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  Topic: Negatives

Replies: 10
Views: 7573

PostForum: Gamers Alliance   Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:47 pm   Subject: Negatives
This is a "yarold" kind of problem for me. I click every link I see, I make sure to click on your Doorgaans and at least one of your dragons, but I'm still always in negatives because my link takes away 10 credits every time that it is clicked and it is impossible to click enough links to keep it in positive numbers with that kind of drain. Should I be booted?
  Topic: PhantasyRPG Dynasty Credits?

Replies: 8
Views: 5245

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:46 am   Subject: PhantasyRPG Dynasty Credits?
I submitted a piece of feedback to the staff of PhantasyRPG. I hope they'll listen, for the sake of my clicks! :neutral: But then, "fame links" are a rather tiny portion of the game. People don't "level up" from them, it's more like a competition and a way to get referrals.


Type: Feedback
To: Administrators

This is a problem with the way the Fame Links are set up.

Currently, you can only click one PhantasyRPG fame link per 24 hours, even if you are clicking the link of a different person! This means that it is impossible to give multiple people one fame each in a single day.

For example: If you click the link of "Bob" and give him one fame, you cannot visit the fame link of "Jill" and give her one fame as well in the same day.

This is a problem in several ways:

1) You have many friends who play PhantasyRPG, and you agree to click on each of their fame links once per day, both to support eachother's characters, and to build community. But this is impossible because after you click one person's link, you cannot click the link of anyone else.

2) On link exchange sites, places where people click links of other people and visit their game account in order for others to click their link and see new games or collect points, links to PhantasyRPG will not be clicked very often because you can only visit one per day! That means that if 5 people show off their PhantasyRPG link on such a site, only one of those people can be clicked, placing everyone at a disadvantage in fame contests and etc.

3) If PhantasyRPG is the subject of a topic on a web forum, and one person shows off their fame link ("Hey! Look at my level 300 Moon Walker!") nobody else can show off their character if everyone else looked at the Moon Walker link... "Hey! Look at my Level 125 Angel Knight! Oh wait, you can't because you already looked at that other guy."

Because of these problems, I suggest making it so that:

1) You can visit more then one fame link in a 24 hour period.
2) However, you can't visit the fame link of the same person more then once *in a 24 hour period*.

These simple changes would solve the aforementioned problems, and they wouldn't cause any problems in turn.

Thank you for reading,
Ayava (username)

Sorry for the necromancy, but there really is no better place to put this, and my post is constructive enough.
  Topic: Over 5 hour wait time

Replies: 40
Views: 23056

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:02 am   Subject: Over 5 hour wait time
6 hours isn't that bad... PhantasyRPG has a 24 hour wait, and for good reason too.
  Topic: Credits?

Replies: 3
Views: 3493

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 12:07 am   Subject: Credits?
Thank you for your help. I did join a dynasty yesterday and I'm hoping that it will be a solution.
  Topic: Credits?

Replies: 3
Views: 3493

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 2:22 am   Subject: Credits?
Why is it that everytime that I get my credits above zero, it instantly falls to ~minus fourteen credits and I have to click a dozen links to get it above zero again? This doesn't make much sense to me considering that I see hundreds of people with their credits above one hundred.

Thank you.

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