Link exchange

Suggestions - Removeing the uneeded cool down timers

Sci - Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:39 pm
Post subject: Removeing the uneeded cool down timers
Since starting my time at SWLE back in august the wait before you click timers, what I call cool down timers, have been added to what feels like every site in the exchange, I know some need them for people to get the full value of their cred and I can accept that without problem, still do not like it but I can accept it as unavoidable, but there are quite a few that have them but do not need them, I was asked to post my concerns and my arguments for why these sites do not need the cool down timers so here they are

dragon cave - well dc got it's timer because TJ09 was having problems from people snapping open many links to his site from fan sites, someone took this to mean us when TJ09 was referring to places like dragon hatchery or whatever it's called and the like which listed out hundreds and some sites even thousands of eggs on a page and people would go in and snap every one of them open causing a great strain to be put on the server and with typical tj fashion before I could bring this up he wiped the post so now I am without proof...

Arvyre - I mod there and I know we have no need for the timers, though for the next day or two we are down from a server upgrade, there are some half a dozen other sites that use the same script as us that do not need them either, I can't recall their names but they're easy to recognize because the layout is basically the same as ours at arvyre.

Dragonadopters - I am not sure of one way or another about their need of a cool down but I can't figure out why they might need one asides from the lotto which is 5 times a day max per clicker, for members of the site only and of no concern to the link owner or the fact that once you pass a certain amount of click they stop having an effect which is not helped by a cool down timer.

Unicreatures - also does not need one, they are an odd one though, each stage needs a small amount of clicks to evolve and once they reach that point clicks stop counting till the owner evolves em and the cycle starts again till they reach their final stage but again I do not see how a cool down timer helps with his at all

Valenth - it was said that they now have their own cool down timer, just be sure I snapped open about a dozen and got no "you clicked to fast" message or whatever was supposed to be seen, they did upgrade their feeding page but that's it, it still functions as it did 3 months ago,

well I think that's about all the links I have a problem with, I don't play any of the other games with the cool down timers so I have no grounds to dispute them, feel free to support or dispute my reasons and if you feel I am wrong about something by all means tell me.

radon - Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:00 am

Pony island also has a cool down timer that I do not understand the need for.

I don't play any of the others but Dragon Cave, and with the sporadic nature of the DC links here, I would agree other sites were more the issue with creation of server strain. At the very least, I think the timer could be shorter.

jennielynn - Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:46 pm
Post subject: Re: Removeing the uneeded cool down timers
Sci wrote:
dragon cave - well dc got it's timer because TJ09 was having problems from people snapping open many links to his site from fan sites, someone took this to mean us when TJ09 was referring to places like dragon hatchery or whatever it's called and the like which listed out hundreds and some sites even thousands of eggs on a page and people would go in and snap every one of them open causing a great strain to be put on the server and with typical tj fashion before I could bring this up he wiped the post so now I am without proof...

You are correct there, but at one point, he actually added a timeout if you tried to load more than one page at a time. I don't know for sure if this time out is gone or not, but that's the real reason that the timer was added to DC, I believe. I'm not saying you don't have a valid point. Just saying that maybe the timers were valid at one point, and maybe there's been a change that needs to be investigated.

Zaecus - Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:18 am
Post subject: Re: Removeing the uneeded cool down timers
Sci wrote:
Valenth - it was said that they now have their own cool down timer, just be sure I snapped open about a dozen and got no "you clicked to fast" message or whatever was supposed to be seen, they did upgrade their feeding page but that's it, it still functions as it did 3 months ago,

Valenth had an internal 10 second cool down. This has been removed with the implementation of the new pet info page for now.

The guy in charge of programming has indicated he is perfectly willing to put it back, and he hasn't been extremely clear on what will cause him to do that.

Personally, if possible, I think the timer for Valenth should be reduced to about 5 seconds--not too severe, but enough to hopefully reduce any strain Yarold's might be causing them. Yes, right now, we don't need one at all, but I don't see how playing nice would be bad for us or them.

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