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  Topic: Banned without reason?

Replies: 26
Views: 14641

PostForum: Banned accounts   Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 5:20 pm   Subject: Banned without reason?
If you'd ask me, I wouldn't have a problem with your having a new account, because I think you know why you first account was banned and I don't think you'll do it again - so why not having a new one. But the admins know more about that all then we do and I think they surley have a reason for that.

Edit: After having read other topics in this section, one can have an overall view about your accounts (and your brother)
  Topic: Banned without reason?

Replies: 26
Views: 14641

PostForum: Banned accounts   Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 1:55 pm   Subject: Banned without reason?
Hm, I think you got a bit more than only 1 account, don't you? I already know lots of them.

So why do you create so many accounts.

The admins won't be very bored grace to you :mrgreen:
  Topic: Human Awareness Test

Replies: 134
Views: 64906

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 1:34 pm   Subject: Human Awareness Test
Wow, what's bitten you? No need to react in this way. It's just my opinion, as well as you can have yours. But if my post sounded to harsh and offended anyone, I apologize of course.

ppj2005 wrote:
The quote above was about the fact that when the HATs were first implemented they opened multiple HATs but only one could be successful, giving people a false score if they even understood it correctly in the first place.
Didn't know that. I thoght every HAT counts, even if several appear at the same time.

ppj2005 wrote:
Since English is a germanic language as well and you appear to be from Germany, it was likely not as hard for you as for some others. We are talking about fixing something for those less fortunate than yourself who did not understand, do not comprehend English well enough to read this forum and understand it. Since they can now see the links hidden due to care, they have sought people out to explain and as it dawns on them what they need to do they have quite an uphill battle to climb.
I can't do anything about the fact that English is used as the international language. Of course it's hard for them, but look around: Here are so many guys who are willing to help when there is a problem. You helped me at too, when the HATs appeared for the firtst time. And now everything is really explained well, even with pictures. And if necessary, the admins will help too, even though they have a lot to do, I'm sure.

ppj2005 wrote:
Supplying a code is what a few of the games require.
Well, I'm not against the idea of having to insert a certain code, don't know how you come to that. As already said, it might help. Due to the fact that I don't know very much about programming, I think it could be quite difficult to realize that, but it needn't to. But if (and how) it is realized is up to the admins.
But I'd rather prefer to change the appearence of the HAT then to increase the amout of HATs.

Btw, PM for you, ppj2005
  Topic: Human Awareness Test

Replies: 134
Views: 64906

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 11:39 am   Subject: Human Awareness Test
I think most of us know what this test is about. If not, it can be looked up in the forum (maybe it should be added to the faqs to have a short idea what the HAT is, otherwise you have to read a few pages of posts to find it out). :neutral:
ppj2005 wrote:
for the sake of those who started out using snaplinks

Well, if they simply open&close tabs and don't do the test, how could that help?

ppj2005 wrote:
for those whose English was not good enough to understand what was required

Hm, they can look it up in the forum. :mrgreen: But I have to admit that I needed some time, too, to figure it out. But now there's so much written about the HAT (including pictures) that it can be understood quite well.
And if someones English isn't well, I'm sorry for him/her, but more HATs won't help him/her either.
ppj2005 wrote:
Suggestion for next test: Instead of a box where you type anything, actually ask for a code.

It might work. But I don't know how much work it requires to implement it and if it is wanted to change it.
  Topic: Human Awareness Test

Replies: 134
Views: 64906

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 6:00 am   Subject: Human Awareness Test
In my experience, HAT appears 2-3 times a day (in average - sometimes less, sometimes more).

purplemkayel wrote:
I haven't noticed if the credit is wasted, but the original link, if still available is greyed out on the page when refreshed and can be clicked.

If the user does a refresh, he still can see your link and click it. Thus you won't get less clicks for your links :wink:
  Topic: Human Awareness Test

Replies: 134
Views: 64906

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:39 pm   Subject: Human Awareness Test
For some sites you need to enter certain digits to help the user. (I only remember that this is the case for Forwar, Futureminicity,...).
So if you want to help them you got to enter the numbers and letters, and if you don't, you won't help that much.

This is why I don't understand the complaints. Either you want to help someone and enter the digits (then you won't fail when a HAT appears and you'll be rewarded) or you decide not to help everyone (why should you get a reward then?)

