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Balancing clicks
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Age: 53
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Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:24 pm   

Not just balancing clicks for a better place in dynasty ranking, balancing clicks to help the dynasty all together. :grin:

I mean what dynasty wants to sit at the bottom of all the dynasties? Obviously you don't because otherwise you wouldn't of made that comment about being better than ******** (which I am not going to pick an arguement about) and no I DON'T need to be happy about that....I would love to have more links sent our way :mrgreen: (more for me to click) LOL

No matter how you look at it, everything is a competition in life :wink:

Yes this is a game, yes it is just for fun, but yes it is still a competition...and you can't lie, near the end of the month, you are busting your butt to try and get to the top to get 1st or 2nd to get those credits ;) just like we are :mrgreen:
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Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:18 pm   

I think you don't understand what I mean....

I am for competition and I always show extras and of course I try to motivate my members to show extras but I always ask them it's possible and never say must!!

Who like better ranking or win monthly contest they show extras and who have fun just of clicking they it's free just to click without any pressure.

And I am here just because of competition and of course I want to be first (it's not secret!) but I don't want that somebody MUST showed extras, I have my fun of balanced and each other should have his fun, of balanced or just for clicking!!!!!!
Jassej, MMC UBC Founder
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Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 1:31 pm   

agree with jassey, my rules are the same, i never say must, its only for Fun, show 1 link, that is what i ask, and i am happy when they show more.
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Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:40 am   

You seem to miss the point Marga & Senad.

The Min.avg was implemented because if we all kept clicking more than we give what will happen? No one can afford to show extras.

A & B: A show 10 every day, B show 1 but click all of A's 10, how long do you think A can keep showing 10 before he is out of credits that is now sitting in useless in B's account?
If you go to the Supermarket you are expected to pay for all the stuff you take from the shelves, if you don't, then the Supermarket will eventually close.

I agree it's very difficult to convince all members of the importance of balancing especially if you don't see the point yourselves, the fact is if we don't give as much as we take then clicks will go down, the ones showing extras today will eventually show less to preserve their credits.
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Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:44 pm   

I've never been happy with the construction from the last 2 year. I'm still like the old way of clicks, show a link or two from the game you play.
When yarold started you had only three options for a link, now 10. the reason why yarold started was to give people a chance to share their link with another. 10 links is nonsense, most people who show 10 links, are not even play the game from the links they show.
Make yarold back to what it was, I show a link, some one else shows a link,or better say, link exchange.
what you see than is,
there is no problem with balancing
there is no problem with negative credits.
I dont like the balancing
I dont like the nonsense like show 10 links for 10 minutes or a hour.
I hope you all understand what i mean, i think the grammer is totally wrong... sorry
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Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:09 pm   

I understand you Marga :wink: and also your argument but there are really people with 10 genuine links, eggcave, haloween, VA and many other of the pet site users wants many pets evolved (yesterday if possible) and wants to show all 10 links, they keep going negative and many give up and leave the site because of it.
If we all matched click for click they would in theory be able find enough clicks to afford showing many links.
I know many come with just 1 link and if they don't want to make extra links then they shouldn't click more than their link receives, they should stop clicking after 400.
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Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:47 pm   

Would you believe you have all answered this issue.

You have all said in your own way

"Its a click exchange"From Merriam Websters Dictionary

Definition of EXCHANGE
transitive verb
a : to part with, give, or transfer in consideration of something received as an equivalent

Merriam Webster

Do it Legit. You break the rules, don't expect a pleasant outcome

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Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:08 am   

DemonicJ wrote:
Would you believe you have all answered this issue.

You have all said in your own way

"Its a click exchange"From Merriam Websters Dictionary

Definition of EXCHANGE
transitive verb
a : to part with, give, or transfer in consideration of something received as an equivalent

Merriam Webster

if it is as you say, why I can't I change IP and visit you again?
more IP more visits and instead of getting 200 300 visits in a day for link we cold gate 1000+
you can say date there are people that can't Chang IP, that's true, but for those who can it is not good
And there are one other problem, has me and many others, we just balance done receive in dynasty and showing just 1 link in Link exchange and history sow all the visits I do in Link exchange and history are just for gating credits for the days that I can't visit.
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Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 3:20 am   

Thankfully this will never be a multi ip visting site. As for how you chose to exchange mao, thats up to you. Now if only more people were in dynasties, your theory could be awesome :)
Do it Legit. You break the rules, don't expect a pleasant outcome

“You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.”

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Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:32 am   

DemonicJ wrote:
Would you believe you have all answered this issue.

