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The best of July
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Age: 50
Joined: 06 Jul 2008
Posts: 286
Location: Vienna
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:15 pm   The best of July

"The best of July"


The prize pool is 20k credits!

Every day get 15 best clickers points.

1) Best clickers get 15 points
2) second 14 points
3) 13 points
4) 12 points
5) 11 points
6) 10 points
7) 9 points
8 ) 8 points
9) 7 points
10) 6 points
11) 5 points
12) 4 points
13) 3 points
14) 2 points
15) 1 points

At the end whoever has most points is the winner.

It count MinYday also to have a very good place it is very important to balance clicks done & received.
(and of course to click & show as much as possible :D )

When does it start:

It starts 11.07.2011 and ends 31.07.2011

The Prizes:

1) 3500 credit
2) 2700 credit
3) 2200 credit
4) 1700 credit
5) 1500 credit
6) 1300 credit
7) 1200 credit
8 ) 1100 credit
9) 1000 credit
10) 900 credit
11) 800 credit
12) 700 credit
13) 600 credit
14) 500 credit
15) 300 credit


Yarold's Monthly shaken, not stirred contest

I wish you good luck :)
Jassej, MMC UBC Founder

Joined: 13 Mar 2011
Posts: 71
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:25 pm   

User Points
11.07 .2011
gordy 15
Stratzisdorf 14
dirk2103 13
BlackMistress 12
Quido 11
Yuusei-chan 10
patffram51 9
dragonlady222 8
max_jak 7
Yokai 6
Zupprika 5
Suze 4
eastern 3
allyourrain 2
Sora 1


gordy 29
dirk2103 28
Stratzisdorf 27
BlackMistress 23
Quido 23
Yuusei-chan 16
dragonlady222 13
max_jak 11
csege 10
patffram51 9
Jassej 9
elnorte 8
hayami 7
Yokai 6
Zupprika 6
Suze 4
eastern 3
xallielynn 3
allyourrain 2
Twitdragon 2
Sora 1


dirk2103 43
gordy 41
Stratzisdorf 38
BlackMistress 37
Quido 36
Yuusei-chan 25
dragonlady222 23
Jassej 17
csege 14
elnorte 13
Yokai 13
max_jak 11
patffram51 11
hayami 7
Zupprika 6
XaNtoR 6
xallielynn 6
Suze 4
eastern 3
allyourrain 3
Twitdragon 2
Sora 1


gordy 56
dirk2103 55
Stratzisdorf 52
BlackMistress 50
Quido 47
Yuusei-chan 33
dragonlady222 33
Yokai 22
csege 21
Jassej 17
max_jak 16
elnorte 13
patffram51 11
xallielynn 9
allyourrain 7
hayami 7
Zupprika 6
XaNtoR 6
Suze 5
Sora 4
eastern 3
xallielynn 3
Twitdragon 2
Silberklee 2

gordy 70
dirk2103 67
Stratzisdorf 67
BlackMistress 63
Quido 58
dragonlady222 43
Yuusei-chan 42
csege 27
Yokai 24
max_jak 20
Jassej 17
allyourrain 14
XaNtoR 14
elnorte 13
patffram51 12
xallielynn 12
hayami 7
Zupprika 6
Suze 5
yashakawaii 5
Sora 4
eastern 3
Liffy 3
Twitdragon 2
Silberklee 2

gordy 85
dirk2103 81
Stratzisdorf 80
BlackMistress 75
Quido 58
Yuusei-chan 52
dragonlady222 51
Yokai 35
csege 33
max_jak 23
elnorte 22
Jassej 17
allyourrain 14
XaNtoR 14
patffram51 13
xallielynn 12
hayami 9
yashakawaii 9
Sora 9
botas12345 7
Zupprika 6
Suze 5
eastern 3
Liffy 3
Twitdragon 2
Silberklee 2


gordy 100
dirk2103 95
Stratzisdorf 93
BlackMistress 87
Quido 69
Yuusei-chan 61
dragonlady222 54
Yokai 45
csege 35
max_jak 24
elnorte 22
allyourrain 21
XaNtoR 20
Jassej 17
xallielynn 17
botas12345 15
patffram51 13
yashakawaii 13
hayami 9
Sora 9
Zupprika 6
Suze 5
eastern 3
Liffy 3
Twitdragon 2
Silberklee 2

