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  Topic: Scripts on Page?

Replies: 0
Views: 2788

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 3:08 pm   Subject: Scripts on Page?
When I load the main Yarold's site I'm getting script errors that ask me to stop the script or debug it. I'm not sure what script is causing this, but it happens on every page that I go to (which means that I can't use the site at all at the moment).

I use Firefox for clicking but am also having problems in Chrome.
  Topic: Virtuadopt Not Registering Clicks

Replies: 1
Views: 3742

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2017 3:19 am   Subject: Virtuadopt Not Registering Clicks
I did use the search feature and didn't see this issue addressed.

I'm using Firefox with Multi-Links Plus and clicking the Dynasty page one user at a time (otherwise it runs my computer down too much). I open Virtuapets separately so that I can "close all to the right" once they have loaded without having to hunt out each of the Virtuapets links to click them separately.

The page I'm taken to when I open them asks me to click a link in order to "play with" the pet. When I do this, it is not registering my click but is telling me to make sure that cookies are enabled, etc. Multi Links Plus is the only add-on for Firefox that I have in my browser. Nothing (including ads) is blocked in this browser.

There doesn't seem to be any reason that these wouldn't register. Does anybody have any advice?
  Topic: Banned?

Replies: 15
Views: 13507

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:20 am   Subject: Banned?
Thank you, thank you, thank you mods! <3
  Topic: Banned?

Replies: 15
Views: 13507

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:14 am   Subject: Banned?
Wow. That's a lot of clicking. I think my highest ever was 5000 or so clicks, and that's almost constantly clicking. Firefox is so slow for me in general that I can't manage that and let the pages fully load :-/

Also, I almost always have at least six links for people to click back, but often wish we could do more than 20 lol
  Topic: Banned?

Replies: 15
Views: 13507

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:08 am   Subject: Banned?
Is clicking triggering something that's causing us to become banned then? I mean, it's not possible to be banned for clicking too much, is it? I rely heavily on this place. Too much so, I'd say.

The part about 'no more links to click' happens to me too often. I usually just take breaks haha
  Topic: Banned?

Replies: 15
Views: 13507

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:59 am   Subject: Banned?
Mine's still banned :(
  Topic: Banned?

Replies: 15
Views: 13507

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:49 am   Subject: Banned?
When I first posted this I'd not been able to see the "banned" forum because my browser apparently loaded a cached version of the page from before I was logged in. Oops.

Having checked there, it seems that we're not alone. Go look at your dynasty page. There are a lot of banned accounts right now. Is yours just for two weeks as well?
  Topic: Banned?

Replies: 15
Views: 13507

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:33 am   Subject: Banned?
It seems that my account has been banned for two weeks, but I don't understand why this would be. Unless I'm misunderstanding something, I haven't broken any rules. I only have (and have only ever had) one account, my IP address shouldn't have changed at all recently for any reason, I'm a regular clicker, and my links are all to magistream, valley of unicorns and dragon cave.

The site was down for some time (giving me an error message and saying that it was an unknown error) and when I went to click when the site came back up, I was told that my account had been banned. It would appear that the account was banned some time after I clicked "open all" because the first three or four links loaded, and then the rest of them said that I was banned.

I can't come up with any reason that my account should have been banned and thought this might have been a glitch related to the down-time of the site, but it looks as though I'm the only one in my dynasty who was banned :-/

Any help?

ETA: My apologies, this is obviously in the wrong forum. I couldn't see the other forum at the time that I went to post. I think I was loading a cached version from before I registered for the forum. Oops. Again, I'm sorry.
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