Link exchange


jassej - Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:19 am
Post subject: MMC UBC Rules

Minimum 400 Dynasty clicks / received a day

You should ALWAYS show at least 1 link in the dynasty.
Having negative credits makes your link not visible. You must stay in positive credits.
Therefore all none/hidden links will be removed!

You can become a Samurai when your MinAvg is 300.

You can become a Daimyo when your MinAvg is 700.
Only Emperor or Kampaku can give you Daimyo status.
If your MinAvg is lesser then 200 , or you are not active, you will be demoted to Peasant.
DO NOT kick/boot/remove Peasants.

You can become a Shoguns when your MinAvg is 1100
If your MinAvg is lesser then 600 you will be demoted to Samurai.
Click a lot and was faithful, help to dynasty.
And if you're not active then you will Peasant.
DO NOT kick/boot/remove Peasants / Samurai.

If your MinAvg is lesser then 900 or you have negative credit, hidden/ none link, you will be demoted to Daimyo.
Click the dynasty average daily!!
Be helpful to the dynasty. Help peasants and daimyos when you can.
Only shoguns authorised by Emp can kick, promote, demote
DO NOT make changes to dynasty name, banner, description, unless authorised by Emp
DO NOT make changes to alliances, unless authorised by Emp.

* For Shogun, Daimyo, Samurai please new members under 25% care not let to dynasty!

* Only Emp, Kampaku and Shoguns authorised by Emp can kick, promote, demote.

* If you get kicked, it is not personal.

Last update 24.06.2012

ko0ties - Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:18 pm

* For Shogun and Daimyo, please new members under 25% care not let to dynasty!

and yet

Profile of rednails from MMC UBC dynasty CARE: on (7/41 17.07% )
Profile of perumoviles from MMC UBC dynasty CARE: on (<10)
Profile of Thor from MMC UBC dynasty CARE: on (<10)
Profile of mabril from MMC UBC dynasty CARE: on (<10)
Profile of GeertJan85 from MMC UBC dynasty CARE: on (<10)
Profile of Overflow from MMC UBC dynasty CARE: on (<10)
Profile of PhreaQy from MMC UBC dynasty CARE: on (<10)
Profile of Ice-Cube from MMC UBC dynasty CARE: on (<10)
Profile of winston from MMC UBC dynasty CARE: on (<10)
Profile of maikelpsp from MMC UBC dynasty CARE: on (<10)

So either, the people letting them in need to check or you need to remove this rule.

we all started at CARE: on (<10) so... I dunno

I say remove the rule its a little unfair.

Ferrari - Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:22 pm

(<10) means not under 25%
(<10) means that that person not have had ten HAT links( less as 10), when he have 10 HAT links than shows the %.
when that new person all 10 HAT links fill in correct, the % is not under 25%.
as long as you see (<10) you never know how high or low his % is.

PaiGow - Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:33 pm

ko0ties wrote:
So either, the people letting them in need to check or you need to remove this rule.

Sorry folks... I forgot to check a members HAT % before accepting. :oops:

This user has good dynasty average and positive credits.
I've exchanged mail and will monitor HAT. Will boot if HAT doesn't improve.

The rule is good, but HAT% only reflects the past. If you make early mistakes, it can take a long time to raise back above 25%.

On the other hand... it means more HH Action links for me to click :roll:

Click on,

jassej - Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:49 pm

Rule is good AND REMAINS! Rednails was happy to come inside. And others are new and only from 10 HAT, we will see %, as already stated Ferrari (thanks).

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