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Support - Ask here - Clicking your own link and Resets

sawanp8 - Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:23 pm
Post subject: Clicking your own link and Resets
If you click your own link....
what happens to your credits?
do you lose them ?
gain them?

Oh yeah and what is a reset and what happens when a reset is done and when does a reset happen?

Thanatos - Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:58 pm

The main advantage to clicking your own link is if you're in a dynasty you get a dynasty credit for it. Other than that - it cancels itself out.

Every 24 hours Yarold's resets and links become visible again. For me that's at 10pm but it depends on your time zone/country. This doesn't mean everything that is on a 24 hour timer can be clicked - just that it shows up again. Also, your click history is set to 0.

sawanp8 - Fri Jul 22, 2005 11:17 pm

ok thanks
what do you mean dynasty credits?
how many kinds of credits are there?

TranceZ64 - Sat Jul 23, 2005 9:28 am

There's no variation to credits, credits = credits. Pretty much the only way to catagorize credits is by how much recive from each link. By "Dynasty" credits he means you get a differnt number of credits from clicking link on your Dynasty Exchange page, as well as diffetn amounts from differnt links (The amount of credits is determined by link's timer, frames, ect.)
eveilsor - Thu Aug 04, 2005 10:23 am

I think you'll find that Thanatos is not a 'he'... :roll:

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