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  Topic: gpxplus.net

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Views: 2938

PostForum: Suggestions   Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:09 pm   Subject: gpxplus.net
I was looking through the list of links for gpxplus.net and saw that the entries we have in the database are somewhat inaccurate and aren't helping the people who use that site much at all.

I've included below the entries from the database where applicable, example urls from the site, and an explanation of how that kind of link works and how SWLE should handle it.

My links are included as examples, but I don't expect anyone to go to them.

9867 www\.gpxplus\.net(.*) Global PokédeX www.gpxplus.net%s 1 0 Yes no no 30 20 0 No 1440 Yes A site where the goal is to hatch all your Pokémon species, click on yes button to feed/warm egg or species.

11995 my\.gpxpl\.us(.*) my.gpxpl.us my.gpxpl.us%s 1 0 Yes no yes 30 20 0 No 1440 Dunno


This a profile page and does nothing for the gpxer unless you click on a pokemon or egg, THEN click on a berry or "Yes, warm it up". Entry 11995 should have the same frame as 9867.


This is a pokemon/egg page. Clickers need to click on a berry or "Yes, warm it up". Just viewing the page does not help gpxers.

This should have the frame from the first entry on it.


12606 i\.gpxpl\.us(.*) i.gpxpl.us i.gpxpl.us%s 1 0 Yes no yes 30 20 0 No 1440 Dunno

These are images. These give credit for views, no action needed.

Good how it is.


12036 img\.gpxplus\.net(.*) img.gpxplus.net img.gpxplus.net%s 1 0 Yes no yes 30 20 0 No 1440 Dunno

This is an old format that is no longer used on gpxplus and should be removed/disabled/whatever.

  Topic: Refresh time

Replies: 17
Views: 8104

PostForum: Suggestions   Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:10 am   Subject: Refresh time
Sorry for causing this trouble in the first place. It's already been changed, but I have to say I agree with the change, thanks. 7 credits on one link is just too much.
  Topic: Stay positive???

Replies: 4
Views: 3481

PostForum: Dynasty Discussion   Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:56 am   Subject: Stay positive???
Yeah, I got some PMs about that.... I couldn't turn off the links because I had gone so negative.

I've got the MMC links set up to change to a different site, they're just not switched yet.

BUT when I had just one link to PonyIsland (7 credit site) I could not get into the positives for more than a minute before I'd drop back down to -25 or thereabout. Then I'd click as much as I coudl to get back up, and once I hit 1, I'd drop back down to -25 again.

[ Added: Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:06 am ]
Alright, I finally got back up to positive. I have ONE link, visible to Dynasty only. I got up to +0.80 credits, and within seconds went down to -24.18

How can I stay in the positive if this happens? Help!

[ Added: Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:39 am ]
Ok, as a test, I changed my links to show only MyMiniCity, a 1 point link, of course.
Ok, again, went positive to 0.78 and instantly went down to -42.
Are my links not turning off?
And isn't it a little odd to be granting me clicks when I don't even have a full credit?

I can't even GET positive, how am I supposed to stay that way.

And I reiterate, I am clicking every link available to me, and have been at least every 10-30 minutes for 10 out of the last 12 hours.
  Topic: Stay positive???

Replies: 4
Views: 3481

PostForum: Dynasty Discussion   Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:23 am   Subject: Stay positive???
It seems like a lot of dynasties say you need to stay positive 24/7 in order to stay in.... I'm finding that impossible! I'm clicking every link available to me, and have it set for only one link visible to dynasty only, and every time I pop above negative, I go right back down below again.

Anyone have any advice? I don't want to have to reapply to a dynasty every single day because I've been booted for being negative.
  Topic: Refresh time

Replies: 17
Views: 8104

PostForum: Suggestions   Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:50 pm   Subject: Refresh time
Awesome, thanks!
  Topic: Refresh time

Replies: 17
Views: 8104

PostForum: Suggestions   Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:11 pm   Subject: Refresh time
Pony Island: http://ponyisland.net

Here's what the admins say about the clicks:
XP gain
Each unique visit (which isn't from a proxy) to your pony's profile gives 5 XP points. The unique visits are reset once a week so you can re-visit a pony you haven't clicked in a week and give it XP again.

For the time being, I can go through and enable a different link each day of the week, but it'd be great if it could be an auto refresh.
  Topic: Refresh time

Replies: 17
Views: 8104

PostForum: Suggestions   Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:21 pm   Subject: Refresh time
I have links I'm using that have a 1 week refresh time (1 person can click on each link once per week), so the 24h/1day options don't do me any good. can we get other options added to that?
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