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  Topic: missing credits
red oak

Replies: 15
Views: 8029

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:03 pm   Subject: missing credits
Metalteo wrote:
Jeanne wrote:
And - as I have understood - if you're in a dynasty clicks cost and gives a little less.

Clicks in dynasty count the same as anywhere else on the site.

It used to be less for dynasty clicks, but it obviously changed...
  Topic: [Fixed] IPs, our private data now publically available
red oak

Replies: 16
Views: 7366

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 4:34 am   Subject: [Fixed] IPs, our private data now publically available
And I don't understand why people who don't understand the issue get involved in the debate... :razz:
This issue is now resolved. Option to view the members IPs has been removed and you are free to share as many personal details as you wish. I would love your phone number Jennielynn & would love to know what is your yearly income... and I hope that you won't freak out about it... well, why would you? :wink:

Merry Christmas!
  Topic: [Fixed] IPs, our private data now publically available
red oak

Replies: 16
Views: 7366

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 6:32 pm   Subject: [Fixed] IPs, our private data now publically available
You're missing the point jennielynn ;)
  Topic: [Fixed] IPs, our private data now publically available
red oak

Replies: 16
Views: 7366

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 6:56 am   Subject: [Fixed] IPs, our private data now publically available
It was on history page (as recenty as Sunday morning my time) under "Customize". One of the options for "Visible columns" was "IPs". When checked, it would display IPs of every player that clicked my links. I do have a screenshot of the page displaying the players and their IPs, but since that option has now been removed there is no need for posting it here.
  Topic: [Fixed] IPs, our private data now publically available
red oak

Replies: 16
Views: 7366

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 9:10 pm   Subject: [Fixed] IPs, our private data now publically available
I used the "e.mail" function on this forum. I'm enclosing copy that came to my mailbox (header included). Perhaps it's not working as it should.

And thank you for removing the option of displaying IPs from the History pages.

@ Theposum1 - I don't see what relevance your reply has to the problem in my original post...
  Topic: [Fixed] IPs, our private data now publically available
red oak

Replies: 16
Views: 7366

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 5:57 pm   Subject: [Fixed] IPs, our private data now publically available
I noticed few days ago that IPs became available on "History" pages for anyone that wishes to see them.

On Sunday I sent an e.mail to Administration:

I just noticed that you made IPs, our private and personal data, available to anyone that wishes to see them. Is there any reason to make that personal data available to the entire world?

I'm absolutely appalled that in this age when we all strive for internet security our privacy is compromised without any notification whatsoever.

Please kindly respect my privacy and remove my IP from public view

Thank you


Of course, my e.mail got ignored.

Just for your info, if one knows how to do it, many IPs can be traced down to your front door. Is this something that you want? I'm sure that anyone who will trace it is not going to ring your bell to deliver you a dozen of roses... I will not click on Yarolds until the IPs are removed from public view and I would suggest that you file your objections as well.
  Topic: No Game Credit
red oak

Replies: 6
Views: 3619

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 3:49 am   Subject: No Game Credit
Just shows how worthless the whole HAT is... and the solution as provided by Ardatia... if the Dynasties' role was aimed towards helping each others to get valid clicks for their games rather than click races, then Yarold's would be actually useful to those who play other games...
  Topic: Don't include joiners in dynasty average
red oak

Replies: 7
Views: 5656

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:48 pm   Subject: Don't include joiners in dynasty average
My old trusty calculator says:


Divided by 5 (3 members + 2 'joining' members) = makes an average of 284

Applying formula: (284 - 178)/10 = 10.6

Adding 10.6 to the previous average = 188.6, which rounded up = 189, exactly the 'new average' as displayed...

Maybe a different formula is used for single digit dynasties, I'm NOT SURE... Or maybe math is not international after all...
  Topic: Dynasty Forums
red oak

Replies: 5
Views: 3061

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:07 pm   Subject: Dynasty Forums
Hey MUSHpark, yer welcome to has forum on my site until you grow up some. Look down into my signatire. Wer unlimited ;)
  Topic: Human Awareness Test
red oak

Replies: 134
Views: 59143

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:59 pm   Subject: Human Awareness Test
CARE is a test to see how many monkeys will jump through the hoops for a candy...

Majority of us click the 'doorgans', & 'nexts' or whatever we were asked to do... & we know which links those are.

I saw a button on the new H.A.T... I clicked it... I'm not here to play additional games, nor read people's websites, I'm here to click... I see the button, I click it...

I failed the test... ok, I can live with that... Next time I put a random number in the box, I fail again, I don't know why... After the forth time I come here to find out what is going on... & what is it that this site requires... I'm given some wishy-washy reply...

Next thing I learn is that I failed all but 2 of the tests & that I'm not only stupid but irresponsible & uncaring clicker & need to be separated from the good ones...

Test was made to divide users of site to those who click or do whats need after opening given link and those who close window.
Links that they would require any action from users are not showed to users who would close window anyway.

