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pookabunny - Thu Oct 01, 2015 11:48 pm
Post subject: Help with Yarold's Close it Script
Ok so a short while ago I added a page from valleyofunicorns to close automatically and it worked for a few days. Now it doesn't and I don't understand why D:

The page is like http://valleyofunicorns.com/Foal/123456/1234ab

So I wrote in the script: @include http://valleyofunicorns.com/Foal/*

What am I doing wrong? :S

LoneWolf - Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:43 pm

But I think I found out what your problem is - My link in the script is this:
And it stops anything coming from the Valley Of Unicorns site - but it did not stop your page. So, in your case, I added this to the script:
And it still did not stop it... Had a good look at it all & found out the proper Unicorn link is with the 3 www in front of the link:
Changed your link to this & voila! It works ok :-)

I checked your profile page in Yarold & saw that all you other links to Unicorn DO have the 3 www in front of them.
So change your link to have the 3 www in front of it like this & all will be well.

Also, in the script, change the link to:
And it will stop any pages coming from them - even if in the future they change the ".com" to ".net" or something else.

PS: Normally a server will accept a link with or without the 3 www, but they must have changed something on the Unicorn site server - in your case, it was showing an error page.

pookabunny - Sat Oct 03, 2015 3:06 am

So taking away the www fixed everything. o_O Now it works again. Thank you so much!!!

Now its not working again. I'll have to figure this out. -_-

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