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Alexxann - Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:02 pm
Post subject: Question about CARE
I'm trying to understand why my CARE numbers keep decreasing? I've missed two HATS, one before I understood what they were lol and one was an accidental window closing when trying to activate that tab. But, my CARE numbers... 47 of 49... at one point some weeks ago I reached 49 of 50, then the numbers started decreasing. I've seen the total go as low as 47 a couple times. I get one or two HATS daily... is the total number to remain below 50? :)
City of MT - Wed Jul 25, 2012 4:05 pm

The HATs and CARE only take into account the past N number of days. I do not remember the exact value for N, but it is approximately 90 days or so. It is to give people a fresh start. So it is normal for the CARE numbers to fluctuate, since it is no longer permanent.

You can check your passed and skipped HATs by going to Your Profile, Accounts tab, and then hover your mouse over the CARE.

Dustydragon - Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:49 pm

You will get back up to 50, if you continue to do all the HATS that you find, and from what I remember the N is 80.

You are doing very well if your care is 47/50 :D CongratZ! :mrgreen:

DemonicJ - Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:37 am

80 days is the time we track HATS/CARE for
Alexxann - Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:39 am

Thanks all! I had no idea it was supposed to reset xD

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