... i understand that its not easy to understand that user can get nothing when no action is taken when visiting his link.

I find it insulting at best and I no longer bother with the 'test', I simply skip it when I see it. FYI 'action' links are still available on Dynasty pages and I can assure all those that own them, that even though I'm classified as bad clicker, all required 'buttons' as always, are clicked, & so are double words and foxwar codes are typed in...

I'm not a monkey & will not jump through the hoops and I can survive without your candies...

This is not meant to upset anyone, just expresses my total frustration with the way this site is now run with total disregard for us, average members...
  Topic: Limit on short note 4 lines?
red oak

Replies: 7
Views: 4468

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:11 pm   Subject: Limit on short note 4 lines?
If you hover over your short note Lurchman it should show the entire content...

Some of those 'short' notes were becoming an annoying half a page of personal chatter, unfortunately those who run promotions have to suffer now...

Perhaps pointing out to those who were not using the 'short' notes as intended would be a less drastic approach...
  Topic: New <limit> ?
red oak

Replies: 6
Views: 3766

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 4:09 pm   Subject: New <limit> ?
Thank you ppj2005, I'm also able to assume things, however this member was not vip & I did not see other links which I know had a limit put on them to behave this way after they expired...

So the mystery of the new feature is still there...
  Topic: aquae-sextiae Your account is banned! Why? Reason?
red oak

Replies: 5
Views: 4120

PostForum: Banned accounts   Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 12:33 am   Subject: aquae-sextiae Your account is banned! Why? Reason?
Tsai wrote:
mph10 wrote:
you can have 2 accounts with different ip's linking to the same site

Not to the same city!
A unique link of a myminicity city can only be entered in 1 Yarold's account.


I don't think that is correct Tsai, system will not allow the same link to run at the same time on two different accounts, but this is not against any rules and not the reason for banning.

We have a link which is maintained by a team and various members of the team 'feed' that link at different times & there is no problem...

Multiple accounts are different accounts created from the same IP... and this is against the rules
  Topic: New <limit> ?
red oak

Replies: 6
Views: 3766

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 12:17 am   Subject: New <limit> ?
There are NO links on the history page and one user has a <limit> instead of a link...

Could you kindly tell me what does it mean?
  Topic: Human Awareness Test
red oak

Replies: 134
Views: 59143

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 7:46 pm   Subject: Human Awareness Test
I no longer bother with the test, all I lost as a result are links which require additional input... knowing that they are not there I no longer waste my time on looking for them & not having additional tasks to do, my clicking goes almost twice as fast now...
  Topic: Joiners to peasant problem
red oak

Replies: 7
Views: 3388

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 9:22 pm   Subject: Joiners to peasant problem
This thread is a prime example how great the improvements are... dynasties and members are all reduced to numbers... who cares about friendships, loyalty, hard work... those are all values from the past and not a bright new future at Yarold's... ;)

  Topic: Human Awareness Test
red oak

Replies: 134
Views: 59143

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 9:15 pm   Subject: Human Awareness Test
Perfect, I can live with that, but if not a time out, there was some other reason that my 'actions' did not register... I know that if I missed some of the 'test' links it certainly was not 87% and I most certainly bothered with more than 2 of them...

That said, removing all 'action' links to worry about from my link list is a great benefit for me. It will save me a considerable amount of time and I thank you for that...

  Topic: Dynasties
red oak

Replies: 90
Views: 53434

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:54 pm   Subject: Dynasties
It seems that numbers are thrown around, changed at whim and after reading the entire thread twice I am not able to find one single reason WHY are those numbers tossed around at all? What was wrong with the existing system? What exactly you are trying to 'fix'? Why is 400 better than 350?

There are contradictory arguments on both sides, as to what would be 'better'... better for what, better for whom? For dynasties, clickers, games we play, Yarold, egos,.. ? I don't think that there is a clear understanding what the heck we are talking about...

You're asking for suggestions? Suggestions for what? You need to provide a simple reasons for needed changes, some ideas what you're trying to achieve, than you might get some meaningful suggestions... and not pages and pages of emotional drivel

  Topic: Human Awareness Test
red oak

Replies: 134
Views: 59143

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:30 pm   Subject: Human Awareness Test
I don't really care any longer, I have enough credits I need for my games, and the only 'losers' are people whose links I am not able to click and those I will no longer bother to do any 'actions' on...

I will not be chasing after 'test' links just to make sure that they don't time out on me...

If I run out of credits I'll simply leave Yarold's and will never buy more credits again...

I had a great respect for this Exchange and administration, but the combination of recent changes is making me take a second look...
  Topic: Human Awareness Test
red oak

Replies: 134
Views: 59143

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:55 pm   Subject: Human Awareness Test
Looks like from now on I will not be going through the pages to check for any actions to be taken... why bother at all...

Will all links then become invisible?
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