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  Topic: dragcave

Replies: 70
Views: 37996

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 2:01 am   Subject: dragcave
Could we at least make it so that HATs won't come up on DC links? I opened a bunch of dc and other links (not with snaplinks) so I could open a new browser window and surf other things while waiting for the dc links to come up. I saw one of the tabs was a HAT so tried to go to that tab to put something in. Firefox froze/locked up and now my perfect CARE is gone.

People who've read the FAQ at Dragcave know that clicks on individual eggs are not what causes them to grow. It's the views. A dragon can grow into an adult with only 1 click as long as it has the necessary views. When you open a dc link and the eggs show up, it counts as a view so no matter if you let the page sit there without clicking anything on it, you still get the view. With that in mind, if I could open all those tabs and surf elsewhere while those pages still come up, people will still get their views needed.
  Topic: Mail To Other Members

Replies: 15
Views: 6340

PostForum: Suggestions   Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:19 pm   Subject: Mail To Other Members
I don't understand. You mail members of our dynasty asking them to join yours. So, you are asking to disable an option so you can no longer mail our members? It seems to me that you could just stop doing it. Or again, maybe I am misunderstanding.
  Topic: CARE

Replies: 127
Views: 83617

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 12:10 am   Subject: CARE
Is anyone else NOT getting HATs? I haven't missed typing in any of them. The last one I got was when they were messed up and it said it didn't have anything for me. I assumed that even though I had <10, I was still given credit for the problem one but does it still think that I missed one and is now punishing me? :) I've clicked over 450 links today (in the Dynasty, Link Exchange, and History), and at least 370 yesterday, but haven't had a HAT in any of that.
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