLE"/>
Gamer Deity

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Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:46 am   

I have to kick 40 LOYAL members out of my dynasty? What kind of a reward is that for doing so well and making good alliances?
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  Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:53 am   

Rebecca wrote:
I have to kick 40 LOYAL members out of my dynasty? What kind of a reward is that for doing so well and making good alliances?

we have always had up to 100 members , evan when the site was down for up to a week and through all that time when it was slow as ****** , our members stayed loyal to this dynasty and the exchange as a whole ,
and this slap in the face is the thanks thay get , :mad:

Emperor in Exile and Founding member of the REAL MINI VILLAGE Dynasty
Last edited by Metalteo on Fri Jul 11, 2008 6:06 am; edited 1 time in total  

Age: 32
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Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:55 am   

there are many dynasties which have over 60 members. they are ONE group and they want to stay together! take a look on RMV or MMC MOB!
secondly they worked really hard to get those members. with this update you would destroy a part of their work and their community!
please dont do that! :cry:

Joined: 11 Jul 2008
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Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:07 am   

This doesn't seem very fair ...

Why should we get kicked out of Dynasties like that? What about people who really like theirs? I'm new to mine but I like it - what about those who've been there so long? Why should people be forced to choose who gets to stay and who gets to go? Why the change all of a sudden?

It's just not fair. :evil:
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Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:20 am   

Bella didn't get angry, but everyone else appeared to be. :roll:

Age: 56
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Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:22 am   

It looks to me after reading this top messages several times,that the brilliant ADMIN in Gamers Alliance have difficulties finding friendly dynasty's with lotsa!! members,so now they need to do this.Only 300 dynasty-members would probably be a lot more dynasty-links for them,then what they get today,so at bottom line....the ONLY dynasty that benefit with this brilliant idea....are themselves.

I was planning to buy more credit soon,but after reading this post I might drop it.If our ADMIN could do something real positive for this site (to make things improve and better) I would recommend you to give the dynasty-members an opportunity to create an ignore-list to "surthen" links.I'm sure by doing that it would solve yours and Gamers Alliance biggest problem,a problem which have been lurking around for a long time.
It's nice to be important,but more important to be nice :)
Gamers Alliance mod

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Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:27 am   

Valldal wrote:
"surthen" links

What are surthen links?
Gamer Legend

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  Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:39 am   

Well, I don't understand why this is necessary--I am happy with the dynasty I am in and the way it is. I am not angry just sad as to why certain changes seem to be up. May I ask why this decision is being made?

Thank you.
I am not perfect. I am just me.

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Age: 56
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Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:41 am   

Maybe you don't use that word in Sydney,Down Under,but I'm sure people in UK and Scandinavia would understand it.To your information I could also use the word "some"

By giving you this information,I hope everything is a lot easier for you to understand.
It's nice to be important,but more important to be nice :)
Gamer Deity

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Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:44 am   

A very sad and manipulative way to try to help Gamers Alliance achieve what it has never been able to achieve,namely- a loyal and dedicated following.Maybe you should spend more time looking in the mirror.

Age: 62
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Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:03 am   

Yarnolds is working better than ever the way it is. Chopping up dynasties will anger many and could easily have a negative effect on Yarnolds. Please, only positive changes.
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  Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:32 am   

bella wrote:

We'll trial this new system and see if things improve.

I lead a dozen people across 3 dynastys into the 600 club last night , how much more do you think it can improve ,
under this proposed change 600 would be impossible , be lucky to get close to 400 , hurting the exchange as a whole , but helping the dynasty with all the admins in ,
How about this for a proposed change , " no dynasty should be alowed to have more than one admin in it "

Emperor in Exile and Founding member of the REAL MINI VILLAGE Dynasty

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Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:59 am   

This is definitively NOT a good idea!
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