Link exchange

Banned accounts - banned zero???

Cookie - Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:40 pm
Post subject: banned zero???
dear bella and others,

sorry for my poor english but i wil do my best
yesterday was my friend zero been baned as a double of mine, and i lost almost 700 credits. we just dont understand why. because we are two defrend persons. we dont even have the same ip number ore the same mail adres.... ok we doneted to eatchather but i see no rule in the list about donating. sometimes we jused eachathers link.. but so do a lot offf people here and i dont see a rule about it
thx for the explenation

greetings drusilla

[ Added: Fri Jul 13, 2007 8:58 pm ]
For those who couldn't follow rules and have their accounts banned.....

i just want to know witch rule that zero and i did.....

because i cant see a rule about this......

greetings drusilla

bella - Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:15 pm

I have been watching those two accounts for a long time and quite simply I don't believe that you are actually different people.
For those of us who are technically minded it is very simple to change IP addresses. (or have 2 computers in different locations)
Every single time the zero account got any credits you would transfer them back to your main account. Maybe I am underestimating the deep level of friendship you share with your friend, but cynical as I am I don't believe someone would be that altruistic.
So seeing as though you two do like to share so much, I don't think you need more than one account.

Cookie - Wed Jul 18, 2007 3:19 pm

dear bella
thanks for you're pm i'm glad we talkt it out... but we didn't share all credits.
he only needs about 70 clicks a day the rest he gave to me.
but thanks for unbanning him and youre understanding
greetings drusilla

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