gordy 115
dirk2103 108
Stratzisdorf 105
BlackMistress 98
Quido 83
Yuusei-chan 71
dragonlady222 58
Yokai 54
csege 35
max_jak 32
elnorte 29
allyourrain 27
XaNtoR 25
Jassej 17
xallielynn 17
patffram51 16
botas12345 15
yashakawaii 15
hayami 9
Sora 9
Zupprika 6
Suze 6
eastern 3
Liffy 3
Twitdragon 2
Silberklee 2


gordy 130
dirk2103 121
Stratzisdorf 119
BlackMistress 110
Quido 94
Yuusei-chan 79
dragonlady222 61
Yokai 61
max_jak 41
elnorte 39
csege 37
allyourrain 31
XaNtoR 25
botas12345 20
Jassej 17
xallielynn 17
patffram51 16
yashakawaii 16
hayami 9
Sora 9
rt117 6
Zupprika 6
Suze 6
eastern 3
Liffy 3
Twitdragon 2
Silberklee 2

gordy 145
dirk2103 135
Stratzisdorf 132
BlackMistress 122
Quido 104
Yuusei-chan 80
dragonlady222 72
Yokai 69
max_jak 48
elnorte 48
csege 42
allyourrain 37
XaNtoR 25
botas12345 24
patffram51 18
Jassej 17
xallielynn 17
yashakawaii 16
Sora 12
hayami 9
rt117 6
Zupprika 6
Suze 6
eastern 3
Liffy 3
Twitdragon 2
Silberklee 2

gordy 159
dirk2103 150
Stratzisdorf 145
BlackMistress 134
Quido 104
Yuusei-chan 80
Yokai 79
dragonlady222 76
elnorte 59
max_jak 48
csege 47
allyourrain 46
botas12345 32
XaNtoR 25
yashakawaii 23
patffram51 20
Jassej 17
xallielynn 17
Sora 12
hayami 9
Liffy 9
Suze 7
rt117 6
Zupprika 6
Silberklee 5
eastern 3
Twitdragon 2

gordy 174
dirk2103 163
Stratzisdorf 153
BlackMistress 140
Quido 118
Yokai 86
Yuusei-chan 80
dragonlady222 79
elnorte 70
max_jak 60
allyourrain 55
csege 47
botas12345 36
yashakawaii 28
XaNtoR 25
patffram51 20
Jassej 17
xallielynn 17
Silberklee 15
Sora 14
hayami 9
Liffy 9
Suze 8
rt117 6
Zupprika 6
eastern 3
Twitdragon 2

gordy 189
dirk2103 176
Stratzisdorf 161
BlackMistress 152
Quido 132
Yokai 93
dragonlady222 90
Yuusei-chan 80
elnorte 80
max_jak 66
allyourrain 64
csege 47
botas12345 41
yashakawaii 31
XaNtoR 25
patffram51 24
Jassej 17
xallielynn 17
Silberklee 15
Sora 14
Suze 10
hayami 9
Liffy 9
rt117 6
Zupprika 6
eastern 3
Twitdragon 2
spendy 1

gordy 204
dirk2103 190
Stratzisdorf 173
BlackMistress 165
Quido 132
Yokai 99
dragonlady222 95
elnorte 91
Yuusei-chan 88
max_jak 76
allyourrain 66
botas12345 48
csege 47
yashakawaii 31
XaNtoR 25
patffram51 24
Silberklee 24
Jassej 17
xallielynn 17
Sora 14
Suze 13
hayami 10
Liffy 9
rt117 6
Zupprika 6
LowGmaN 4
eastern 3
Twitdragon 2
spendy 1

gordy 215
dirk2103 197
Stratzisdorf 187
BlackMistress 180
Quido 145
elnorte 103
Yokai 100
dragonlady222 99
Yuusei-chan 88
max_jak 84
allyourrain 66
botas12345 53
csege 47
yashakawaii 41
Silberklee 33
XaNtoR 27
patffram51 24
Jassej 17
xallielynn 17
Sora 14
Suze 13
hayami 10
Liffy 9
LowGmaN 7
paipai 6
rt117 6
Zupprika 6
eastern 3
Twitdragon 2
spendy 1

