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  Topic: ~ Smiley Contest ~

Replies: 145
Views: 302635

PostForum: The Mob   Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 4:38 am   Subject: ~ Smiley Contest ~
Hi Alba! Hippie told me you were doing the Smilie Contest now! I'm so glad! I hope it's alright if I enter!

I was going to enter this one as a joke:

But then I didn't think I would win with that one. LOL

So here's my official entry:
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54226

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 9:04 am   Subject: Smilie Contest
Alba, you were the only one - you win! :mrgreen: LOL! Congratulations!
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54226

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 7:03 am   Subject: Smilie Contest
Wow, no one entered this week? :cry:

I guess everyone's too busy working on the tree or what-not.
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54226

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 3:20 am   Subject: Smilie Contest
OK, the Smilie Contest is back in full swing! I haven't got them judged just yet but hope to soon. Will edit the first post, as always and probably this one too if no one has posted after me after I get them judged, hopefully tonight! :wink:

I got Hippies, Alba's and MssMolka's and Janka sent me one via PM. Is that all? I think so. :grin:

EDIT: OK, the winner is Janka with this smilie: which she PM'ed to me before the contest closed. Congrats, Janka! :grin:
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54226

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:54 am   Subject: Smilie Contest
Well, I don't know! It's awfully cute, but then so is yours, Chelo. :wink:

So I guess that's all for this round. Probably my fault for not closing the last one until late. That's a bummer. :sad:

Will be back with the winner - hopefully tonight! :grin:

[ Added: Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:21 pm ]
NOTICE: I am skipping one week! There will be no judging this week-end because of Thanksgiving and all I'm going to be doing. I just feel like 1. I need a break and 2. I will be too busy this week to do a contest and 3. if I wait one week, maybe I can get it done on time the following week-end! :grin: You can still enter any time you want from now until December 5th. The topic will be Thanksgiving. (Yeah, I know it's a little late, but I just wanted to do one on Thanksgiving.)

dimidola is the winner for last week's contest! Congrats, dimidola!

Now, I hope we get some more entries!!! :mrgreen:
  Topic: WE ARE 1st

Replies: 5
Views: 3538

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:49 am   Subject: WE ARE 1st
Oh, I'm so glad for you! Yes, a great team and I enjoyed it while I was there! Thanks for all your help!
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54226

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:33 am   Subject: Smilie Contest
Oh, I am terrible sorry I am so late posting this! RL got in the way of my Smilie contest both here and at UF. I hope you all forgive me!

Let's see, the winner of the sports smilie is Hippie with this smilie:

The next contest will be flowers and/or nature smilies, OK?
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54226

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:20 am   Subject: Smilie Contest
Oh, that's much better! √

I'm sorry, but I thought I should say something 'cause I know you will never win with those. (I'm not the judge, remember!!! - but my friend, who is, has commented on the larger pictures as not being "true" smilies.)

So, I'll be back tomorrow and announce the winner for this week. I think you guys are making it very hard this time! Got some good ones! :grin:

→ And "hello" to the new people! (Not new to Yarold's but to my contest! :wink: ) Glad to have you! :grin:

[ Added: Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:13 am ]
Thanks to all who entered the contest! This past week's winner (11/8/09) was Okruzna with this dancing smilie: Congratulations, Janka!

New contest is up! Next theme: Sports smilies

Also, I'm terribly sorry I'm so late in posting! I've had a very busy week-end!

(Neat how it adds on! I've never seen a forum that did that before! Wow, no double posting here! :wink:
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54226

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:16 am   Subject: Smilie Contest
Oh wow! Some people have entered already! (I'm always surprised - I don't know why. :???: LOL! :grin: )

dimidola and Chelo, are those smilies? :???: They're nice and I like them, but they are pretty big for smilies! I think they are animated graphics. I'd like to keep the contest to smilies only, please! Thanks!

I'm doing this same contest over at UniFaction, if any of you belong over there, you might want to check out the thread and enter there too. Please don't enter the same one you enter here though, OK? Thanks! :grin:
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54226

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:01 am   Subject: Smilie Contest
OK, we have a winner! Thank you, Hippie for this cute mouse smilie! Congratulations again, Hippie! Thanks to everyone who entered!

Next week's contest is dancing smilies! :grin:
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54226

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 5:59 am   Subject: Smilie Contest
Ella, we must have posted about the same time - I didn't see yours or I would have said something to you! Got your smilie, thanks!

I got yours too, Hippie! Thanks to you too!

Anyone else? :grin:
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54226

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 6:14 am   Subject: Smilie Contest
Oh, wow, great! Got some animal smilies up here already! That's great!

