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  Topic: Mini Ming Dynasty

Replies: 21
Views: 16252

PostForum: Mini Ming Dynasty   Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 2:29 pm   Subject: Mini Ming Dynasty
Can someone please explain these HappyHour Things to me again.

Wasn't able to figure it out - if someone could explain that in german would be very helpful to me (also need the times for Germany).

Sorry, but I really have problems to understand that with my little english.
  Topic: Where are you from?

Replies: 30
Views: 22723

PostForum: Mini Ming Dynasty   Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:23 am   Subject: Where are you from?
Hi there ;)

I'm from a small city near "Börsiana City" in Germany ;)

I want to say "Thank you" to all Mini Mings - it's really nice to be here. Friendly people which are explaning things to newbies and people who don't understand english so good (like me).
No bad words or comments like "lol - what are you doing" if you make a mistake (like me when I forgot to mark the Dynasty visible for my link :roll: ) but friendly messages to show how to make everything right.

My first Dynasty wasn't like that so I left them after only three days.

I only have time to click from 10-12am (german time) and very rarely in the evening - that's all I can do 'cause of family and job. But I try to click as many as I can for one day.

(Didn't know where to say that, but I wanted to say it - so sorry for off-topic).
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