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Monthly contest to reward more dynasties.

Would you like to see the monthly contest prizes spread across more teams
 57%  [ 11 ]
 42%  [ 8 ]
Voted : 19
Total Votes: 19

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Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 9:37 am   

Please stay on topic and we respect all ideas and take them with us to debate it democratic before any dissensions are made by admins and the boss.Stop the blaming about admins in leader positions, they neutral and fair. What i have seen some crew leaders are very good in training the team as its told before teamwork pays off...

No sarcasm here...

Otherwise i have to remove posts... thx


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Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 1:20 am   

Because I belong to a small dynasty, we do not have any chance to win any prize in the dynasty competitions. At this point, I am wondering why I even belong to a dynasty. A couple years ago it was fun being part of the competition for "top dynasty"... since then I've seen logged on members drop from well over 300 to about half that number during happy hours.

IMO, the competition has left the game and no longer exists.

So do what you want with the dynasty competition... It doesn't effect us Hippies.

Maybe we should be able to cast a vote of indifference :)

Joined: 04 Dec 2010
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Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:16 am   

rusvill wrote:
2) In addition to, or separately from 1) Split the comp into two sections with three to five winners in each section. Have the sections locked in for the duration of any month so that the 'Durstan team' can't leave to gain an advantage and then return or even be accused of it.

It seems as though as hard as I try I am unable to successfully communicate my meanings or desires in this conversation.

Since the 'edit' button is no longer available to me I apologise to Durstan who has sent me an email asking for this to be edited.

Durstan, my point was not an attack on you. I don't even know you. In fact I found the little I do know about you (your image in your short notes) to be humourous. My point here was simply to state that teams should be roughly locked in for a monthly period so that there is not able to be any accusations of unfair play. I know nothing about the breakaway that you and ?Kra92? and one other player made other than that you left and came back within about a week and that you are all very good clickers.

I was not intending to accuse you of any wrong doing. I was merely trying to give a recent example people may be interested in or familiar with.

Another example which I guess to be entirely innocent was the merger between the Village Dynasty with all the Asterix logos (I can't remember the team's name) and whoever they merged with. A merger between two teams is fine and should be allowed, but it is unfair if it raises the MinAve. If teams A and B each have five with ave of 1500, five with ave of 1200 and five with ave of 900 (giving each team a top 15 ave of 1200) then a merger doesn't give an ave of 1200, it is ten at 1500 and five at 1200 for a top 15 of 1400.

Admins/Mods, I feel that this post is still on topic (just); however, after this post I will not be contributing to this topic any further. For the sake of abiding by the rules I will only respond to emails if I think it to be constructive. Otherwise I am bowing out of this conversation.
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The Mob Emperor

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Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:33 am   


your post is in the spirit of the topic & is correct, nor does it or previous posts require editting.

The later part of your post refers to real mini village (RMV) & click busters. That merger happened as the Emp of RMV was retiring (real life & yarolds, yes I will keep this to topic) & offered his dynasty to click busters for merging. However, not all went to Click Busters some went elsewhere, so overall there wasnt much benefit in averages for Click Busters. At the time it just made Click Busters a bigger dynasty is all
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Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 3:03 pm   

Please, be respectful with other members.
Next insult don't will be only remove the post and giving a warning, next one will result in a ban!

Remember the forum's rules


Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:13 pm   

One of the greatest advantages of spreading the monthly credits much wider would be that those lower/smaller teams who seem to have proportionately more noobs/negs could use the credits to offer competitions of their own to stimulate activity.

Nothing wrong with using a carrot technique!

The current prize distribution gives the top team the ability to offer or use for each member , even at max capacity, roughly 1,333 credits per month. You would imagine those two top dynasties have very little need of such stimulation being locked in the contest for first place as they are.
It certainly isn't needed to stimulate noobs from what I have seen. When investigating the other day I could only find one negative balance in Jays team.

I would like the whole dynasty competition re-invigorated rather than polarised.
Last edited by turdkey on Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:48 pm; edited 1 time in total  
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Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:18 pm   

Again "Jay's dynasty"?

I wanted be out of this topic, but...

Well, I will try explain you why we have those good members, seems that you didn't read anything in the forum. (it is in many topics)

"Jay's team" how you called it, is a real team, having an active chatroom (more even that the main chat), where our members help each other, where everyone gets fun clicking and joking, talking abut yarolds or about anyother things.

