Link exchange

Suggestions - Hide <-1>, <none>, no links in Dynasty

gamamew - Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:49 pm
Post subject: Hide <-1>, <none>, no links in Dynasty
I'm asking, there's a way to implement an option in the Dynasty Exchange to hide rows with negative <-1>, <none>, <hidden> and no links; like in the History page.

It would be nice for the Happy Hours in order to see if there are available links and no needing to scroll all the way down.


EDIT: Just forget this, hiding all columns except "Links" do the job. :razz:

Aywren - Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:34 pm

I think having an option for this would be a good idea! Though I automatically ignore the negatives, nones, hiddens, etc, it would be nice just to have a page of straight links. Very, very nice. :o

I agree it should be an option only, though. I'm sure our Emperors like to keep an eye on their Dynasty members. :wink:

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