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Balancing clicks done and received
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Gamer God

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Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 6:00 pm   

Annie wrote:
However if everyone thinks like this then it's correct, overall there will be less links.

That is how most thinks - my crystal ball never worked so I don't know how many links will come out later therefor I only show what I am certain to get back, at the end of the day I check and maybe show 1 more with limit to balance and that is what I tell my members to do too so they wont end up negative.

Annie wrote:
Saying that, I think with RMV and La Brute trying to balance their overall dynasty stats and the big players showing like crazy (big thanks :) ) this has not been a problem yet.

They have the incentive to show more to raise their score to stay on top - I don't :razz:

bodisson-2 wrote:
However , I don't think september update change anything , it's just easier to point on and talk about now.

IMO you're wrong - with the personal score being based on the minimum of clicks received/done the focus is on the balance not the number of clicks - let me quote from a mail I received this morning from 1 of my members - it is really about the new rank but goes for this too:

Sent 09/10/09 06:50:00
I was thinking.....and that should scare you. ;-) The 550 average is the highest "rank" that one can get without actually starting a dynasty, (as I understand it). What incentive is there for people to get a better average?


For the average member in dynasties not competing for top spot, reaching the highest rank is the goal - after that ... as he asks - what incentive is there to score higher (show more/click more)?
Gamer Legend

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Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:57 pm   

Jeanne, I don't think there is an incentive. That is why I don't set goals for my people anymore. My goal has changed from getting clicks to staying balanced. I just ask my members to give as much as they receive. If we move up the charts its good, if not, thats okay too. I find it is less stressful now. But, it still rewards you for being a good clicker because when you get more you can give more and therefore get a better score.
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Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 3:16 am   

hippie wrote:
Jeanne, I don't think there is an incentive. That is why I don't set goals for my people anymore. My goal has changed from getting clicks to staying balanced. I just ask my members to give as much as they receive. If we move up the charts its good, if not, thats okay too. I find it is less stressful now. But, it still rewards you for being a good clicker because when you get more you can give more and therefore get a better score.

There is no goal to set :sad: You find it less stressful - I find it very boring :cry:

You don't get more, there are less links to click now than 1 month ago - keep an eye on the "clicks today" in the bottom of the left side menu - watch that number drop - depressing.

I see more and more negative members in the alliance - a result of the less links out + some who doesn't understand the system and maybe also people don't care anymore - what's the point?
Gamer God

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Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 6:11 am   

The system is too difficult for me, and I'm already 4 years here, can you imagine what it is for new people ,especially if they do not speak English.
And when you not understand the system , you do things wrong, you see it in alliance, all my allies have suddenly less members and lots of negatives.

Total 381 members in alliance.
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Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:02 am   

Yeah 4 of my members has left Yarolds after the updates saying it's too much like work now and no fun.
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Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:03 am   

Agreed---lots less fun these days. Also lost 2 more members in just the last few days.

We all have RL stuff we'd been dealing with & coming to click was a nice escape from that even if it was difficult to make the time. Now, more are finding it isn't worth the effort--we're having to concentrate more on the "work" of balancing so it isn't as fun. The interaction with other players has been reduced because we're constantly searching for one more link just to stay even. Actually, for me, not a whole lot has changed--I'm still clicked more than I can find to click back--and I'm not lazy.

I've noticed more Yer Hotel links creeping back in also which doesn't help. I know there are some who actually play the game--you know who they are because they've had the links for a long time, not just tossing them out there just to have a link showing so they can click on a page. I almost wish that there was a ban on any new hotels that were created since the updates to keep it honest, but that's not "fair" :roll:

Oh well, I'm a diehard so you're stuck with me :razz:

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Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:53 pm   

I say from first day that I dont laik last update.
That now like work, I must balansed gained/ given, what fun?
I am sure, much more members will leave yarold......
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Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 5:37 pm   

thepossum1 wrote:

I've noticed more Yer Hotel links creeping back in also which doesn't help. I know there are some who actually play the game--you know who they are because they've had the links for a long time, not just tossing them out there just to have a link showing so they can click on a page. I almost wish that there was a ban on any new hotels that were created since the updates to keep it honest, but that's not "fair" :roll:

Ehrm I created a Hotel in Protest against the mandatory display on main .... because i have got so bored here I have actually started to play it a little (and a Zoo too) but I don't use it to just have a link - my Unicreature is still up as the main link :wink:
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Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 2:41 am   

Not a problem Jeanne--I'm just b*tching because I haven't got anything more fun to do--a link is a link :mrgreen: lol
Gamer God

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Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 4:56 am   

thepossum1 wrote:
Not a problem Jeanne--I'm just b*tching because I haven't got anything more fun to do--a link is a link :mrgreen: lol

:lol: :lol: :lol: you made me smile thepossum :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 4:59 am   

LOL - yeah when bored the B*tching comes natural :razz:
Gamer Deity

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Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 5:15 pm   

Late answer(s)...

LOL Marga - you should ask Bruno since the system is his idea, thank you for showing him that it is not just plain to understand for everyone :razz:

Some are blond, some don't want to understand, and some both... :)

Some members come here with 1 minicity link. Others come with 5 Valenths links. To make an even exchange the minicity link holder should make 4 fake links? Is that fair to ask of anybody just to fulfill your dream of an even exchange rate?

No, each Valenth link is simply going to be clicked 5 times less than the MMC link.

All those receiving more clicks than they click, to balance, would have to show less links!! Those that can click more than they receive, still havent changed (the credit hoarders).

They are now encouraged to change. The old system, based only on the clicks done, did not encourage at all link showing. So I really don't see why there would be less and less links shown now and I don't share this feeling.

