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Replies: 13
Views: 7087

PostForum: The Mob   Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 7:09 am   Subject: ~ INCREASE MINYDAY CONTEST ~
I did not expect this:

angel2B 593
Morganza 904

So I win!

It is a good thing the contest ended here -- 900 was very hard for me, 1000 felt impossible. Even though angel2B did more than me almost every day of this contest, and has an average 200 higher, I did more on the last day.

Please split the credits I won with all the people who made it to the final round.
  Topic: Balancing your clicks & what we mean

Replies: 4
Views: 16735

PostForum: The Mob   Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 2:57 am   Subject: Balancing your clicks & what we mean
To give a tangible example:

If I show 100 links and click 200 on Monday, and then show 200 links and click 100 on Tuesday, my personal average for those two days is 100, not 150. Extra clicks and extra links showed do not carry over from day to day!

Similarly, the dynasty's standings are based on the average of the members' daily averages, so if I do 100/200, and Eddie does 200/100, the dynasty average is 100, not 150.

Replies: 13
Views: 7087

PostForum: The Mob   Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 9:37 pm   Subject: ~ INCREASE MINYDAY CONTEST ~
Unfortunately, I will be dropping out of the contest now. I thought to stop after I clicked 500 links yesterday, but I kept going up to 800, and now there are not enough links to click today before I go off to a 4th of July Barbecue.

Enjoy the rest of the contest, everyone!

[ Added: Mon Jul 05, 2010 5:37 pm ]
Well, I took my laptop to the party and took a few minutes to click some links, I made it to 500 :-)

The word "addict" comes to mind. ;-)

[ Added: Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:38 pm ]
7 July:

Morganza 654
Angel2B 980

Replies: 13
Views: 7087

PostForum: The Mob   Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:26 pm   Subject: ~ INCREASE MINYDAY CONTEST ~
You have 5 numbers for everyone but fanny, who has
Total clicks minimum yesterday: 669

(I want to win, but I want to win fair. :-) )

Replies: 13
Views: 7087

PostForum: The Mob   Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 9:20 pm   Subject: ~ INCREASE MINYDAY CONTEST ~
I know the contest is not about your average, but it is still interesting to see how the people competing have changed theirs.

Replies: 13
Views: 7087

PostForum: The Mob   Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:53 pm   Subject: ~ INCREASE MINYDAY CONTEST ~
Changes in MinAvg:

Saartje 416 to 579
angel2B 230 to 413
OkamiKaji 394 to 450
Biohazerd 123 to 238
Morganza 163 to 286
ChinChin 295 to 306
fanny 58 to 228
shiko 414 to 380

Replies: 13
Views: 7087

PostForum: The Mob   Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:19 pm   Subject: ~ INCREASE MINYDAY CONTEST ~
So who passed the test for the first week?
  Topic: any alternatives to tab kit?

Replies: 1
Views: 1699

PostForum: The Mob   Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:45 pm   Subject: any alternatives to tab kit?
I didn't like Tab Kit. I'm very happy with Group/Sort Tabs 1.1.4


It sometimes chokes up for a few seconds after I snap a few hundred links, but can you blame it?
  Topic: MOB Charter -- We Rise Together

Replies: 0
Views: 1639

PostForum: The Mob   Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:49 pm   Subject: MOB Charter -- We Rise Together
*** NOTE: This isn't 100% done yet. I really need to put in the links, for example. Please PM with any suggestions until this header is gone. You'll get credit for any contributions. ***

Thank you for choosing the MMC Mob as your dynasty!

As a member, you will see your dragons thrive, your cities grow, and your gangsters strike fear into the hearts of honest citizens everywhere.

There's a catch, though.

The MMC Mob slogan is "we rise together", and that does require a certain amount of cooperation from us all.

We are a competitive dynasty -- in addition to wanting our individual games to do well, we also want to maintain our standing among the other top dynasties. (After all, if the MMC Mob weren't one of the top dynasties, would you have applied to join us?) So, the rules:

*** THE RULES ***

0. Obey the general Yarolds' rules. No multis. No shill accounts. Follow the rules for your shortnotes. ** If we catch you cheating with a multi we'll kick both accounts out. ** Our emperor is a Yarolds' admin, and will ban you if you cheat.