We don't get our members from an special site where they know everything about yarolds, neither we poach them as sometimes we got accused to, we get them only from the exchange site, we get them when they don't know even about snaplinks or flashblock, but the difference between us and you is that we HELP them to know how this site works, it isn't only send a mail with instructions and let them get everything alone, no, it is a hard work that we get rewarded in the end of month by winning the contest.

I'm tired of hear most of you complaining about this dynasty because we win always, did you even try work a bit more with your members?

We don't send credits to our negative members, any other admin can see our transfers and see that we don't spend our winning on them, here everyone learn to be positive by clicking.

Also, our members aren't teached as yours about hiding the link from main, our members show their main link 24/7 in main from the first day in our dynasty, so, it helps also to the whole site, more links to click for everyone (including your dynasty).

It is Mob's fault that you don't know make a real teamwork?? You are even complaining about Mob's members because they are posting in this topic, also it is so bad that our members are the more active members in yarold? we must punished them for be so actives in the site and in the forum? it isn't what you all really wish for your dynasties? So, why it is a bad thing if it is done in the mob? or it is all just jealousy because it is what everyone wish for their dynasties and you aren't able of do it??

Do you know that the first months that we won the contest we were sharing our winning with our allies? Did your emp tell you that? Did them tell you why we stoped doing it a few months later??

Oh please, if instead of try ruin the good dynasties, you try spend the time helping your members to understand how click, surely you can have a great team how the mob or even better, it isn't hard, it is only want do it!

I think that i said enough, so, we can discuss about change the contest or not, but try see The Mob as it is, not as you want make it look!

And still i think that i don't see the point in this topic, we are talking about 15 members for the contest, so, why asking for small dynasties?

Last edited by Alba on Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:19 pm; edited 1 time in total  
Gamer Deity

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Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 6:18 pm   

Im for splitting the competition between "large " and "small" dynasties. And for paying out 3 places.
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Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:55 pm   

I don't usually post but since the current contest is based on an idea of mine, I will clarify:
My idea was a contest for all dynasties to replace the previous based on number of clicks where only the largest dynasty actually had a chance to win.
I suggested a dynasty should have minimum 15 members to enter the contest to avoid the forming of small elite dynasties only accepting top avg. members like we saw 2 yrs ago (NetFreaks, Eternity, ...?);
The fact that some people are so competitive they would drop members last day of the month to raise the avg. made the contest be only about the top 15 members of the dynasty (not my original thought) and I bet a dividing the contest would make some dyns drop their lower avg members end of month to qualify for the smaller dyns contest.

I challenge you to come up with an idea for a new contest that can't be abused, it seems no matter what you think of some will always find a loophole to get an "unfair" advantage.

About spreading the monthly credits? If you look at the activity in the majority of smaller dyns, I don't think it's a matter of credits it's more a matter of interest. Lots of those smaller dyns were made by members being constantly kicked from larger dyns because they didn't have the time or interest for daily activity.
Winning 2nd (20,000) when you have 50+ members doesn't go far, it is not much of a motivation and it shouldn't be either. It should be about the fun and pride in honest team achievement (maybe abolish the the prize or make it just a small symbolic recognition?)

The dynasties with least neg's usually has leaders spending a lot of time and effort teaching the newbies and off course an "old" dynasty that has had long time to teach their members and or replace the less click interested members with others more dedicated clickers will eventually have very few neg's.

Duncan, I agree that some members has left Yarolds because of all the bickering but another reason for less members (IMO) is that MMC is no longer a top game, it was a game for competitive players and MMC links dominated the site. Today it's action links mostly pet evolving and there isn't the same amount/degree of competitive players in those games.

That's my 2 cents :razz:

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:31 pm   

Jeanne wrote:

Duncan, I agree that some members has left Yarolds because of all the bickering but another reason for less members (IMO) is that MMC is no longer a top game, it was a game for competitive players and MMC links dominated the site. Today it's action links mostly pet evolving and there isn't the same amount/degree of competitive players in those games.

That's my 2 cents :razz:

Hi Jeanne I would argue that two years ago Yarolds didn't have to compete so hard against so many good autoclick sites. Now those sites are both plentiful and good it is another matter.

I see many names on those sites long since vanished from Yarolds. Like most of those I can gain many more clicks far easier than here so Yarolds needs to enhance it's appeal to maintain and and increase the dwindling participation.

As with any business in changing times adapt or die.

[ Added: Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:44 pm ]
Alba wrote:
Again "Jay's dynasty"?

Do you know that the first months that we won the contest we were sharing our winning with our allies? Did your emp tell you that? Did them tell you why we stoped doing it a few months later??

