Link exchange

Dynasty Discussion - show links 24-7

BAD_PATS_LADY - Tue May 26, 2009 3:22 pm
Post subject: show links 24-7
it is stupid that when you are in a dynasty that you have too show your link 24-7
if you dont do that they will kick you out
for me i only need 100 clicks a day
so this cost me alot off credits
i dont think it is fair that some dynasty tell there members dont show your link in main only in dynasty
so you have too join a dynasty too try too make credits but in the same way you lose alot off credits because you have too show your link 24-7
i dont think that dynasty can do this
this is a click site
you click and you get click
if you have your clicks you can hide your link and if you whant you can try too build up your credits too click other players
but in this way you cant
this is my 2 cent


BAS - Tue May 26, 2009 3:34 pm

i agree i throw away a lot of credits just showing my link in the dynasty.
DarkRaven - Tue May 26, 2009 3:51 pm

I totally agree, it is pointless losing so many credits keeping link showing after the ammount you needed back is maxed especially for those with limited time to click. I stayed out of dynastys for this reason as like BAD_PATS_LADY i only need 100 clicks a day to max on external clicks allowed in the online game we play. This issue really does need looking at again so people can join dynastys without losing credits for hiding links when maxed.
Ferrari - Tue May 26, 2009 3:58 pm

The first thing you say to me, when you joined my dynasty''woow what a lot of links, that is totally different as the dyn i was in''
What do you think will happen if i allow hidden links.
1 you see less links because other members also hide link.
2 my allies drop us because they want to see links and not hidden.
3 when that happen, my members leave dynasty because we have bad or not allies.

So what i can say is,
No one is forced to be in the dynasty, but if you choose to be in one, you should follow the rules...if you don't like the rules of dynasty you are in, just go to another.

Good luck with your decision
♥ Marga ♥

Alba - Tue May 26, 2009 4:19 pm

Ferrari wrote:
So what i can say is,
No one is forced to be in the dynasty, but if you choose to be in one, you should follow the rules...if you don't like the rules of dynasty you are in, just go to another.

♥ Marga ♥

I agree totally.
sometimes we are not even sufficiently rigid with the rules.
we try to give an opportunity to each new member.
but they insist on not fulfilling the rules, is necessary to kick them.

Spexarcity - Tue May 26, 2009 4:19 pm
Post subject: Re: show links 24-7
it is stupid that when you are in a dynasty that you have too show your link 24-7

this is a click site
you click and you get click


As you say, this is a link exchange site, you get credits by clicking the links of other people and if you don't want to show your link, where is the exchange?
You click the dynasty links, but you don't want to show your link to your combatants in the dynasty?
This is unfair!
And I wouldn't like to make an ally with a dynasty full of hidden or none link members.

niinamaa - Tue May 26, 2009 4:35 pm

Dynasty is a family. When we join any dynasty we agree with the rules of this dynasty and must follow them.

We are in dynasty to exchange clicks. You wrote:

"this is a click site
you click and you get click"

But... If your link is hidden, how can I click on your link? You have an opportunity to click on my link, but why I don`t?

If you need only 100 clicks you can collect them without being member of any dynasty...

(Sorry for my English )

BAD_PATS_LADY - Tue May 26, 2009 4:36 pm

well i am for years in yarolds and i cant belief this
that there is no dynasty that you can hide your link when you have your clicks
and again it is share your links and not a game with dynasty can click the most links
yarolds help you in a game what you play
so this is b.....t
that you all can say well we make the rulz if you dont like it you leave fine
i just leave
i also see you all have alott off games or is it just for the link so you can show in the dynasty and try too be one the spot one
damn dont you all see this
that you all kill yarolds
well good luck all and make more games so you have more links too show
and if you really care about the clicks you need in a game you play you must have some balls too show the same links in the main and not only in dynasty

MUSHpark - Tue May 26, 2009 5:15 pm
Post subject: Re: show links 24-7
it is stupid that when you are in a dynasty that you have too show your link 24-7

There are a lot of stupid things dynasties do which are part of the competition.

if you dont do that they will kick you out

Not all dynasties. But those who are at the top of the leaderboard most certainly will.

They get all the links they get by having good allies, and since alliance space is limited, many allies complain if one of the 400 total spots is taken up by someone not showing a link.

for me i only need 100 clicks a day

Then why are you in a dynasty?