1. Show at least one link in the Dynasty at all times.

Why? It's not fair to your dynasty-mates (and allies) if you're not showing a link for them to click when they log in.

2. Don't show your links in Main. ** We won't let you join if you have your link showing in Main. **

Why? You will click links in the dynasty, then people not in our alliance will click your link in Main, and there will be a net loss of credits from our alliance. We want to keep the credits circulating internally. Additionally, unless you have thousands of credits, you won't be able to stay positive. (We realize that, for some games, you sometimes need to get more people clicking a link to get clicks from unique IP addresses. It's OK to put a link in Main with a very low click limit, or for a very short time, but that should be the exception, not the rule.)

3. Try to keep positive credits. (Yes, we know it's hard when you're a newbie.)

Why? Again, it's not fair to others in the dynasty if your link is unavailable much of the time.

How? Well, there are usually around 400 members in the alliance. Figure each of them will click your link. That's 400 clicks a day you have to do to stay positive. If you have your links visible in History (and until you earn VIP status, you can't block that), then everyone you click gets to click you back. If you have one link, and you click someone out of Main with one link, and they click you back, that's even. (Well, mostly. Not all links count for the same amount.) If you have two links, then if you click someone with one link in Main, they get to click both of yours. ** It is almost impossible to stay positive with 2 links without VIP status ** (After you have clicked a certain number of links, currently 60,000, you will be given VIP status permanently; you also get temporary VIP status if you buy credits, or if someone buys them for you.)

5. Log in to click every single day.

Why? It helps to keep your credits positive, and it helps to keep the dynasty at a good spot in the rankings. (Yes, we know sometimes Real.Life gets in the way. Tell us in your shortnote or email if you are going to be away.)

How? Even if you don't have time to do the followthroughs on your clicks, if you just do "open all" at the bottom of the dynasty page, that will open all of the links that don't require followthrough to count.

Of course, we expect that most days, you will log in at least once or twice, and click every single link available to you, in Main, in both sides of History, and in Dynasty.

6. Follow through on the clicks. Click "doorgaan", or "mai departe", or the matching number, or an egg/hatchling, or play with a pet... there are a lot of games, and it's not always obvious what you need to do to make your click count for the recipient. Ask in the forum if you're not sure.

Why? Because it's sleazy to do otherwise.

7. Keep a good CARE percentage. When you come across the Human Awareness Test, or the Cave With Big Dragon, or the Fantasy Fortune room, type something in the box.

Why? This proves that you are paying attention to the windows that you open. If your CARE percentage gets too low, the system will stop displaying links that need follow through to you, and the number of clicks you get a day will go WAY down.

How? There's an excellent FAQ in the forum at [url][/url]

By the way, don't worry if your percentage is low because you didn't understand when you were new. The number is calculated only from the last 80 days... and it doesn't show at all until you have been given 10 human awareness challenges.

OK, those are the rules. Now, here are a few hints that might make your time with the MMC Mob more enjoyable:

8. If you can, participate in one or more of the Happy Hours or Happy Times -- 00:00, 06:00, 06:30, 12:00, 18:00, and 20:00 server time (highlight the text block at the bottom of every page to make it more visible.)

Why? Many people, both dynasty mates and allies, show extra links during happy times, though often only for a few minutes. You can get a lot of clicks very quickly during Happy Hour.

9. Visit our forum and our IRC channel (#mmc on irc.magicite.net -- there are instructions in the forum ** need to add URL ** if you don't know how to use IRC)

Why? Because we like you as a person, not just as a clicker.

10. Use Firefox as your web browser, with these recommended extensions:
Adblock Plus

Why? These let you open links MUCH faster, without crashing your web browser.

