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  Topic: dyn ave

Replies: 88
Views: 61183

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:08 am   Subject: Vote for no
1. I vote for no. Why should we change, no explenation given?

2. Can someone show me exact the place in the Yarold rules where - what I call cleverness - some others call "manipulation"?

3. Think about why Dynasties are created, it is game, a race a competition. I see some people which are complaining that others have a better strategy. Start to build up your own strategy than to call for rule changes. Putting in 64 links in happy hour is nothing diffrent, than you need to bann this as well.

4. There will always be members not satisfied that things are not running as expected or members which are unsatisfied. Are you going to change each time someone is wining or complaining? I can see many suggestions in the forum, many of them are even not answered. What about them. You could do a poll for each suggestion than.

  Topic: not all links on Dynasty page counting

Replies: 22
Views: 12514

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 11:14 pm   Subject: anybody else
anybody else having this problem?
I have checked right now at midnight due to fact that many have daily setting for link reset and again 4 of 10 I got at one time not counting.

What is happening here?

Any official statement from Yarold?

Thank you

  Topic: not all links on Dynasty page counting

Replies: 22
Views: 12514

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:58 am   Subject: yes going away
kito wrote:
Lurch did the links go away on the dynasty page? I have been having a lot of problems with too many pages opening in snap links and the pages with frames not counting (i get an error message in the frame instead of the click counted message) but the link remains for me on the page and if i reclick the links I am able to get the credit for it the second time.

Hi kito,

yes the links go away on the dynasty pages and do not count.

The effect you are discribing is another one and I had it also.
- link present on dynasty page
- snaping link
- reload
- link still there
- snaping a second time
- link counts

It must be something diffrent.

A dynasty colleague of mine clicked as example this morning 99 good dynasty links but got only 77 point for them.

YAROLD any statement from you????


  Topic: Human awarness Test

Replies: 99
Views: 282151

PostForum: Support - HowTos & FAQs   Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:34 pm   Subject: Human awarness Test

Hello all from the Yarolds Forum!

(Thanxs Lurchmanfor this great Tutorial! Also thanxs for allowing us to translate it into other languages!)


English (by Lurchman): Read on
German (Translation by Leanjra):
French (Translation by Dilyjily):
Dutch (Translation by Ferrari):
Russian (Translation by DrChes & Sosnoviy-Bor):
Italian (Translation by vecchioirr):
Spanish (Translation by Sasyville):
Romanian (Translation by m41c41):
Polish (Translation by kagome19):
Brazilian (Translation by Chora) :

Dear all,

I would like to stress once more the topic H.A.T, the human awarness test due to the fact that I have seen and heard that some of you have not yet figured out the effect of this new setting inside the profil.

So to start from beginning.

Which kind of links are available at Yarold?

We have 2 kind of links to click at Yarold, links which count directly for the owner. Examples:
Myminicity, miniville,Outwar, Valenth, Monzoo, World Battle Ground, Outcraft, Convierte un animal, My 3D city

The other links are called "action links". Those links do not count directly for the owner. Clicking those links means you need to do something on the page opened in order to give the owner the value of the link. Examples:
Weedwar (image no.1), Fowar or Warcity (image no.2) or Warcity (image no.3), Dark Throne , Criminals, mafianeagra, Dinomon, Familia Mafiei, eSkey, Future RP, Dragon Cave and others.

Yarold is giving you the count for the link after some seconds (which you can see on the bottom of image no. 3), but for the owner of the link it is useless unless you click (taking the example in image no.3) on Doorgaan.

In the times of snaplinks, flashblock, closetab and speedclicking and closing all tabs clicked - specialy with the new limit of 100 links per page, owners of such "action links" (links where you have to click on something on the page in order to get the value for the owner) noticed that less and less people have clicked on the action and that means for them that Yarold link exchange is less and less useless for them.

Now Yarold came out with an idea to do a random test, the so called HAT, the Human Awarness Test. As there is not technical solution to check if we are doing the follow up action within those "action link" sites, Yarold has developed a page which looks like a little game to fight agains robots. You have to write something (no matter what) inside the text field and click the button. This has to happend within a certain time. If you do so, your Care factor inside your profile will raise. If you do not fill out in time, or if you do not fill out at all (perhaps closing the tab with the Human Awarness Test) than your Care factor goes down.

What is the effect of the Care factor?

A very big one if you aim for high clicks and average in the Dynasty part of Yarold.
If your Care factor is below 25% not all links are visible. The action links disapear more and more the lower your care factor is. That means you will never reach a high clicking average in the Dynasty.

So if you wonder why some of your Dynasty colleagues are reaching 600 or even 700 than you can be sure that those member have the Care factor above 25%

What can I do to increase the Care factor and to get all links shown in order to click them?

You need simply to execute the Human Awarness Test untill you have reached 25% and more. So if you click a page with as example 100 links you need to invest the time to follow the pages, and than once reaching the Human Awareness test, to do the test.