By the way, remember that the SumAvg (Done+Received) scoring system has been rejected because it would have made money rule. Now, with the MinAvg system, indeed crazy clickers are not rewarded if they are not crazy showers too.

Marga: The score system say you only get score for the lowest number of your clicks done/received - so if you show more than you click you are loosing credits but yes feeding your dynasty and allies

Not only feeding the others but also balancing your dynasty clicks, that is showing links that your members don't show...

Therefore, even though I have the credits to support more links, why should I show more links than I can click? I'm still waiting on an answer for that one. ;)

Nobody asks you to show more links than you can click, unless you want to have your links clicked more and that you buy credits for that, or as I just wrote if you want to balance your dynasty clicks. Again remember we have switched from SumAvg to MinAvg to prevent credits buyers to be ranked at the top.

Less and less links shown and less and less clicks on Yarold? I don't think so and I would like some facts (dis)proving this.
(RMV SumAvg is about 80000 and I'm pretty sure we didn't click and were clicked that much before the update)
(Jeanne's SumAvg is about 3500 and I bet it was not that high before)
Gamer Deity

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Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 7:14 am   

Bruno73 wrote:

[color=yellow]Nobody asks you to show more links than you can click, unless you want to have your links clicked more and that you buy credits for that, or as I just wrote if you want to balance your dynasty clicks.

I know no one asks me - but I am assuming our allies prefer to have as many links to click as possible? I'm merely explaining my personal thoughts in response to a comment that there seemed to be fewer links around.

I have shown some extra links this week only because it suits me but not, as Stan said because 'if you don't your dynasty will lose'. I'm waiting for him to back up that statement so I can understand how my dynasty will lose by me not showing more links than I can click. As a usual rule of thumb I will show one or two links during the week when I'm working and perhaps more at the weekend.
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Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 4:54 pm   

Less and less links shown and less and less clicks on Yarold? I don't think so and I would like some facts (dis)proving this.

its true, if my word is not enough i can dig some stats

I also share though that its not easy to understand now
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Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 2:04 am   

Yarold wrote:

I also share though that its not easy to understand now

No for many it isn't easy to understand and that's why they give up and leave.

Frustrations are running much deeper than you seem to be willing to realize :sad:
Hardcore Gamer

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Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 2:29 pm   

Bruno73 wrote:
Some members come here with 1 minicity link. Others come with 5 Valenths links. To make an even exchange the minicity link holder should make 4 fake links? Is that fair to ask of anybody just to fulfill your dream of an even exchange rate?

No, each Valenth link is simply going to be clicked 5 times less than the MMC link.

Wow... This is just a big no. Imagine 10 people with 100 credits each, 5 have 10 valenth links and 5 have 1 myminicity link... In total each does 55 clicks with each link receiving 10 clicks... the valenth users are down 45 credits and the myminicity users are up 45 credits... The myminicity guys look bad cause they are sharing 1 link, the valenth guys are angry that they have lost so many credits so they lower their # of links to balance themselves while the myminicity guys don't have more links to balance themselves (unless they actually WANT to put that effort in of sharing 9 more links to balance everyone).

I was gonna quote more but I don't care much about fighting word wars (I just want to click and be clicked).

I will say this though, I have been here for over a year now and have ALWAYS only shared my 1 mmc link and the odd time shared extras just to get rid of credit build up (if any)... With this update I've noticed that I can click around 500 daily while only receiving 300-400 daily... I felt bad, so I shared a second link for 24/7 and noticed that its regularly breaking 600 (almost 700) daily in total received clicks... So I've doubled my efforts in dynasty and can't get close enough to balance more often than not. So I share a link in main with limited visits and balance myself in total there (often still losing out). This is in turn just stressing me out and REALLY making me lose interest in this exchange when I can easily just go to other sites with automatic visitors turn them on and not even think about them at all and still come out even/ahead... AND get THOUSANDS of clicks rather than 300-400.

If it weren't for the fact that there are multiple games on this site (thus more unique visitors) I might have left Yarold's long ago... Right now I'm sitting on the edge of going back to 1 link and hording credits (maybe just throw the extras at dynasty tournaments/contests or something) or just quitting Yarold's altogether. This site has also been the most stressful to keep clicking due to the non automatic nature and has always been on the top of my list to stop using... This update is just making it easier to give up to be honest.
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Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 10:59 pm   

Yes and even when you do balance click for click you might still lose credits - if you show MMC's and click mostly Unicreatures you lose credits :razz:
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The Mob Emperor

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Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:14 am   

Yarold wrote:
its true, if my word is not enough i can dig some stats

I also share though that its not easy to understand now

Easy solution. Total clicks done & received divided by 4. Why 4? main & dynasty, clicked & received.

Some can show more than they click, some can click more than they show.
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Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:36 pm   

How dividing something helps?
It makes formula from simple sum, something that is even hard to name.
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Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:27 pm   

Yarold wrote:
How dividing something helps?
It makes formula from simple sum, something that is even hard to name.

I agree you'd still need calculator to figure out what you will score - it has to be easy again to make it fun - I still say let's go back to dyn-ave but make some kind of members limit for when the ave is calculated so we don't give the smallest the advantage - that was the problem then (the only problem that I am aware of).

And as for fewer clicks: A lot of those who has left were the dynasty- game players, members with 10 "fake" mmc's - we now have a lot of Action link holders (Uni-creatures has spread a lot) members on main doesn't get the CARE-mentoring as members in dyn's does maybe too many has care turned off or lost and doesn't see the links? I know there is a "How to" but how many do you think read it?
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