Some people also like
Tab Kit -or- Group/Sort Tabs

11. When you want to click a lot of links quickly, and will be reloading the dynasty page a lot, use the Customize button to remove images from people's shortnotes, or even block the notes entirely. (For the speediest page loads of all, uncheck everything but the Links themselves.)

Similarly, you can customize the History and Main pages to show only the fields that you want.

12. Do the Quiz every day. (If you don't know the answer, and can't find it in a web search, you don't lose anything by not answering -- you only lose credits if you answer it wrong.)

13. If you have any questions, feel free to ask your Emperor, Kampaku, or your friendly neighborhood loudmouthed dynasty helpers. :-)

Have fun, and happy clicking!

[ Added: Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:42 pm ]
Mail I just sent to someone trying to join:

If you look in your profile, you will see a section showing your CARE percentage. You have a zero, which means that you have never (in the last 80 days) fulfilled one of the "human awareness test" challenges. This implies that you aren't doing the follow-through actions on other links, either. Because of this, many links (anything that requires an action from you to be counted) are hidden from you, and you won't be able to click high numbers.

Please read the HAT tutorial at http://yarold.eu/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=4171 and get your percentage up over 25% before re-applying. (The tutorial is in many languages.)

Please let us know if you have any questions.
  Topic: show links 24-7

Replies: 26
Views: 11149

PostForum: Dynasty Discussion   Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:42 am   Subject: show links 24-7
Now I'm doing both. I use an autoclicker to get clicks for my games, and I play Yarold's for the dynasty competition. (I also use Yarold's to fine-tune which eggs get clicks, because it is so very easy to adjust my links.)

However, if you need followthrough, you can't use an autoclicker -- I haven't seen one yet that can click Doorgaan for you :-)

When I first joined Yarolds' though, I was just so very happy to see all my eggs hatching so fast...
  Topic: Site Reset

Replies: 12
Views: 6625

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:56 am   Subject: Site Reset
I think that the 24-hour counters did not observe daylight/summer time
  Topic: Unsolicited dynasty join offers

Replies: 16
Views: 11599

PostForum: Dynasty Discussion   Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:34 am   Subject: Unsolicited dynasty join offers
When Thriving Dragons was dissolving I had 3 or 4 people send me mail about joining their dynasty, and I didn't think it was out of place, because it was public that TD was being disbanded.

OTOH, if I got an invitation today I would consider it spam.

However, there's enough gossip here that I suspect such rudeness would be rather counterproductive. :-)
  Topic: Ideas for another dynasty contest

Replies: 4
Views: 3244

PostForum: Dynasty Discussion   Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:01 am   Subject: Ideas for another dynasty contest
Some different ideas:

(1) The anti-happy-hour -- a prize for the dynasty with the most daily clicks in their 2 least prolific hours. (This would require tracking stats by hour, and may not be feasible.)

(2) Prize for the dynasty where the most people earn permanent VIP each month (This might lead to poaching of people with 59,500 clicks... they would have to have been in the dynasty for each of the 10 previous days.)

(3) Stability -- a prize for the dynasty whose members have been there on average the longest (that would require tracking how long someone's been in their current dynasty.)

(4) Generosity -- a prize for the dynasty that *gives* the most clicks/credits to their allies.
  Topic: Negative Credits don't tell the whole story

Replies: 1
Views: 1993

PostForum: Dynasty Discussion   Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:47 am   Subject: Negative Credits don't tell the whole story
This is part of why I want to see "clicks received from other dynasty/ally members" as a daily stat along with "alliance links clicked".

Think of it as a personal given/gained.
  Topic: Extra Links: What's Fair?

Replies: 16
Views: 7249

PostForum: Dynasty Discussion   Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 2:42 am   Subject: Extra Links: What's Fair?
What about the Happy Time method:

Display your extra links, as many as you can afford, during any Happy Hour you are present for.

Since happy times are public, most people can take advantage of at least one of them...

(I will ignore things like "give this egg some extra clicks/uniques right now" because that's a different matter.)