Oh please, if instead of try ruin the good dynasties, you try spend the time helping your members to understand how click, surely you can have a great team how the mob or even better, it isn't hard, it is only want do it!

So scraps from the table that's pretty big of you but didn't you know it's dangerous to get people hooked on handouts it's far better they learn to earn their own. If the mob don't use those credits amongst themselves, through whatever means, Alba does that mean DJ gets to keep them all? :smile:

Growing teams and competing isn't actually in my game plan so you're way off on that one. I give you suggestions you argue for the status quo. But would there be any discussion without someone playing devils advocate? Complacency is a killer.

To be perfectly honest I expect no significant changes here, a bit of tinkering maybe but nothing major. Why I believe that is already in my posts. :sad:
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Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:53 pm   

turdkey wrote:
Hi Jeanne I would argue that two years ago Yarolds didn't have to compete so hard against so many good autoclick sites. Now those sites are both plentiful and good it is another matter.

Same autosites were there two years ago as they are now

Contest Idea

total minavg / 55 for top group (fixed at 55 to stop member dropping etc) From group 1 (30+ members) pay (3 place only need the carrot for those that dont make 3rd or higher)
Total minavg /25 for group 2 less than 30 members pay (3 place only need the carrot for those that dont make 3rd or higher)

pili well said

Turdkey, might be a good idea to post an idea, as to most this is just starting to look like a sour grapes type of thread

turdkey wrote:
So scraps from the table that's pretty big of you but didn't you know it's dangerous to get people hooked on handouts it's far better they learn to earn their own.

Well said turdkey, thats the reason why a contest should only be about the best teams. Its also why some teams arent doing as well as they used to as the handouts have gone
Do it Legit. You break the rules, don't expect a pleasant outcome

“You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.”

Proudly the Emperor of The MOB. The oldest surviving & most successful large dynasty

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:13 pm   

Alba wrote:
Please, be respectful with other members.
Next insult don't will be only remove the post and giving a warning, next one will result in a ban!

Remember the forum's rules

Everyone were warned!
Last edited by Alba on Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:50 pm; edited 1 time in total  
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Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:17 pm   

PaiGow wrote:
Because I belong to a small dynasty, we do not have any chance to win any prize in the dynasty competitions.

Could be my words :wink:

So do what you want with the dynasty competition... It doesn't effect Just4Fun ( also agree PaiGow)
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Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:10 pm   

rusvill wrote:

1) Reward the top five (or at minimum, three) teams. For example, 1st = 80,000, 2nd = 40,000, 3rd = 20,000, 4th = 10,000 and 5th = 5,000 or better still 50,000/30,000/20,000/15,000/10,000 in order to encourage competition but still make the differences for the higher places more worthwhile.
3) Maybe the top 15 clickers isn't enough. Maybe it does need to be the entire team min ave.
4) MOST IMPORTANT of these... The team who won last month should not be eligible for FIRST place this month. Even better, First is only eligible for 3rd at most the month after their win, then 2nd the next month, then back to possible first in the third month. This should encourage teams to still compete in subsequent months but still allow others to keep up or catch up.

I like these ideas that rusvill put forth. Since the Mob always wins it creates a lot of resentment among the other dynasties. I had no idea that you were not counting the whole dynasty, that seems a bit ridiculous and everyone in the dynasty should count. Having winners not be able to win the next month would at least give others a chance to win from time to time (although I think the winners should only be out one month not the two mentioned).

Of Course, my Shogun PaiGow is right. A vote of indifference for us. It really doesn't effect us due to our size. It only effects me personally when I see it lead to negativity on the site.

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Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:01 pm   

rusvill wrote:

Third, my ideas:

4) MOST IMPORTANT of these... The team who won last month should not be eligible for FIRST place this month. Even better, First is only eligible for 3rd at most the month after their win, then 2nd the next month, then back to possible first in the third month. This should encourage teams to still compete in subsequent months but still allow others to keep up or catch up.

This here makes me laugh... :lol: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha :lol:
The winner not be able to win again for a month let alone 3 ? again I laugh ha ha ha ha

To me, this says to me "Go ahead and BE LAZY and don't TRAIN your members to click well to get up to the top."

Has no one been listening/reading? The reason the top team is where it is, is BECAUSE it takes the TIME to train, and get to know their members. They like to click, they want to click, they enjoy being a part of the dynasty because it is FUN....not because it is work.

I think this is a silly suggestion, and a way out of having to train new members just so that dynasties can win. To me that just sad :sad:
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