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  Topic: The Mob Wins January's Challenge

Replies: 7
Views: 3187

PostForum: The Mob   Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:44 pm   Subject: The Mob Wins January's Challenge

  Topic: ******* is an auto clicker? I want one........

Replies: 7
Views: 4393

PostForum: Banned accounts   Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 6:59 pm   Subject: ******* is an auto clicker? I want one........
Gretel10111 wrote:
Every other site has an anti antiville feature except for yarold!!!
I think he (?) enjoys watching them. Wait til the anticities start.

The first anticity I will make will be http://stanrozz.anticity.com and never mind, it is part of the game remember.

If you want to be happy,you can start with the mine :mrgreen:
http://idem32.anticity.com This is humanity :!:
  Topic: ******* is an auto clicker? I want one........

Replies: 7
Views: 4393

PostForum: Banned accounts   Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 6:03 pm   Subject: ******* is an auto clicker? I want one........
Gretel10111 wrote:
Every other site has an anti antiville feature except for yarold!!!
I think he (?) enjoys watching them. Wait til the anticities start.

Benidaver hs no place foir antivilles.
Im Hydra you can block them.
Autoclics stops them from working if the city is registered.
I have never seen one on Utopia.

Sorry but Hydra has antivilles, if you can block, fine, but most people do not hang.

Autoclicks continue working with antivilles,you can look in Liens déjà inscrits (antivilles inscrites).

and the minicitys need not start a anticity, as I and others people sufferd the destruction of our minicitys,from other persons that was sended IND or COM.

you must think than this is a GAME and if some are happy in destroy minicity or miniville,this is respectable! because for my is not so important my minicity so much how to be happy in my real life and see happy to the others.


If you must blame someone, it is not to blame yarold.You must to blame who made the antivilles

Replies: 3
Views: 4576

PostForum: Dynasty Discussion   Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 4:48 pm   Subject: STOP TO BUY MEMBERS IN DYNASTY !!
I'm tired of barymore and his henchmen!!
Now i will to give names to who they catch all the fun on this site!!
they have always done everything to win and be the best at playing dirty at the expense of others,trying to wreck dynasties smaller,buying with credits and offering ranges.

We all know that the rules for recruiting members are :
Not recruit members who are in a dynasty,only none.

barymore for recruiting no have rules,do any thing for play,we all know that,but never give the names,i now yes!

he and his followers have always done this (even when I was at UBC dynasty) i am in The friendly team dynasty and now this is unbearable,Barymore was very angry with Sam, my emperor by haver broken ally with them (till here good) but since that started banned some of its members and since that UBC and MOB broken ally with them and later write barymore to we for ally and we answer NO,since then,these peoples (if they can call it that) they're catch our members dynasty and also catch our fun.

look here,this is when left of our dynasty for go to Barymore dynasty....(till for left Plampouni write his reason in french)...

09/12/21 14:22:39 PreciouS HearT has left the dynasty ()
09/12/21 14:09:40 PreciouS HearT is now samurai (set by kragthang)
09/12/18 02:57:03 plampouni has left the dynasty (voir autre dynastie)

this members are in BMV now!!

I had kept this mail long time, knowing that someday i will need this information,(knowing who is Barymore) i knew it needed and that day is today, here you can read that barymore sends an email to ninitoons76 for go to then to RMV....

Sender [V]ninitoons76
Recipient [V]idem32
Subject RE: good morning
Sent 09/04/20 07:55:44
I know that you will find very nice members and good clickers!!!
Barymore asked me if I 'd like to change when he'll creat a dynasty (when he was in our dynasty)
my answer was only: "no"
hahaha, never he made me an other mail!!!!!
many kisses lovely kampaku

SHE was and continue in UBC dynasty!!!

how i said before i am very tired of this persons!!!

They're ruining all the fun here in yarolds and also destroying other dynastys,big or smaller...we all know that....



  Topic: fun?

Replies: 20
Views: 16417

PostForum: Dynasty Discussion   Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 10:13 pm   Subject: fun?
Ella wrote:
Allright...back to the topic:

For me it is still fun, clicking like mad in a dynasty. It would be boring just doing clicks on main/history. It is so static. In a dynasty is all the action and fun :)

I am agree with you :wink:
  Topic: fun?

Replies: 20
Views: 16417

PostForum: Dynasty Discussion   Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:07 pm   Subject: fun?
nhhk wrote:
alba wrote:

That mean that before don't have it :wink:

No, it doesn't :?:

Sorry,but i think that you love do post more that do clicks :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Do click for me is more funny that do so post :razz:

C´on do click
  Topic: fun?

