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Support - Ask here - Page load errors & disappearing/reappearing graphics

thepossum1 - Mon May 17, 2010 1:00 pm
Post subject: Page load errors & disappearing/reappearing graphics
I am having this happen again today. Some links load perfectly normally, some won't load no matter what. I get a page load error on say, dragcave one click, but the next one loads normally. Graphics in short notes disappear only to reappear if I refresh the page yet gone again next reload. Sometimes they're just gone, sometimes I get the torn paper box in place of the graphics. It happened the other day also. Yesterday all was fine. Thinking it was my machine, I ran malware & virus scans & came up with nothing wrong. It is only happening on the click exchange--any other sites I go to are working fine.

I wonder if it might be something messing with this site.

It stinks because I sometimes am getting credit for the no load clicks but since I can't follow through, the person I clicked is unnecessarily losing credits.

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