Can you not get 100 clicks a day only on the main site? Or, possibly, join a less competitive dynasty or start your own. There are dozens of dynasties, and many of them lower down on the list don't mind hidden links.

i dont think it is fair that some dynasty tell there members dont show your link in main only in dynasty

Dynasty emperors can make their own rules. If you don't think those rules are fair, you can pick a different dynasty. Some dynasties require 400 clicks minimum. Some 350. Some no minimum. Some require showing 10 links. Are these rules unfair too? They are the rules for each dynasty and if you do not wish to follow them, nobody is forcing you to remain in the dynasty.

What is unfair is joining a dynasty and then choosing not to follow their rules.


this is a click site
you click and you get click

Precisely. And if you only need to get clicked 100 times, then you can remain out of dynasties where you will find 100 links on main to click, and get clicked.

If you choose to join a dynasty to be able to click more links, then you should expect to be clicked that much more as well.

if you have your clicks you can hide your link and if you whant you can try too build up your credits too click other players

Dynasties don't like people who click but don't return the favor, and hoard credits.

But if your link only needs 100 clicks per day why do you need to build up any credits?

this is my 2 cent

THank you for sharing your opinion! I think many will disagree with you, but it is a good topic to discuss. :)

thepossum1 - Tue May 26, 2009 5:18 pm

OK, have to chime in with my 2¢. I agree that if you wish to be in a dynasty, you MUST have at least 1 link that is shown 24/7.

The limit for dynasty allies is 400--I do not know of very many dynasties who have fewer than 300 allies. Most dynasties take full advantage of that and have close to that 400. If you only want 100 clicks and hide your link after you get those clicks, you are stopping about 300 people from clicking your link.

If your link only needs 100 clicks, you can get that just being on the main exchange, why choose to be in a dynasty?

#1 reason--A dynasty is much more FUN, you get to read some REALLY funny short notes & interact with people. But it requires you, in most cases, to be as forthcoming with showing links as you are in clicking other people's links. Give and take. We show our links so we are able to click others' links, not to accumulate credits. Many of us show more than just 1 link and are so generous in showing them that we can't possibly click enough other links to afford it. So we buy more credits so we can show those extras.

I would ask--if your link only needs 100 clicks--how many other links do YOU click? Is it only 100? In most cases, I do not see this--most people with hidden/none links have clicked quite a lot more and then hidden their links--that's not very nice.

Perhaps, someone might want to start a dynasty that allows hidden links.

And I cannot believe I am going to say this---if I have a choice between having hidden/none or minus links in allied dynasties--I'd choose minus every time. You can feed credits to a minus but hidden/none are just wasting space in the 400 since you can't do anything with them.

EDIT--oops, MUSHpark covered most of this--faster typer I suspect ;)
2nd EDIT--I want to clarify that I'm not talking about links hidden due to a game site being down, like Dragcave & Valenth like to do from time to time. That is acceptable to me ( although, I'd encourage having a backup link just in case ;) )

Wolverines - Tue May 26, 2009 6:00 pm

wow a quick look at people that have responded say this is a link exchange arent even exchange links (i.m.o.) with everyone
Ferrari - Tue May 26, 2009 6:13 pm

Wolverines wrote:
wow a quick look at people that have responded say this is a link exchange arent even exchange links (i.m.o.) with everyone

:?: :?: what do you mean not exchange links :?:
this all are very active yarold members, and they all play games, I know that because we talk about the games, we breed eggs, we have city's ect ect, look at the numbers, you would call that not exchange links?

Total received:: 387572
Total clicks (ex. today): 275703
Total received:: 38626
Total clicks (ex. today): 56129
Total received:: 234792
Total clicks (ex. today): 271051
Total received:: 272003
Total clicks (ex. today): 289479
Total received:: 258607
Total clicks (ex. today): 324976

Wolverines - Tue May 26, 2009 6:26 pm

Ferrari wrote:
Wolverines wrote:
wow a quick look at people that have responded say this is a link exchange arent even exchange links (i.m.o.) with everyone

:?: :?: what do you mean not exchange links :?:
this all are very active yarold members, and they all play games, I know that because we talk about the games, we breed eggs, we have city's ect ect, look at the numbers, you would call that not exchange links?

