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Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:19 pm
Unsolicited dynasty join offers
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Gamer God

Age: 38
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Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:12 pm   Unsolicited dynasty join offers

Are dynasty emps allowed to send random messages to other members (not in their dynasty) asking if they want to join the emp's dynasty?
Gamer God

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Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:55 pm   

As far as I know there is no rule against it, but it's not something that is much appreciated, to say the least :P
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Gamer Legend

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Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:01 pm   

Most Emps and Kampakus will go to the members on line page and scroll through to see who is online that has none listed as thier dynasty. Then mail the person to see if they would like to join a dynasty, or at least that is how I do it.. Now sometimes if you dropped out of your dynasty for some reason and plan on going back these emps will not realize it since there is no where that says what dynasty you did belong to... There are a few out there that are not as honest and will try to recruit from other dynasties.. All I can say is politely decline the offer and delete. Jenn
Kampaku of Feel Free and Happy dynasty
Gamer God

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Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 5:46 pm   

I only ask, cause I got one of these today, and words cannot express how angry it makes me when I get this kind of message - it's as bad as e-mail spam in my opinion.

Admins - Is there any way we could have a box we can click on our profiles that flags us as someone who hates unsolicited mail? If there's a demand for it I mean. Like Telephone Preference Service in the UK (a service you sign up for meaning telesales companies aren't allowed to contact you) - I'm very rude to telesales people, it's hard having to be civil to online people who are essentially doing the same thing >.>
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Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:37 pm   

There used to be a dynasty to avoid invitations by dynasties (it had no allies and no obligation to click whatsoever) ..

I had three invitations the past coupla days and altho I stayed polite (except for one I didn't even answer as it was the umphtieth invitation) I'd love to see that particular dynasty back!!

I support your request Ehryn!!

I just noticed you ARE in a dynasty, there is an unwritten rule to not try and recruit people who're already in a dynasty.
As I've NO dynasty (for personal reasons) I'd like to have the option NOT to be recruited..
Last edited by filmore on Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:15 pm; edited 1 time in total  
Gamer Legend

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Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:15 pm   

I do sent invitations to Yarold members who are not in a dynasty.

Some of them appreciate it, since they are new on Yarolds and did not yet know about dynasties.
Some of them respond and either reject or accept the invitation

These are members from the "members online" list.
Gamer God

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Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:34 pm   Re: Unsolicited dynasty join offers

Ehryn wrote:
Are dynasty emps allowed to send random messages to other members (not in their dynasty) asking if they want to join the emp's dynasty?

Yes emps and shoguns and everyone is allowed to send mails to members, and ask them if they will join there dynasty.

personally I would never ask people who are already in a dynasty, but even that is allowed.

What is wrong with it Ehryn ? people who not want to join another dynasty can delete the mail.
do you think people will come to that dynasty after 1 mail? and if they do? I guess they where not loyal to your dynasty.
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Gamer God

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Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:08 pm   

Ferrari - Do you have a phone? And obviously you pay for internet, right? (or perhaps a member of your family does, I'm not sure) So how would you feel if someone rang you up and wasted your time trying to sell you a different internet package, even though you were perfectly happy with the one you have?

While I don't mind being "recruited" if I'm NOT in a group (both here or anywhere else), it ticks me off when people try to recruit me when I'm already perfectly happy with whatever I'm already with.

Not to mention, setting a precedent where this is allowed is opening the door for every emperor to send this kind of mail - with over 50 dynasties out there, not to mention it would probably spread to kampaku as well, that's a LOT of messages. Granted not every one would do it, but nevertheless.

I'm not saying the whole concept should be banned, nor am I requesting a damned debate over it for goodness sake, I was asking a question and making a request for a little checkbox to flag a marker saying I don't want unsolicited recruitment mails. My question has been answered and the admins are more than welcome to tell me my request is unreasonable or impossible and that's that. There's no need to get up in my face about it, but I'm not just going to roll over because you disagree with me.
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Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:20 pm   

moved to dynasty discussions.

Site Admin

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Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:23 pm   

1st Recruting mails to members in dynasties are not allowed, same as sending unwanted mail to other users that dont want it. so far its unwritten.

Proper options will be added.
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Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:56 am   

I totally agree with Ehryn and I'm happy to learn that recruiting members from other dynasties is frowned upon. It was an annoyance while I wasn't in a dynasty but I wouldn't have found a new home unless I'd been recruited :grin: And all but one took my polite no for an answer. I did have to threaten one person with a mod after the third time I declined their invitation :twisted:
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Dark Side Empress

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Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:44 am   

I think that can not be done.
but I do not see that the problem is so large.
I think Ferrari are right. when a person is happy in his dynasty, does not want to leave, or the most charming of the mails.

this is what I think.

I'm here for nine months, and nobody sent me any mail asking me to go to your dynasty.
not interesting to anyone?

I never look to anyone from another dynasty, but I do not think that is a very important issue.

Gamer Legend

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Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:48 pm   

Thanks Stan for your quick (and clear) answer, I'm looking forward to having the options :)

Age: 53
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Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:59 am   

One thing I have noticed is another way to recruit is click main links and history. When people see you click their links, they sometimes come to your dynasty. I have had a few members contact me about our dynasty :)
Hardcore Gamer

Joined: 22 Jan 2009
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Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:34 am   

When Thriving Dragons was dissolving I had 3 or 4 people send me mail about joining their dynasty, and I didn't think it was out of place, because it was public that TD was being disbanded.

OTOH, if I got an invitation today I would consider it spam.

However, there's enough gossip here that I suspect such rudeness would be rather counterproductive. :-)
Hardcore Gamer

Joined: 01 May 2009
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Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 1:50 pm   

We are not a mail server for a call of a dynasty is considered spam.

We are a site where there are rules to exchange links.

A dynasty is part of the rules of the game.

How to members if not by invitation?

The simplest is who do not like to receive message, delete.

That is so hard?

Request members of other dynasties act is not honorable.

Joined: 08 Mar 2009
Posts: 7
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 5:07 am   

filmore wrote:
There used to be a dynasty to avoid invitations by dynasties (it had no allies and no obligation to click whatsoever) ..

I had three invitations the past coupla days and altho I stayed polite (except for one I didn't even answer as it was the umphtieth invitation) I'd love to see that particular dynasty back!!

I support your request Ehryn!!

I just noticed you ARE in a dynasty, there is an unwritten rule to not try and recruit people who're already in a dynasty.
As I've NO dynasty (for personal reasons) I'd like to have the option NOT to be recruited..

The Stop the Spam Dynasty has no click requiremenst & does not accecpt any spam, including alliance offers. It is designed just to "Stop the Spam" emails and are are welcome in it.
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