Link exchange

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mph10 - Wed Jul 16, 2008 8:10 am
Post subject: dragcave.ath.cx
today while clicking i have noticed that none of the "dragcave.ath.cx" links are working for me, is this to do with the link exchange, me or dragoncave?

have you already realised?

Metalteo - Wed Jul 16, 2008 10:36 am

Works fine for me, but if you don't provide more information about a problem, we are not able to help you.
jennielynn - Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:14 pm
Post subject: Re: dragcave.ath.cx
mph10 wrote:
today while clicking i have noticed that none of the "dragcave.ath.cx" links are working for me, is this to do with the link exchange, me or dragoncave?

have you already realised?

Dragcave servers are not very stable, especially on the hour.

If you get "Could not load page" or "Could not find server" or whatever, 99% of the time it's Dragcave. I try to reload those pages (you might get a SWLE error, but ignore it if your link counted and click the HERE link), and see if they'll load a second time, to make sure that the user gets their views.

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