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Support - Ask here - Offensive material

buckwheat88 - Wed Mar 23, 2005 10:54 pm
Post subject: Offensive material
There's no "suggestion" section in the forums, so I'll use this as my makeshift "suggestions" thread.

Since lately the admins have been deleting anything that might be considered offensive (even the ones that weren't they just misinterpreted the notes) in people's short notes, I think they should remove all offensive materials, not just the ones that diss other people's dynasties. I think swear words should be removed. I personally don't mind (I cuss up storms often), but there are younger kids on this site, and to the extent of my knowledge, this is a PG site and the younger people on the site don't need to see this.

Metalteo - Thu Mar 24, 2005 1:41 am

Already doing that.

You can report offensive notes in abuse forum.

But there's 1 problem. What is offensive for you, might not be offensive for someone else.

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