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The Mob - Its our Birthday!

DemonicJ - Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:20 pm
Post subject: Its our Birthday!
Who would have believed it! The MMC Mob turns 3 on the 28th of January!

This isnt a going to be a thankyou kind of post, instead its going to be an open invitation to every member of yarolds (in allies, non allies or just main clickers) to come see the community we have built over the years & more importantly, to help build stronger relations in order to improve the general clicking experience for all & to share with others the ideas we use.

So if your interested or just curious drop into our chat room. its open 24/7

Details are (for Mirc users);

server; irc.magicite.net
Channel; #mmc

or for those without Mirc;

Click here

jassej - Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:20 am

Happy birthday to all MMC Mob members!

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