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Dynasty Discussion - Dynasty Discussion

Grandpa - Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:34 pm
Post subject: Dynasty Discussion
Who do you think is the best and why?

We Stay Positive dynasty is not the best. It never will be the best, but that's not he point of this discussion; it's not my intent to start another thread about competition or why any one dynasty is better than another. Instead, might we not consider the reasons behind joining a dynasty, any dynasty?

500 Clicks Available
If the reasons behind joining a dynasty can be expressed in numbers only the question becomes very simple. But in reality the question, "who is the best", is complicated, not simple. We are allowed a total of 400 allied members within each dynasty. To me, given this restriction, ANY dynasty that has at least one member whose average is 500 or more is "one of the best". The fact that allies show enough links to allow those numbers is a tribute to the skill of the emperors, to their ability to attract and keep the best allies within their group. Average clicks of 500+ also demonstrates dedication of the members of the dynasty. Any dynasty that allows these numbers easily is a rare find indeed.

Again, it's not just about numbers: Each group has it's own dynamic and the ones who generate a sense of common identity stand out. Respect dynasty comes to mind. For example, the common color theme in the short notes doesn't cost any credits, but it does reflect a group of members who pull together. Many dynasties have various contests that do the same thing. Infinity comes to mind when I look to see "strong and inspiring leadership". Gamers Alliance gives new members the chance they need to become strong competitors. There are dozens of reasons each dynasty can take pride in their fellowships. Click counts and averages are okay, but accept the challenge implied here (please) and look beyond the numbers. What quality or qualities do you appreciate most? It is not my intention to leave anyone out of the list - only to start the discussion.

So, what qualities do you appreciate in the dynasties and their leadership here? I would especially like to see responses that champion the concepts and principles of other dynasties (not yours) but all positive comments are very welcome here.


"We Stay Positive dynasty is not the 'best'.
Don't get me wrong, I am proud of the efforts of each and every member and especially proud of how well we pull together to demonstrate commitment to our group and allies.

nhhk - Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:54 pm

Grandpa, I think those dynasties you've told about now, is very important. Quantity is best, on this theme. But not always.

Everyone has their own properties and everyone has different properties therefore is quantity very important.

I can too give some Examples:

RMV show that everyone in this dynasti is a family
Respect show that they respect members and that every member is valued. This is the most important at all
Just4fun show that they really mean ' just4fun ' it is just4fun!
mmc mob show that strength is something they have. Keep think positive in bad times and good times
infinity is show that, it isn't just Minh-phuoc that can show leadership
and Gamers Alliance for give everyone a chance

This is my list of they who show what a really dynasty mean:

1. Respect
2. Gamers Alliance
3. Real Mini Village
4. Just4fun
5. Mmc mob
6. Infinity

Those who came at 4. - 5. - 6. - everyone is GREAT dynasties! And I will say good luck to everyone of you!

I feel this was a good topic. I mean RMV is the best on those Ave and clicks, but I mean Respect is the best dynasti. because they show that they really Respect us. You maybe don't know how serious this is. I really not like the word best ' it is so selfish. So I will end up with say, no-one is the best. But many can be good. and too all, Admins too. Everyone can make a fault. Someone more than others, but a chance is a word very important. Give everyone a new chance if they need it. That it so important. Sometimes you think you've just helped, but you not knew when to stop. If, someone did something wrong, forgive that and give her/him a new chance. It is worth that. I hope everyone can think over this

Now I have talked much about Words, and what's important and what's not important.
- If you not agree, tell me and say your meaning here. Everyone has different meaning. And if you mean I said something wrong, just tell. I am open for you.

and Grandpa, yes, you have right. Win is not the important. What is important, is to participate.
Because can you win without participate?

But I think the most important is NOT to be best and selfish, but have friends around us.

I have self had no friends, everyone hate me, and I was just sad.

But I think everyone has 1 friend.

But someone is best but NOT selfish. Like Real Mini Village , they show RESPECT for they're allies.

And the name RESPECT is also the dynasti name to actually Respect.

I think most of these guys and girls who is seen this, is agree with me.

And remember this:

1.The important isn't to be best, but participate. Cause can you win of no-one participate?
2. It's nice to be important, but more important to be nice
3. not be sad, you know it is always a new day
4. Don't worry, be happy

Remember this, and everything will be fine

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