[ Added: Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:15 am ]
Also note that different games work better with different click patterns. Mondozoo rewards you for the sum of your total clicks. Dragon Cave eggs get sick if they get too many clicks too soon. DragonAdopters dragons appear to do best with a steady diet of clicks every day; extras in the same day are wasted.

I realize that bringing the games into a discussion of the competition for click activity on Yarold's is a bit off-topic to some people :-)
  Topic: Welcome to the mob!

Replies: 1
Views: 2218

PostForum: The Mob   Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 7:36 am   Subject: Welcome to the mob!
I've been sending the following letter, or variants on it, to new members, especially if they are new to Yarolds.

Feel free to suggest improvements (link to the HAT tutorial? more info about IRC and FireFox? Link to the Mob forum?)

I am especially interested in suggestions from recent joiners, things that you wish you had been told at the beginning.

[edited to add the direct forum link, rule 0, and a few other bits.]
Subject: Welcome to the Mob!

We're happy that you chose us.

There is a lot of information in our forum at http://yarold.eu/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=59 ; the basic rules are:

0. We expect our members to click as many links as they can (especially from our dynasty and our allies), every single day. (We realize, of course, that sometimes Real.Life takes priority.)

1. Try to click enough links to stay in positive credits. (This is hard when you are new. There are a lot of FireFox plugins that make it easier, notably Snaplinks ) If you are new to Yarold's, the basic formula is:
a. Only have one game link
b. Don't display it in Main, only to your dynasty. (Once you are a VIP, you can also hide it from History.)
c. Every time you visit Yarolds, click all the links available in the Dynasty Exchange, both tabs in the History, and in the main link exchange.

2. Extra links are available, even if only for a short time, at 12:00 , 18:00, 00:00, and most notably 06:00 server time (the text block at the bottom of the page shows that.) These are called "happy hour" or "happy time". Some of our allies show their extra links at other times, though.

3. Be careful to do the Human Awareness Tests (HATs) when they show up randomly. After you've done ten of them, you will get a CARE percentage calculated from them; if your CARE gets too low you won't be shown links that require an action (like clicking "doorgaan" or "Mai departe" or "next step")

Feel free to ask questions of any shogun, the kampaku, or the emperor. You can also join us in the IRC channel #mmc on irc.magicite.net -- some suggested clients are also in the forum.

Have fun, and happy clicking!
  Topic: New Emp - New Strategic Direction

Replies: 7
Views: 4798

PostForum: The Mob   Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 7:05 am   Subject: New Emp - New Strategic Direction
I appreciate all the hard work both DemonicJ and MUSHpark have put into keeping this dynasty as high in the ranks as it is.
  Topic: ranks

Replies: 37
Views: 28597

PostForum: Dynasty Discussion   Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:18 pm   Subject: ranks
In order to keep some semblance of order, for each rank, there would be:

Zero or more automatic privs
Zero or more unavailable privs
Zero or more optional privs that can be turned on or off by very high people with the "adjust privs" priv.

For example, imagine a dynasty that has a policy of setting everyone with a certain number of clicks on the day to a rank that does or does not count in the stats just before reset. The high ranks might want to allow some, but not all, people of a certain rank to promote/demote , without changing what external people see as those members' importance in the dynasty.

It also lets leadership reward people with a partial promotion to say "keep up the good work."
  Topic: Few sugestions

Replies: 2
Views: 2707

PostForum: Suggestions   Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:13 pm   Subject: Few sugestions
2 things to add to profile:

1. What language(s) , as Ferrari said

2. What hours usually online (free-form text, since there are so many more factors than just what time zone you live in.)
  Topic: ranks

Replies: 37
Views: 28597

PostForum: Dynasty Discussion   Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:50 am   Subject: ranks
Temp == peasant
Intern == daimyo
Staff == new rank
Leader == shogun
Manager == kampaku
CEO == Emperor

OK, maybe a bit too serious... even if you think of Dilbert.

Hm... how would all the emperors out their feel about being retitles to "Pointy-Haired Boss"? :-)
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