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Closed by: Yarold
Mon Dec 30, 2013 8:47 am

Should we have more link slots?
Yes 25 for Vip 12 for Non Vips
 72%  [ 27 ]
No stay at 16 & 12
 27%  [ 10 ]
other? Please state
 0%  [ 0 ]
Voted : 37
Total Votes: 37

Author Message
Hardcore Gamer

Joined: 15 Jan 2012
Posts: 33
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 1:54 am   MORE LINK SLOTS PLEASE

I want to propose that Yarolds change the link slot format from 12/regular 16/VIP to go to 15/regular 25VIP. I have heard the original proposal for more link slots were for 25 and would suggest that be instituted. I play 3 games, 2 of which One of my games has to use 8 slots and the rest are shufflied around for hatching my eggs on Virtuadopt. But even without the other game, the users who play VA would have a need for more links. We have 12 eggs we can have on hand at one time to try to hatch and once a slot has been "well used" as in clicked a lot, that slot is no longer receiving clicks when we try to put in more eggs. Also we get monthly eggs for 2 to 3 weeks out of the month, and require leveling them up in order to have a chance at hatching shiny ones. At this time, I have to choose between whether I want to level up monthly eggs or hatch daily eggs because of the slot limits. I have a few times, given out my VA monthly egg links to any other users I could find that have some free space and asked them to put them up and give them the credits they use, but that can be problematic since I have to find people with slots, keep track of who has what egg, and chase them down to remove them when they are hatched, etc. I can't really speak to the other games so much since I do not play them, I do know that on DragonCave, the users with gold trophies can have as many as 21 eggs/hatchies growing on their scrolls.
But my feeling is: Nobody would be required to actually USE all the slots they have, but it would be nice to have them at our disposal. I honestly would love the luxury of being able to keep one slot "inactvie" in case I need to push some views on something very quickly and it is not already used up. In light of this what harm could come from having more we could use? It would of course, be up to us to click enough to cover what we are using, and hopefully there would be others doing same thing to give us those needed links to click.
I also feel this change would draw more people to yarolds to use it. If the members on VA see those of us using it are hatching more eggs than they can, and getting more monthly eggs leveled than they can, then they would see the obvious choice to better their own game would be to join up as well.
If anyone else agrees/disagrees with this please sign on and comment.
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Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:14 am   

I can see a lot issues being raised with more slots .. but it really belongs in other threads (Tax, Link resetting, exploiting linktypes) so to this topic I would say keep the 12 for non -VIPs they already have enough trouble balancing credits. For VIPs I think you can add as many as the profile can hold, we can always chose to turn links on or off according to how much we can find to click.
Mini Ming Dynasty mod

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Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:42 pm   

Voted. I am definitely for more links for VIPs. The more links the better, it means more clicks. S/he who does not want or need more clicks might just leave the slots empty, so why to vote AGAINST it? I just do not understand it. "I do not need more links, so why would you others have more?" Well...quite a weird logic if I want to stay polite :-)

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Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:43 pm   

I am all for more link slots....those who play a lot of games and who need slots can always use them :mrgreen:

As for those having issues with more link slots, well they don't have to use them :wink:
The link slots don't take up room anywhere but the link area and on the sumup page so they aren't in anyone's way, so they shouldn't be cause anyone problems.

and....if no one is using the link slot then they are not losing credits :)
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Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:24 am   

I'm for more link slots definitely. I have the problem with VA needing slots for my regular eggs and then more slots for monthly eggs/promo eggs. Plus I need slots to try and attempt to get my EggCave creatures immortal. Plus I also play about a million different other games including DragCave and such. So I'm definitely for it. ;)

Joined: 14 Sep 2011
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Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:26 am   

I think more link slots will be awesome :)

Joined: 31 May 2009
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Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:50 pm   

I see no problem with extra slots idea,then its up to the member to control it and their credits.

Hardcore Gamer

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Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:50 am   

I love that VIP's have 20 slots, but.....we still need more for VA. They are going to be offering a premium membership which allows users to obtain 16 regular eggs and 30 monthly eggs. And with the new lower cost for VA links, it would be easier to make up for the addtional slots being used.
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Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:29 am   

Hi Lucifer,

its not just VA that need more slots. Users from Celestial Vale, Magistream etc could use more slots too!

Ill bring it up again with the boss & see what more can be done
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