If you are not willed to execute this test and follow the action links or if you do not need all links, you can simple switch the HAT setting in your profile to NO. Than only non "actions links" will be presented to you.

How often does the Human Awarness Test show up?
Completly random, I have had cases in which I had non a day, other times one a day and on other days up to 3 a day.

How does the Human Awarness Test look alike?
Please look the images with no.5 below in the attachments.

How can I bring the Care Factor percentage again over 25% ?
Keep looking for Humans Awarness Test Pages and run the test right away. Be patient it will take some tests to make action pages again visible.

So keep in mind: Only H.A.T. pages are responsible for bringing the Care factor percentag up or down. Care Factor below 25% = not all links are displayed = low average and no high click amount in Dynasty.

If you have follow up questions please send me a mail I will answer every request.


lurchman :mrgreen:
  Topic: not all links on Dynasty page counting

Replies: 22
Views: 12514

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:54 pm   Subject: Re: so what about the other links not counting on Dynasty pa
Ferrari wrote:
lurchman wrote:
Ok this is clear,

but the problem of not all Links counting when I clicked still remain. Those links were not my own.

What is the reason?

Thanks for your support


Only the links from the dynasty's where your dynasty have a alliance with ,are counting
for your ave, the other links you click give you credits but are not counting

Hello Ferrari,
this is also clear. I am talking only about clicking on the Dynasty page where I can only see me Dynasty and the alliances.
I have exchange with others and they have told me that they have this phenomenon as well.

Take the example happy hour which I wrote in my first entry. I nevery switched away from Dynasty page. I got only 7 points out of 16 diffrent links on the Dynasty page.

How can that happen?
As mentioned I am not the only one. Today I payed attention to this in happy hour and it happened 2 times to me. :cry:

  Topic: not all links on Dynasty page counting

Replies: 22
Views: 12514

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:13 am   Subject: so what about the other links not counting on Dynasty page?
Ok this is clear,

but the problem of not all Links counting when I clicked still remain. Those links were not my own.

What is the reason?

Thanks for your support

  Topic: not all links on Dynasty page counting

Replies: 22
Views: 12514

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 5:59 am   Subject: not all links on Dynasty page counting
I figured out that while I am clicking (it is happy hour right now), not all links I clicked were counting. I had once 16 links selected on Dynasty page and checked that they loaded. But I jumped from 524 to 531 only.

How come.

  Topic: Human Awareness Test

Replies: 134
Views: 59164

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:07 am   Subject: Human Awareness Test
Yarold wrote:
* users can now set if they want to see all links and have tests in profile
* tests can now occur only when clicking link that require any acction (or we didnt set if its required yet)
* if user have option to see all links set and its rating is below 25% tests are made as before (with equal probability for both required action and non required action links)

Hello Yarold,
thank you for considering my suggestion to do such a think.
lurchman :mrgreen:
  Topic: Human Awareness Test

Replies: 134
Views: 59164

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 7:11 am   Subject: Human Awareness Test
shumadija wrote:
@lurchman, that is exactly what HAT do - if gamer wish not to see action links, he will not fill HAT. If gamer wish to increase links to click, and wish to help other games with required additional actions, he will fill and submit HAT.

In that way, all is automated, no need to check/uncheck checkmarks in profile. I think this is good and fair for all, clickers and dragon/gang/war players.

Hi shumadija,
thank you for your remark even when I do not agree with you, HAT is a system made up by Yarold and is in first stage not linked to any kind of game but asumes that if you do not fill out HAT, you do not want to use action link and theirfore a lower 25% Care rate is set.

As for myself I do click DROGAAN or whatever needs to be done but I have not seen those HAT pages and now being doomed to not have all links. Example today I have done 4 action pages but still nothing improved in my CARE. So it is not linked in my point of view.

lurchman :smile:
  Topic: Human Awareness Test

Replies: 134
Views: 59164

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:45 pm   Subject: Suggestion to Action Link issue
Dear Yarold,

if you allow me to suggest a possible way out of this issue where not everybody's getting all action links to see unless passing the test before.

If you would offer ia selection in our profile to enable action links or not, and combine this somehow with an extra click (without the need of typing in something) everybody would have the freedom either to see all links but to have an extra click to do or to do only speed clicking without action links but than to know not to get all possible links.

What do you think?

lurchman :wink:
  Topic: Human Awareness Test

Replies: 134
Views: 59164

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:50 am   Subject: no test appeared
jennielynn wrote:
lurchman wrote:
Yarold wrote:
You dont need to post that you will not do the test more than once, however your welcome to post reasons why you do so, as works to remove them are not closed.

Hello Yarold,
as I mentioned that I have not noticed once the Human Awarness test and I have now effect in Dynasty that I do not reach the highest clickers, I would expect that you give those who did not pass this test , or did not notice the test to get a second chance. I was looking today all time long for one of those test.