Replies: 20
Views: 16417

PostForum: Dynasty Discussion   Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:28 pm   Subject: fun?
nhhk wrote:
I hope we can have it quiet and calm now in time for Christmas, and that everyone is having fun anyway what they are doing :mrgreen:

We are quiet and calm, is the date that is, spring, summer, autumn and winter .... :razz:
I no understand you,why you are not quiet and calm :shock: :shock:

we are here for our amusement, for anything else, for that are the Mod and Adm :wink:
  Topic: fun?

Replies: 20
Views: 16417

PostForum: Dynasty Discussion   Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:40 am   Subject: fun?
DemonicJ wrote:
The changes Ferrari alludes to did have us confused for a while till we worked it out (so we still have contests & games). we have a very active chat room that we use to help each other & help the new guys learn the way things work.

The funny stuff? The lengths some people will go to to get their dynasty on top. Sadly I do think that has contributed to how some feel about dynasties & why some dynasties push people hard (some play by the rules some dont). But the admins & mods are working hard to keep the cheaters out of the site & I hope that the fun for the majority returns when the "Big Clean-up" is done.

I am agree with the words of Jay.

[ Added: Sun Dec 13, 2009 8:55 am ]
Ferrari wrote:
All those years I was here, it was fun, but after the last updates, the fun is gone.
No contests anymore because the members do not understand how the counting is in profile, its very complex for us to explain the members that they must balance the numbers.
for me the fun is gone, but I have very nice members in dynasty, and we talk on ICQ and msn, that give little fun back.

How i said before i am agree with Jay said,because you know that some of these members cheater,are those who also bought some members of the dynasties that i was time before and now and you know this very well,you too was this happened.

I will not give names but we all know who they are ...this persons are who They're taking the fun, in a way,but for this are the mod and adm,for try have back the fun!

Now i am happy here and i have 2 contest for fun,is not so hard to make them :razz:

Replies: 0
Views: 1555

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 8:26 pm   Subject: PROBLEMS FOR TRANSFER CREDITS!!
sorry but now i have problems for transfer credits to other member for help to he,i try make transfer and yarolds tell me thi....

Unknown number of credits to transfer .

that i can do?


[ Added: Mon Nov 30, 2009 8:53 pm ]
now yarolds leave make transfer limit 1000 credits maximum,but no leave send 2000 credits in the same transfer.

i had to make 2 transfers. now is ok!
  Topic: Why I'm banned again ?Can you explain me ?Read please

Replies: 12
Views: 5779

PostForum: Banned accounts   Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:13 pm   Subject: Re: me and my brother got ban
ghita123456 wrote:
my account is "ghita12345" and my brother`s "ghita123456"

well...Here you say your account is ghita12345.

Why here in this topic use the account your brother ghita123456 ???? :shock:
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54217

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 5:45 pm   Subject: Smilie Contest
congrats Dimidola!!! :grin: :grin:
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54217

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:09 pm   Subject: Smilie Contest
Congrats hippie!! :wink:

[ Added: Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:14 pm ]
wow!! i think that this week win Dimidola,is very funny his tornado :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

[ Added: Fri Nov 20, 2009 3:19 pm ]
  Topic: WE ARE 1st

Replies: 5
Views: 3535

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:04 pm   Subject: WE ARE 1st

UBC is a great team,i know well :mrgreen:

a big kiss for all :grin:
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54217

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:33 pm   Subject: Smilie Contest
hello again :razz:

  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54217

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:04 am   Subject: Smilie Contest
Congrats Okruzna!! nice smilie :wink:
  Topic: Confirm Action.. NO

Replies: 8
Views: 4744

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:59 am   Subject: Confirm Action.. NO
The same thing happened to me,click in NO is YES to removed.

I also have the problem of H.A.T, or not counted, or tells me to back or tell me I failed, when actually I have done. :sad:
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54217

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 4:46 am   Subject: Smilie Contest
ok Tru,if the mine before is big,i changer for this....

  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54217

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 10:31 pm   Subject: Smilie Contest
hi Tru, this is my smilie for this week :wink:
  Topic: Please Help Short Note Issue

Replies: 7
Views: 6136

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 12:25 pm   Subject: Please Help Short Note Issue
Hello, my operating system is also wista and has nothing to do with that you do not see the pop-ups.

As Xazy says, you must have the page loaded to 100%, so is the only way to see the pop-ups. :wink:
  Topic: dynasty links invisible

Replies: 10
Views: 7024

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 9:48 am   Subject: dynasty links invisible
I also have this problem a month ago.
The problem is that when we go on the internet, firefox collects many cookies, temporary files and more ....
The solution to this problem is to clear all history, cookies and temporary files and everything settled, also add that you should update firefox.
These actions will find in Firefox bookmarks, tools and actions,for the person that no know this!! :wink:
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