Link exchange

Support - Ask here - links I can't see on main exchange?

L6313 - Mon Apr 05, 2010 5:07 am
Post subject: links I can't see on main exchange?
I was just wondering why there were links on the main exchange that I can't see. NO I don't mean ones that are hard to see.

There are a few folks who show up listed on the main exchange, that have no link listed. Even when I put my cursor over them, nothing shows up or is "click-able" where the link should be.

I did a search but saw no other topics about this, so here I am. :grin:

Thanks for any help on this,


Jeanne - Mon Apr 05, 2010 5:29 am

They could be Yer Hotels or PhantasyRpg if you have them on timer you can't see more of that type of links.
L6313 - Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:25 am

Jeanne wrote:
They could be Yer Hotels or PhantasyRpg if you have them on timer you can't see more of that type of links.

Yer Hotel links show up for me...even if I have clicked one recently. Not sure about the other type of link. I'll keep my eye open.

Thanks ;)

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