Link exchange

Announcements - Want your Game Site featured here at Yarolds?

DemonicJ - Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:15 am
Post subject: Want your Game Site featured here at Yarolds?
Want to reach more gamers? Gamers that are active & playing games regularly.

Quite simple. You feature our banner on your site & we will feature your banner (up to 180px X 40px) on ours!

As an added benefit, game owners/admins will also get a section of our forum to use (describe your game, recruit, announce updates or for anything you wish) which you will be a moderator of! Your forum space is here . Game owners/admins will also be setup with higher access in our chat room. This will allow you to post links to your game as needed & help you talk to other members not yet playing your game! You will also receive a purple star beside your name to identify you as a game owner/admin

Game admins/owners please contact DemonicJ (via mail through this forum) to arrange.

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