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  Topic: Outwar
I Mr Conley I

Replies: 5
Views: 3563

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:06 am   Subject: Outwar
My link is showing, and now I do see it on the link exchange, but still, i'm not recieving any clicks, and i'm not losing credits. At the moment i'm not in a dynasty. I have tried changing slots also. This is probably the best site on the internet for click exchanging, and it ******* donkey balls that I can't get any clicks for OW :( . But like i said before, it works for darkthrone, so i don't know what's going on, i hope metalteo will have a look at this and maybe figure it out :( . Thanks for replying, if you get any more ideas please let me know, thank you :) .
  Topic: Outwar
I Mr Conley I

Replies: 5
Views: 3563

PostForum: Support - Ask here   Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 2:15 am   Subject: Outwar
I have recently started playing Outwar and I cannot recieve any clicks on yarold's. I've used this site before fore Darkthrone, but when I add my fabar ow link my name doesnt show in the dynasties, or on the main page, and i dont recieve any clicks. I've tried downloading firefox and tried putting www and leaving the http there, but it still won't work. If someone could please help me with this problem, it would be much appreciated, thank you...
  Topic: Why was I banned?
I Mr Conley I

Replies: 1
Views: 1939

PostForum: Banned accounts   Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 1:23 am   Subject: Why was I banned?
I logged in today and found out that I was banned from yarolds. When outwar first started updating (which is still going on) I started playing it. Before this, I only played darkthrone, so, I put my OW link on yarolds and I wasnt recieving any clicks. I thought maybe it had something to do with Ow so i waiting a few days and made a second account. I put my link on my second account and it still doesn't work, even at school i couldnt get any clicks. And today I logged into I Mr Conley I to find out that I am banned. My link still doesn't work on my other account (I dont think its banned) and I was just wondering why this is so, and why I Mr Conley I is banned. PLEASE pm me back, thank you. What i'm getting at is that i don't care if I Mr Conley I is banned, i care that i can use this other account, i dont know if it is banned because im not getting any clicks and i have 151 credits, maybe something is just wrong with my outwar link? i dont know because i've tried many things and it still wont give me clicks.
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