And if the ones are honest clickers, then they will surely help each other, won't they?
  Topic: Mini Ming New Banner

Replies: 9
Views: 6886

PostForum: Mini Ming Dynasty   Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 5:42 pm   Subject: Mini Ming New Banner
Yes, the last banners lasted fonly a certain time. But the one we want to keep should last at least a bit longer than the predecessors :wink:

I personaly liked the one with the small statues best, but the new ones are great too :mrgreen:

But bosh is the one to decide. He will be online soon. Then we'll know more about this issue :)
  Topic: Mini Ming New Banner

Replies: 9
Views: 6886

PostForum: Mini Ming Dynasty   Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:52 pm   Subject: Mini Ming New Banner
It looks really good. I like it, too :grin:
  Topic: Mini Ming Dynasty

Replies: 21
Views: 17890

PostForum: Mini Ming Dynasty   Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:41 pm   Subject: Mini Ming Dynasty
All right. Now I know that. Thank you for your help. :grin:
  Topic: Mini Ming Dynasty

Replies: 21
Views: 17890

PostForum: Mini Ming Dynasty   Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:51 pm   Subject: Mini Ming Dynasty
They show up in the others' history though they never clicked the new links??

Hm, that could be the reason for that :neutral:
  Topic: Mini Ming Dynasty

Replies: 21
Views: 17890

PostForum: Mini Ming Dynasty   Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:58 pm   Subject: Credits for showing links?!
I have another question.
Today I noticed something strange.

I wanted to prepare some links for the upcomming server restart, so I added several links (as many too).
But I didn't want to show them until one hour before server restart. So more dynasty members could benefit from it and I woundn't lose too many credits. And so I didn't activate the 'show dyasty' and the 'show main' box.

But then, I lost several hundred credits (well, it was all of them to be accurate) :neutral: They all just disappeared not even within a minute. At the moment, I have enough to be safe from <-1>, but do you know what this was and why it happend?
  Topic: Friday Challenge

Replies: 7
Views: 8287

PostForum: Mini Ming Dynasty   Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:26 pm   Subject: Friday Challenge
All right. That's what I wanted to know :smile:
  Topic: Friday Challenge

Replies: 7
Views: 8287

PostForum: Mini Ming Dynasty   Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:54 am   Subject: Friday Challenge
Do you mean after server restart on friday @ 00:00AM?? (I think it's central time).
In Germany, Italy, France... it's at 07:00 (Central Europe Time)

Don't know if s.o. could interpret it differently, just to be sure :mrgreen:
  Topic: Care Factor in profile??

Replies: 3
Views: 2419

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:46 am   Subject: Care Factor in profile??
Good question. I asked me that today, too.
But I don't know whether a higher rate is good or a lower one.

Well, I really can't figure out the purpose.
A little instruction or explanation (from someone who knows the meaning) would be great :grin:
  Topic: Dynasties

Replies: 90
Views: 56887

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 6:52 am   Subject: Dynasties
As far as I can see it, we got 3 dynasties with 60+ members and RMV with almost 100 members. :cool:

I'm not in favor of that idea to cut down the number of members, but I'm not against it though. Surely the smaller dynasties have a better chance and the ranking is more "balanced", and this is good for them. But, as already mentioned, it forces many loyal and good members and friends to leave their dynasties (which noone can support).

But if the restiction to 60 members became a rule, then the dynasties over 60 should get adequate time to "downgrade" their numbers. (i.e. a dynasty with 100 members should have a larger period to get to 60 members then an dynasty with 61 members). And adequate doesn't mean just over the night. So it is a bit more moderate for them (nevertheless it is not good for them).
Just to be a bit diplomatic :wink:

But I'm not the one to decide, luckily.
  Topic: Links and pages are not loading

Replies: 5
Views: 2875

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 9:18 pm   Subject: Links and pages are not loading
Hmm, have the same problem. I can only see the first line in the 'dynasty exchange' window. And it's the same case when opening the 'history' and the 'click exchange'.

Don't know why

But I think it's gonna be fixed soon :wink:
  Topic: Where are you from?

Replies: 30
Views: 24769

PostForum: Mini Ming Dynasty   Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:38 pm   Subject: Where are you from?
Not from England, but from Germany (east of Munich) :cool:

This is a multicultural Dynasty :mrgreen:
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