You have all said in your own way

"Its a click exchange"From Merriam Websters Dictionary

Definition of EXCHANGE
transitive verb
a : to part with, give, or transfer in consideration of something received as an equivalent

Merriam Webster

As usual,
You are the best, and you have always right.
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Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:19 am   

Hi Ferrari, can you just stop with the sarcastic one liners.

Its going to look like spam.

Thanks Ecco


Age: 50
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Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:17 pm   

DemonicJ wrote:
Would you believe you have all answered this issue.

You have all said in your own way

"Its a click exchange"From Merriam Websters Dictionary

Definition of EXCHANGE
transitive verb
a : to part with, give, or transfer in consideration of something received as an equivalent

Merriam Webster

Also if I good understand I should click so much as I show!?

I have really just 1 game, mmc, and just 1 city and when I just this one put in profile I am clicked + - 300 time, also I should click just +- 300 links!?

It's not problem for me but I think it's bad for site!!!!!

Problem is another, for me yarold is a game, for mostly leadership too, but for mostly yarold members that exchange site.

And to find best way for both site it's impossible, always will be for one not fair.

But I am against that we pushed members for showing links because

1) for mostly that just one exchange site

2) many members have fun just with clicking.

Of course that not fair for dynasty in ally and members what show links but, how I say before, cannot be for all members fair, should be for mostly members fair and mostly members don't show extras, that fact!!
Jassej, MMC UBC Founder
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Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 3:06 pm   

Agree!!!! we come here to get clicks on our link, we can only get clicks when we click other peoples link, if we do not click other peoples link, we have no credits, so we can get no clicks on our link that is all!!
Some people made a game from yarolds but yarold is not a game, yarold is to get clicks on your link, thats all...
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Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:58 pm   

I know that there hasn't been any comments on this for a little while, but I wanted to add my two cents. This thread struck me because I'm frustrated for the opposite reason... I would NEVER want my hard earned credits taken away because other people don't click my link. I joined this site to get clicks on my link and help others get clicks on theirs. I click whenever I can, and I click every link I see to help people out. I got tired of the rules in the dynasties, OMG, you go negative, kick, OMG, you must click 400+, you don't, kick... So when I came back to the game, I didn't join one until someone approached me yesterday.

I click 400+ every day I'm on, and you know what I get in return, maybe 200... Yesterday, I clicked 1200+, I got 200+. I clicked 734 dynasty, I got 38 (in a 223 member dynasty)... now it's possible that some of those 200+ were dynasty members before I joined, and there are always reasons for not clicking on a given day, I'm just trying to make a point.

And the point of this ramble is that I joined the site to get clicks and to help others get clicks. It's not my fault that I only have one game and you have more. It's not my fault that I want to help other people out and they don't want to help me out. So taxing me because other people don't help me as much as I help them is not appropriate. Especially since I can't click every day and having extra credits helps me not get kicked from a dynasty when that happens.
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Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:22 pm   

exactly!!!! That is what i mean!!!
Love me just the way I am
Last edited by DemonicJ on Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:44 pm; edited 1 time in total  
Hardcore Gamer

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Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:13 am   

you made the good point jennielynn.
i'm full agreeĂŻng with you!
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Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 5:58 pm   

Yes jennielynn but those extra credits you have, are taken from some else who then go neg and gets kicked. :wink:
I don't play 10 games, at one point I didnt have even 1 game that I actually played, I show 10 links to keep the clicks and credits circulating because I like to click and I give back as good as I take so I don't take credits from someone who needs them to get clicks for their game that they care about.
Some come to Yarolds with many pets they want evolved and fill up their slots with links if we all click them and only show 1 link in return they go neg after a day and we don't see them again.
If we all balanced and made extra links to show to match what we have clicked, those multilinks members would have a better chance of supporting all their links = there would be more links to click for all.
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Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:50 pm   

It seems to me that rather than asking me to add more links to games that I don't play that the people that want more clicks on their links should have to work harder to get help in all of theirs.

I'm not saying that I don't understand what you're saying, I'm saying that I don't agree with it. I've been around for a long time, though I quit for a while due to real life getting in the way of my games and Yarold's becoming a burden on top of it. I don't remember it being about balancing clicks to help others stay positive, it was about helping people out with their games and if I wanted to show more links, I had to work harder to keep up.
Aurum KodEXo 

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Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 1:07 pm   

I don't like the idea of punishing players for clicking more than they receive either.

Here's how I see things:
It is possible for life to be fair, but in turn, we will end up being really bored and unhappy.
Universe doesn't like differences either (differences in energies that is), eventually in very very long time, all the energies and stuff will be balanced evenly, but that means literally nothing happens anymore, the universe is virtually dead.

Basically, because everyone is different, it's impossible for all of us to be happy.
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Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:13 pm   

Aurum KodEXo wrote:
Basically, because everyone is different, it's impossible for all of us to be happy.


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