Total received:: 387572
Total clicks (ex. today): 275703
Total received:: 38626
Total clicks (ex. today): 56129
Total received:: 234792
Total clicks (ex. today): 271051
Total received:: 272003
Total clicks (ex. today): 289479
Total received:: 258607
Total clicks (ex. today): 324976

yep i wasnt going to name name's but u can add yours and mine to that list as well as not sharing links....not sharing with main...yes bad_pats_lady can get her clicks there but can only give like 40 back....you cant say any of us dont click the main either cause i would find the hard to believe

BAD_PATS_LADY - Tue May 26, 2009 6:38 pm

it is not that i whant too be in a dynastie
but it is that you all dont show your links in main
so that i cant get my credits back what i lose
you all tell your members plz do show your link only in the dynasty
so if you all have balls and you all dont give a damn for your credits that you will lose

MUSHpark - Tue May 26, 2009 7:02 pm

Wolverines wrote:
wow a quick look at people that have responded say this is a link exchange arent even exchange links (i.m.o.) with everyone

Ferrari wrote:

Total received:: 258607
Total clicks (ex. today): 324976

Hahaha. I find it amusing I am being accused of being unfair with exchanging links.

For starters, the above comparison assumes all links are 1 credit each. I had a Yer hotel link for a very long time. That required 5 credits (5 clicks to other sites) for every 1 click received. That is one way the total above can be unbalanced.

But yes, I agree I have clicked many more times than I have been clicked. Mostly because I very freely transfer my credits to other members who are in the negatives, so that their links can be clicked. If you look at my credit balance you will see that it is far lower than the difference above.

Take a look, for example, at maryo2oo6, a member of my dynasty until very recently.

Total received:: 8189
Total clicks (ex. today): 4533

Or perhaps billy, a current member.
Total received:: 19184
Total clicks (ex. today): 15410

Or another former member xEpiiC SNiiPEz,
Total received:: 6534
Total clicks (ex. today): 3632

I could go on and on. Those are just three examples of the probably hundred or so new members to Yarolds whom I have helped with credit donations in the thousands and who have many higher "received" than clicked. I would rather their link get clicked than one of my own useless ones. I still help out my alliance with an extra link, it's just not mine, it's someone else's.

When you add up all the credits I have purchased and given away, I have given away many many many more links than I have benefited from in clicking.

If you want to focus on people being unfair in clicking/being clicked, then look at the people who have very high credit balances, who have not paid for those credits. Those are the people who aren't evenly exchanging links.

thepossum1 - Tue May 26, 2009 7:11 pm

Well, actually, I personally DO show my links in main--when I CHOOSE to do it. Generally for Unicreatures that only needs a few clicks to make a level. Rather than only let that number of allies get the click, I'm still sharing. Same with history--I show when I choose which is generally never. That is why I have VIP. As the numbers show--I am clicked a WHOLE lot more than I click back. The same goes for showing any extra links I care to show--they are extra and I show when I choose and limit them to how many credits I choose.

I suppose we can liken dynasties to membership clubs--the club sets the rules, you can choose to abide by those rules or find another club.

If a gamer only requires 100 clicks/day for their game why should we have to show our links where they can click them if we are not able to click them back if they have already been clicked the max amount their game needs? That is ludicrous. hmmm sounds awfully socialistic to me. You have more links/credits/money than I do so give me some. :roll:

My links, my credits, I decide.

MUSHpark - Tue May 26, 2009 7:12 pm

it is not that i whant too be in a dynastie
but it is that you all dont show your links in main
so that i cant get my credits back what i lose

There are enough non-VIP members in dynasties who click on Main, whose links should be clickable on history.

They should especially be more clickable if they are in positive credits, and the only way for dynasty members to remain in positive credits is to show only in dynasty and history.

Showing in main makes most people negative so there's still nothing on main to click.

nhhk - Tue May 26, 2009 7:21 pm

I don't really see the problem. A quick reply would be to tell you, that if you is in a dynasti, you might be able to click 350-400 a day. Then it should be no problems with your credits. Another thing is that you already got over 19,000 credits.
Wolverines - Tue May 26, 2009 8:12 pm

i wasnt accusing anyone of anything mush...but everyone is fast to point out that this is a link exchange and when u look closely they dont even show on the main/history...as i said i dont either..so this is just a dynasty exchange...if you not member of a dynasty then u SOL i guess

possum i think u took it totally wrong i think she just want a chance at getting her credits back that she lose....but how can she without buying them?

MUSHpark - Tue May 26, 2009 9:05 pm

Wolverines wrote:
..so this is just a dynasty exchange...if you not member of a dynasty then u SOL i guess

Yes it is unfortunate how few links are on main link exchange any more, compared to how it used to be.

Wolverines wrote:
she just want a chance at getting her credits back that she lose....but how can she without buying them?

As a member of even the top dynasties, you only get about 300 to 350 clicks per day to your link. For example, go to history page, customize, and don't remove rows without links (but do check to remove duplicates). This is how many people have clicked any of your links. For me it tells me "Total 344 rows here" and that is with several extra links on daily reset. The number is lower if you use 24h reset.