gordy 229
dirk2103 212
Stratzisdorf 199
BlackMistress 193
Quido 145
elnorte 113
dragonlady222 110
Yokai 107
max_jak 93
Yuusei-chan 88
allyourrain 74
botas12345 53
csege 47
yashakawaii 45
Silberklee 35
patffram51 29
XaNtoR 27
Jassej 17
xallielynn 17
Sora 14
Suze 13
LowGmaN 13
hayami 10
Liffy 9
paipai 6
rt117 6
Zupprika 6
spendy 4
eastern 3
Twitdragon 2

gordy 244
dirk2103 226
Stratzisdorf 212
BlackMistress 204
Quido 157
elnorte 120
dragonlady222 119
Yokai 111
max_jak 93
Yuusei-chan 88
allyourrain 80
botas12345 56
yashakawaii 50
csege 47
Silberklee 43
patffram51 29
XaNtoR 27
Jassej 17
xallielynn 17
Zupprika 16
Sora 14
Suze 14
LowGmaN 13
hayami 10
Liffy 9
paipai 6
rt117 6
spendy 4
eastern 3
Twitdragon 2

gordy 255
dirk2103 241
Stratzisdorf 225
BlackMistress 216
Quido 171
elnorte 129
dragonlady222 129
Yokai 115
max_jak 100
Yuusei-chan 88
allyourrain 85
botas12345 62
yashakawaii 50
csege 47
Silberklee 43
patffram51 29
XaNtoR 27
Zupprika 24
Jassej 17
xallielynn 17
Suze 17
Sora 14
LowGmaN 13
hayami 11
Liffy 9
paipai 6
rt117 6
spendy 6
eastern 3
Twitdragon 2

gordy 270
dirk2103 255
Stratzisdorf 238
BlackMistress 228
Quido 171
elnorte 140
dragonlady222 132
Yokai 121
max_jak 109
allyourrain 92
Yuusei-chan 88
botas12345 67
yashakawaii 60
csege 48
Silberklee 47
Zupprika 32
patffram51 29
XaNtoR 27
Jassej 17
xallielynn 17
Suze 17
Sora 14
LowGmaN 13
hayami 11
Liffy 11
paipai 6
rt117 6
spendy 6
eastern 3
Twitdragon 2

gordy 284
dirk2103 265
Stratzisdorf 251
BlackMistress 243
Quido 171
elnorte 149
dragonlady222 143
Yokai 126
max_jak 117
allyourrain 99
Yuusei-chan 88
botas12345 73
yashakawaii 63
csege 52
Silberklee 47
Zupprika 44
patffram51 31
XaNtoR 27
Suze 18
Jassej 17
xallielynn 17
Sora 14
LowGmaN 13
hayami 11
Liffy 11
paipai 6
rt117 6
spendy 6
eastern 3
Twitdragon 2

1.)gordy 299 Points = 3500 credit
2.)dirk2103 279 = 2700 credit
3.)Stratzisdorf 263 = 2200 credit
4.)BlackMistress 256 = 1700 credit
5.)Quido 171 = 1500 credit
6.)elnorte 158 = 1300 credit
7.)dragonlady222 146 = 1200 credit
8.)Yokai 132 = 1100 credit
9.)max_jak 117 = 1000 credit
10.)allyourrain 107 = 900 credit
11.)Yuusei-chan 88 = 800 credit
12.)botas12345 78 = 700 credit - banned
13.)yashakawaii 63 = 600 credit
14.)csege 59 = 500 credit
15.)Silberklee 57 = 300 credit

Zupprika 55
patffram51 31
XaNtoR 31
Suze 19
Jassej 17
xallielynn 17
Sora 14
LowGmaN 13
hayami 11
Liffy 11
paipai 6
rt117 6
spendy 6
eastern 3
Twitdragon 2

Congratulation to all winners :smile:
dirk2103, MMC UBC Emporer
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