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Support - Ask here - CARE/HAT time limit

Tearadria - Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:14 am
Post subject: CARE/HAT time limit
Hi, I click on every link that needs further action when I get them.. I have links that need them and I know how it feels for people to take your credits for nothing!

However, I am a very busy person irl and I am constantly having to do things. I also do not have the fastest internet in the world. So, what I do is use snaplinks and open all 250 links that I am allowed to and I wait for them to ALL load and go through each and everyone one of them that need further action. When I finally get to the HAT test it says " sorry we no longer have anything for you"

This is so VERY frustrating and I am so sorry if this sounds rude but I have not gotten any sleep in the last week. Maybe 3 hours each night if that.

I open these links right before I have to do something so that way when I come back withing I dont know 30 mins = 1 hr they are all loaded for sure and I can go through each and every one of them no problem ... otherwise I cant do it. That is the only way I can open links and get credit and give clicks to other people. I dont have time to sit here and open each individual link at a time to make sure its not a CARE/HAT test so I dont miss it because of a time limit..

Why is there a time limit in the first place?

Is there anything I can do about this personally? Is anyone else frustrated about this as well? I know I am not the only busy person out there who does this.

Please help ;/

Simple - Tue Jan 13, 2015 9:15 pm

Disable CARE, do all the links which don't require an action, then re-enable CARE and do few links at a time...
Ferrari - Fri Jan 16, 2015 7:26 pm

what simple say is a good trick.
I have another good trick
You are new on yarolds so you start with CARE <10 when you have had more than 10 than the HAT will be visible like in my profile you see on (70/72 97.22% ) this means I have had 72 HAT links and clicked 70 I missed 2

the trick is
trick to know if you have a HAT in the open links,

Before you start to click, look profile, your profile say this CARE: on (70/72 )

Than click all the links you see, go back to profile, is it still say CARE: on (70/72 )
you have no HAT in the open links, but if it say CARE: on (70/73 ) there is a HAT, find it, fill in and look back in profile than your profile say CARE: on (71/73 )

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