So what is your solution for those who want to see ALL links

Thank you for your answer and a solution


If your CARE rating is low, you'll simply have to keep clicking until you get more tests to pop up and you can build up your rating. Unfortunately, there's no way to build it up quicker, but it really shouldn't take too many tests to build it up, since 25% is the lower limit of showing those links.

Exact, I have seen now test at all and I am clicking alot, each day over 500 dynasty clicks but never reach over 600 like some other once, and they are over 25%.... so this is giving me a hard time.

Thanks for helping me out of this Yarold

  Topic: Human Awareness Test

Replies: 134
Views: 59164

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:41 pm   Subject: Human Awareness Test
Yarold wrote:
You dont need to post that you will not do the test more than once, however your welcome to post reasons why you do so, as works to remove them are not closed.

Hello Yarold,
as I mentioned that I have not noticed once the Human Awarness test and I have now effect in Dynasty that I do not reach the highest clickers, I would expect that you give those who did not pass this test , or did not notice the test to get a second chance. I was looking today all time long for one of those test.


So what is your solution for those who want to see ALL links

Thank you for your answer and a solution

  Topic: Human Awareness Test

Replies: 134
Views: 59164

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:38 am   Subject: Any effect on Dyynasty average

I do have this in my care factor line:

0/24 0% NOT all links are displayed

I understood from all the posts because I closed the windown in the test (which I did not know is going on) I will now not see action links anymore. Honestly I also nevery saw something like a Human Awerness Test. Where was it? Sorry guys feel like I lost completly something :oops:

Does that now also mean I get less clicks presented which could count to have more Dynasty clicks, because that would be a punishment?

  Topic: Limit on short note 4 lines?

Replies: 7
Views: 4468

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:30 pm   Subject: Limit on short note 4 lines?
Hello red oak,
good to hear from you. Yes I have seen the layer technology to show the rest. But I wonder why some others have 5 rows?!?!

Would be great if one of the admins could anwer or as I have suggested several times, doing a standard announcement about such changes before.

  Topic: Limit on short note 4 lines?

Replies: 7
Views: 4468

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:24 pm   Subject: Limit on short note 4 lines?
jennielynn wrote:
As far as I can tell, there's a character limit (not necessarily a line limit) for short notes, unless you're a VIP. Then there's no limit at all, that I've seen at least.

I am VIP but still have 4 lines :cry:
  Topic: Limit on short note 4 lines?

Replies: 7
Views: 4468

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:19 pm   Subject: Limit on short note 4 lines?

is it true that there is a general cut down for the short note to 4 lines and if more than 4 than only 2 are shown and the rest in a layer?

No diffrence for VIPs which are doing promotions and credit games at all?

I have seen some shoguns having 5 lines.

Noticed that with my short where I posted a credit lottery for monday and I had 5 lines and got cut down.

So what is the deal about that

  Topic: "Advanced Mode" in profile

Replies: 8
Views: 8086

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:24 pm   Subject: what is the optimum
[ Added: Sun Jul 13, 2008 9:07 pm ]
Can someone of Yarold team give me a little help here.
I do not find any explenation on those settings in the forum.
Would be great if you could answer question below.



what should be the optimum setting for someone who cllicks alot in a Dynasty and who is doing the happy hours throwing in 12 more links from 6:00 - 7:00.

Also I wonder what will happen if you leave it at daily - 0 - 0

Any help ?? any hint ??

Thank you

  Topic: Dynasties

Replies: 90
Views: 53467

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 10:03 am   Subject: changing dynasty system
Dear Yarold,

I think it is not a good idea to play "god" and take the world in hands and shake it to see what will happen only because you do not like what you created.

Also I wonder how you can take such a decision without involving the members before. At least you could ask or do a poll. But just anouncing it a clear


from my side.

lurchman :cry:
  Topic: Site slow.

Replies: 38
Views: 21073

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:45 pm   Subject: well done
Excellent job guys, nice speed, happy clicking again and starting to climb up the rank ladder again.


Thank you

lurchman :mrgreen:
  Topic: Site slow.

Replies: 38
Views: 21073

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 6:28 am   Subject: information or status update
Hello Yarold,
I know also how difficult on complex such site, provider, server or whatever changes can be as I am working in IT since almost 20 years. So I keep my fingers crossed for you and trust that you find a solution which brings Yarold Link Exchange back on top of the link exchanges.

Nevertheless it is good to see how many loyal clickers still are staying on this sitey even when it is realy painfull and nervwrecking to click and not realy fun.

I am having one suggestion. As you can see in postings and shorts of dynasty members we are all interested about progress and ongoings of the maintenance and changes. Could you create a general entry inside anouncements area in keep this topic only for ADMINS to enter news about the progress and information when the sites is getting changes and so on? Than everybody would have one single place where he knows to get information about the problem here.

Cheers from lurchman and don't give up !!!!
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