I see your Fall smilie now, dimidola. I'm sorry it wasn't here when I got all of them for the judge. I did, however, enter the stormy one for you. :wink:

I didn't know the spider was your shortnotes, MssMolko! I had already saved it long time ago. (I do that on occasion. :mrgreen: )

That's the spirit, Ella! :wink: I'll look forward to your smilie! :grin: (And everyone else's!!!)
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54226

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:11 am   Subject: Smilie Contest
Winner is posted and it's Hippie! Congratulations, Hippie! :grin:

Thanks to all who entered! Please enter again - you have a whole week to find an animal smilie! :wink:
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54226

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:36 pm   Subject: Smilie Contest
Aww, I'm sorry, dimidola. :sad: Maybe it's working now? Hope you'll be back to try. :smile:

Ella, half the fun is entering! :wink:

Hippie, I got yours. :smile:
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54226

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:53 am   Subject: Smilie Contest
I'm glad you entered, dimidola! Hope you enter every week! :wink:

MssMolko wrote:
thx for the credits tru :wink:

You're welcome, MssMolko! And congratulations again for winning this week's contest too! I'll be sending your credits ASAP! :wink:
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54226

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 3:27 pm   Subject: Smilie Contest
I guess you were right, Hippie, but I sure hope that doesn't stop you from entering next time! :wink:

Congratulations, MissMolko! :cool:
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54226

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 2:28 am   Subject: Smilie Contest
Thanks, Ella! Now you are automatically entered into the End of the Year Smilie Faceoff! So far, it's just you and Janka. :wink:
  Topic: Contest "Click for Vip"

Replies: 1
Views: 2581

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:18 am   Subject: Contest "Click for Vip"
Wow, that was a good contest!

I am proud to say I clicked for my VIP status. I didn't think I could do it when I first came - thought it was rather impossible. But I just started and then didn't think about it and one day a friend of mine told me I had it! LOL :grin:
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54226

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 6:44 am   Subject: Smilie Contest
Thanks, everyone! I'm thinking about having a "Grand Prize" at the end of the year for all the weekly winners.
  Topic: Smilie Contest

Replies: 84
Views: 54226

PostForum: MMC UBC   Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:11 am   Subject: Smilie Contest
Weekly Smilie Contest

Just to let everyone know, I am having to stop the contest a little early. For one, I've only got one entry in the past two weeks and second, I won't be clicking much more, so before I lost all my credits I wanted to pass out the prizes to the winners. So, first this past week's winner and then the Winners of the End of the Year Smilie Faceoff!

This past week's winner (12/20/09) was Alba with this Christmas smilie: Congratulations, Alba!

All winning smilies were entered into the final contest and judged today (Monday, December 21st, 2009) and the winner of the End of the Year Smilie Faceoff! is Janka for her dancing smilie Congratulations, Janka!

Second place goes to Ella for her laughing smilie! Congratulations, Ella!

And third place goes to dimidola with his tornado smilie! Congratulations, dimidola!

Thanks to all who entered the contest!

Last theme: Christmas smilies

    1. Find some sort of Christmas smilie and either post it here, PM it to me, or put it in your shortnotes (with my name beside it so I know it's for the contest) by Sunday, December 20th (or a link to it). Do not post it in your pop-up because then I have to go into the source code to get the url for it!
    2. The person with the cutest smilie wins 100 Credits. (Make sure it's a smilie! - it has to have a smilie face in it and the smaller the better!)
    3. Contest runs from today until Saturday, December 19th.
    4. Contest is open to everyone at Yarold's.

All weekly winners will have a chance to win even more credits at the end of the year! All weekly winning smilies will be judged and an "Overall Best Smilie" will be determined in our End of the Year Smilie Faceoff! :grin:


    1st Prize: 1,000 credits - Janka
    2nd Prize: 500 credits - Ella
    3rd Prize: 250 credits - dimidola

The judge is a friend of mine just to let you know. :wink: It's nice to see more people entering! :grin:

All Weekly Winners

12/20/09 - Winner: Alba

11/22/09 - Winner: Okruzna

11/22/09 - Winner: dimidola

11/15/09 - Winner: Hippie (Sports smilie)

11/8/09 - Winner: Janka (Dancing smilie)

11/1/09 - Winner: Hippie (Animal smilie)

10/25/09 - Winner: Hippie Smilie: (Autumn smilie)

10/18/09 - Winner: MssMolko Smilie: (Jumping smilie)

10/11/09 - Winner: MssMolko Smilie: (sad smilie)

10/4/09 - Winner: Ella Smilie: (laughing smilie)

9/27/09 - Winner: Okruzna Smilie: (waving smilie)

9/20/09 - Winner: Okruzna Smilie: (no theme)
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