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One World Dynasty
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Age: 36
Joined: 10 Mar 2009
Posts: 8
Location: Rotterdam, NL
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:18 pm   One World Dynasty

Hello and welcome everyone!

Simple post with rules of our Dynasty (easier to point people here and let them read... at least they can't say they can't find it, lol)

First of all:
We accept only serious clickers, preferably with account older then one week...

Stay positive!
With credits... Problems with staying positive? Then read this: Increasing your credits

3 Days Rule
When you're negative for 72 hours, you're being kicked out. Easy as that.

New Members!
You are expected to stay positive/ get out of negative credits in two days, and to raise your care to 20% in a week (7 days).
If you fail to meet those expectations, you will get kicked out without a warning.

No "None", "Hidden", "Non-active" link
Because it's a link exchange. You have to show a link...

Keep in Contact!
Can't click today? Let us know it! Post it in your short note!You can do that this way: Your Profile >Account Tab and then write in your short note. Remember that it's supposed to be SHORT

Show links only in Dynasty!
You can do that by unchecking "Main" (and History if VIP) in you Links Tab in Profile. This way you will stay longer positive too.

VIP & Happy Hours (HH)
It's when everyone who can/want to, show extra links. HH are at 8 pm (20:00) and 0:00 (12 AM)

Average? Keep it UP!
Keep your AVG DYN RECV and AVG DYN DONE as close as possible to each other. It means: if your AVG DYN RECV is 350, then your AVG DYN DONE should be between 330 - the higher it is, the better for you...

I want that background too!
As a dynasty we should show it being together... so I make often backgrounds for everyone in dynasty to use, in your shortnotes. Here is the code to use it:


<div id='shortnote' style='width:;height:64;overflow:auto; background-image:url(DIRECT LINK TO THE BACKGROUND IMAGE); background-repeat: border: 0px solid'>

And the current is this:

And maybe most important...


Useful links:
Human Awareness Test (HAT)
Your Profile: What & How

The rules above may be subject to change.


WARNING: The total "coalition" of dynasties can hold in total 400 people. So if you left our dynasty or was kicked out, there can be problems to get back in because there simply might be NO place for you....


Please, let us know when you're leaving for vacation, because we will kick out inactive and negative members. If you know you don't have enough credits to stay positive the whole time of your vacation (and no, 1000 credits might not be enough!!), please leave dynasty and join us again when you're back!.

If you don't, with every day you don't click your average will go lower and you will be losing credits and in the end you will be in negative. Then we have to kick you out of dynasty, because we don't know whether you're inactive or simply gone on vacation.

All you have to do is to let me, Reczkow or emperor (me), KotkaMroku, know that you're going on vacation. Let us know when you're going and when you're coming back.
Write in your short notes that you're on vacation too (again add dates ! )

~ Confusion breeds chaos but chaos itself brings it's own order. So one's confusion is often the clearest way to think in a situation. ~
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