So you only need to click about 300-350 links per day to stay credit-neutral in a top dynasty. (Which is why many dynasties have a minimum click rule about that level. That is what is required to stay positive.) And it is trivially easy to get almost that many clicks just by using "open all".

If you choose a dynasty which is not near the top, they usually have fewer allies, a lot more negative or non-clickers, and the ratio can be much closer to the 100 links that are desired.

So the fact is, if you only want to get 100 clicks and give 100 clicks, you should not be joining one of the top clicking dynasties.

Maybe BAD PATS LADY can start her own dynasty and only ally to make a total dynasty alliance size of about 100. Then she can click 100 times, get clicked 100 times, and all will work out. But if she joins a dynasty with 400 allies, she can expect to be clicked that many times (and to click that many links).

thepossum1 - Tue May 26, 2009 9:21 pm

Wolverines wrote:
i wasnt accusing anyone of anything mush...but everyone is fast to point out that this is a link exchange and when u look closely they dont even show on the main/history...as i said i dont either..so this is just a dynasty exchange...if you not member of a dynasty then u SOL i guess

possum i think u took it totally wrong i think she just want a chance at getting her credits back that she lose....but how can she without buying them?

Actually, I got that point Wolverines and there is nothing wrong with wanting to click only as much as you need to cover showing a link until you have achieved that amount. So you would only click 100 and no more if that is all your game needs, correct? But I do not think that this is what we're really discussing. JMHO

Cookie - Tue May 26, 2009 10:28 pm

in yarold you have two types of players
you have the one for there games and you have the ones who want to play yarold. yarold is a game to in a way. if it was not i could :lol: easily put my links on a autohitter problem solved. but yarold is a game to... you want to be the best you want to play against others... just like in a game... is that killing yarold i don't think so i even think it is better. when i look back lets see about two years ago what were they doing in that time? i thought it was even worse... Lady you know what i mean what happened in the past... do you want me links quick click them they are in hys... quick putting some extra links in you're profile and give them to friends that they can click them and quick remove them... every morning transferring credits to negatives so you can click them... and do you know why? because even in that time people wanted to be the best.... the best clicker and the best dynasty... nothing changed really... we all still want to be the best... only the way of playing has changed.
if you don't are a player who wants to be the best but only play for you're clicks go in a other dyn ore not in any other... and stop waning.

Ferrari - Tue May 26, 2009 10:36 pm

drusilla wrote:
Lady you know what i mean what happened in the past... do you want me links quick click them they are in hys... quick putting some extra links in you're profile and give them to friends that they can click them and quick remove them... every morning transferring credits to negatives so you can click them...

Ohh yes lol, I remember, Yvonne (rest in peace) and me, every morning we transfered all negatives in alliance, we had great Fun.
Yes drusilla you have right, it was always like this, and it will never change, why not? because we like it here, we have fun, we have friends, and the game between the dynastys is great :) thank you emps for this fun every day again :lol:

Cookie - Tue May 26, 2009 10:45 pm

i wil never forget those days they were alot off fun in a way.
thank god for wild thing to i could click alot off here tranfers hahaha and yes from yvonne and you to ferrari...
wel atleast even in that time it was like that and see yarold is stil alive even more alive than in the past :mrgreen:

nothing has shanged and yarold is stil alive more alive than ever :cool:

MUSHpark - Tue May 26, 2009 11:01 pm

drusilla wrote:
in yarold you have two types of players
you have the one for there games and you have the ones who want to play yarold.

Does it have to be one or the other?

I like to "play yarold" which gives me many more clicks than I need or want for whichever games I am playing.

But at the same time, I get to learn about new games and maybe try them out, and when I do I get plenty of easy clicks which makes playing the new game easier.

Cookie - Wed May 27, 2009 9:18 am

MUSHpark wrote:

I like to "play yarold" .

thats what i mean MUSH we are players not only clickers to get some clicks for oure games

and yes sometimes we getting to know new games that we can play to because it is fun....

its all about fun and joy otherwise i was already gone and putting my links on a autohitter

Morganza - Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:42 am

Now I'm doing both. I use an autoclicker to get clicks for my games, and I play Yarold's for the dynasty competition. (I also use Yarold's to fine-tune which eggs get clicks, because it is so very easy to adjust my links.)

However, if you need followthrough, you can't use an autoclicker -- I haven't seen one yet that can click Doorgaan for you :-)

When I first joined Yarolds' though, I was just so very happy to see all my eggs hatching so fast...

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